Creepy Hair Sniffer Uncle Joe Nibbles Finger...

A lot can happen between now and next year. Biden. Who?
He will never even get the nomination. The democrats are watching this real close, and they will not allow an "OLD WHITE GUY" be their nominee. Not Biden, not feel the burn, they're both just treading water going through the motions spending all their money, just a waste of time.

The dems will try and prop up Pocahontas, or Buttplug, or Camel Toe Harris... someone... Bloomberg ain't it either. He's another OLD RICH WHITE GUY, and democrats HATE them.

The dems are in a world of hurt, and there isn't any way out. Trump is going to win again, period.
I think you are missing a play here. Biden will most likely be the nomination with Warren as V.P. IF they win the plan will be to oust Biden over a claim of mental incompetence. Warren becomes president then she can inact all the giveaways and other programs they have planned.
Too bad there are "creepy" photos of Trump kissing on women of all ages too. He is not innocent either. Remember what he did at the Ms. Universe pageants. With his nasty perverted self!
... I mean... does this guys behavior get any more bizarre? What's with this guy? And he's the democrat FRONT RUNNER? ... :lol:

The democrats have NO ONE, PERIOD, that even stands a SNOW BALLS CHANCE IN HELL of beating Trump.


Video: Joe Biden Nibbles Wife Jill’s Finger at Iowa Campaign Event

Former Vice President Joe Biden nibbled on his wife Jill’s finger during a campaign event in Council Bluffs, Iowa on Saturday, adding to his ever-growing list of gaffes and bizarre behaviors on the 2020 primary trail.

The act occurred as Jill Biden stretched her arm out while introducing her husband. The former vice president moved out of the way of his wife’s hand and went for her finger. The move prompted laughs from Jill and some of the 200 supporters on hand.

Video: Joe Biden Bites Wife Jill’s Finger at Iowa Campaign Event
In all fairness to Joe, this is Jill's fault. She was supposed to have his binky ready.
Since Jill forbid him to force himself on little girls and get his nose stuck in their hair, Jojo has taken up sucking Jills fingers!



Creepy Joe strikes again. At a campaign stop in Iowa on Saturday, the Democratic presidential candidate munched on his wife's finger as she spoke to the crowd at the first stop on the candidate's "No Malarkey" bus tour through Iowa.

While talking to the crowd, Jill Biden raised up her hand as she referred to her husband as the future president of the United States. The so-called future president then began nibbling on his wife's finger as Jill Biden and the crowd laughed away the awkward moment.

Joe Biden has a long history of inappropriately touching, hugging, smelling and kissing women and children. Earlier this year, the candidate pledged to be more mindful in his interactions with other people.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh shit!!!

I almost fell off the chair when I saw that. :21:
... I mean... does this guys behavior get any more bizarre? What's with this guy? And he's the democrat FRONT RUNNER? ... :lol:

The democrats have NO ONE, PERIOD, that even stands a SNOW BALLS CHANCE IN HELL of beating Trump.


Video: Joe Biden Nibbles Wife Jill’s Finger at Iowa Campaign Event

Former Vice President Joe Biden nibbled on his wife Jill’s finger during a campaign event in Council Bluffs, Iowa on Saturday, adding to his ever-growing list of gaffes and bizarre behaviors on the 2020 primary trail.

The act occurred as Jill Biden stretched her arm out while introducing her husband. The former vice president moved out of the way of his wife’s hand and went for her finger. The move prompted laughs from Jill and some of the 200 supporters on hand.

Video: Joe Biden Bites Wife Jill’s Finger at Iowa Campaign Event
Let us know when he grabs a pussy, k?
... I mean... does this guys behavior get any more bizarre? What's with this guy? And he's the democrat FRONT RUNNER? ... :lol:

The democrats have NO ONE, PERIOD, that even stands a SNOW BALLS CHANCE IN HELL of beating Trump.


Video: Joe Biden Nibbles Wife Jill’s Finger at Iowa Campaign Event

Former Vice President Joe Biden nibbled on his wife Jill’s finger during a campaign event in Council Bluffs, Iowa on Saturday, adding to his ever-growing list of gaffes and bizarre behaviors on the 2020 primary trail.

The act occurred as Jill Biden stretched her arm out while introducing her husband. The former vice president moved out of the way of his wife’s hand and went for her finger. The move prompted laughs from Jill and some of the 200 supporters on hand.

Video: Joe Biden Bites Wife Jill’s Finger at Iowa Campaign Event

Brietbart is so ridiculous, they depend on these insignificant stories.
Like TWO SCOOPS of ice cream?
Eating fried chicken?
Fast food at the white house?

Lord people are such an obvious tool.
And Trump is the one with the mental disorder.....ROTFLMFAO!!!
Yes, the two are in no way mutually exclusive; a concept partisanshitheads cannot comprehend.
Of course it is exclusive....need to see a montage of Jojo the pedophile and sexual abyser....fucking perverted leftist scum!


This is as clear as I need... in order to, at the very least, ask more questions.

But with the left?

Well I guess this is more of the stuff Jill warned democrats they would have to swallow so they could vote for Joe...
Too bad there are "creepy" photos of Trump kissing on women of all ages too. He is not innocent either. Remember what he did at the Ms. Universe pageants. With his nasty perverted self!

Really? What did he do that was not a bald-faced lie or exaggeration?
Who is this getting some "Free" sugar from our girl's? Or was he having dessert?
He must have put that body oil on called - Lick me all over!

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