CREDENCE - Gay Family in New Film - An Eye Opener!

It is truly a great film whose time has come!

The Randy Report: Sci-fi film to portray LGBT family

Have you seen the film? The whole film?
No, how could I, since it is still in production having started shooting just earlier this year and they are still trying to raise more money for its completion that I think is a very worthwhile project. In my introduction, I did not say the film was completed so don't know how you could have reached that conclusion. What I did say was "This film is truly a First! It presents an excellent challenge to Gay character portrayals. It is truly a great film whose time has come!" Since the film now has a *trailer* that one can look at, that was meant to elicit interest in this film from what we can clearly see from the trailer and to get others interested enough to support it to completion and to know that this film is destined to open eyes like perhaps no other film has done before based upon its content.

And yet you call it a "truly great film." How would you know? You have not seen it, it is not yet finished. It may very well suck when released. It may very well garner accolades and awards. You don't know, just as you don't know whether or not it is a "truly great film."

As for it being a film whose time has come, maybe. The atmosphere in the country is certainly more conducive to its release than in years past.
Mick....the OP is a pretty pathetic poster....i have been in quite a few of her threads and she doesnt fare to well.....always seems to "disappear" too....

Yeah, I have attempted to engage TP on more than one occasion to no avail. It would seem that when the questions, like have you seen the movie, are too tough TP turns tail and runs. At the very least TP will pretend you asked nothing.

Quite cowardly, actually...
Not at all. Your spin on this is quite pathetic also, by the way. You have to realize that there are hundreds upon hundreds of different threads one can visit in this message board and since I tend to visit many of them per day I cannot always return to my original postings to respond tit for tat to every comment made. I have, however, answered an earlier question of yours that is, if you care to read it. I know you like for me to talk to you and that is why you are so antsy for an answer so now you know why I could not get back sooner.

And yet you replied three times to other posts after I posed my question...

As for liking you to talk to me, meh, I couldn't care less. But when you declare an unreleased, uncompleted film to be "truly great," expect some pushback...
Yeah, I have attempted to engage TP on more than one occasion to no avail. It would seem that when the questions, like have you seen the movie, are too tough TP turns tail and runs. At the very least TP will pretend you asked nothing.

Quite cowardly, actually...
Not at all. Your spin on this is quite pathetic also, by the way. You have to realize that there are hundreds upon hundreds of different threads one can visit in this message board and since I tend to visit many of them per day I cannot always return to my original postings to respond tit for tat to every comment made. I have, however, answered an earlier question of yours that is, if you care to read it. I know you like for me to talk to you and that is why you are so antsy for an answer so now you know why I could not get back sooner.

And yet you replied three times to other posts after I posed my question...

As for liking you to talk to me, meh, I couldn't care less. But when you declare an unreleased, uncompleted film to be "truly great," expect some pushback...
UR Truly :cuckoo:

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