Creepy Joe Biden goes to Europe and trashes America says our nation is an embarssment

At least that traitor pig's son had the decency to die of brain cancer, I guess knowing the abomination gene-pool from which he came! I wish I had a straw to drink the tears off that traitor Joe Biden's face (always enriched with that self-righteous expression of professional piety) when he watched his son buried. It's no wonder that the most vindictive, American-hating president in history, Typhoid Barry Obanmaggot, would pick this mistake of carbon-compounds as his VP.

Why doesn't Joe Biden do the right thing and get cancer like his ill-fated son? It would be so much hilarious fun to watch this American-hating SON OF A BITCH puking, convulsing, pissing, shitting and losing whatever's left of its hair as it squirms around the room in its chemotherapy agonies. Joe Biden is a thing of pure human evil. There is nothing human about it.
Well you're just a hate-filled sick-fuck ain't ya?

I hope karma gives you what you deserve.
Well that would be a comparable SNL skit on a progressive socialist version of what is done to Trump.
Please, point out where SNL hoped the tRump and his family dies of cancer.

I'll wait, I suspect it will be a while.
I hope your not light headed from holding your breath...these moronic simps wouldn't know facts if it came wrapped in a MAGA hat box
At least that traitor pig's son had the decency to die of brain cancer, I guess knowing the abomination gene-pool from which he came! I wish I had a straw to drink the tears off that traitor Joe Biden's face (always enriched with that self-righteous expression of professional piety) when he watched his son buried. It's no wonder that the most vindictive, American-hating president in history, Typhoid Barry Obanmaggot, would pick this mistake of carbon-compounds as his VP.

Why doesn't Joe Biden do the right thing and get cancer like his ill-fated son? It would be so much hilarious fun to watch this American-hating SON OF A BITCH puking, convulsing, pissing, shitting and losing whatever's left of its hair as it squirms around the room in its chemotherapy agonies. Joe Biden is a thing of pure human evil. There is nothing human about it.
Well you're just a hate-filled sick-fuck ain't ya?

I hope karma gives you what you deserve.
Well that would be a comparable SNL skit on a progressive socialist version of what is done to Trump.
Please, point out where SNL hoped the tRump and his family dies of cancer.

I'll wait, I suspect it will be a while.
they voted for this brain dead piece of garbage in the WH now and don't have the balls to admit how wrong they were don't matter. For he is the last chance of a former Republic to a Democracy now tattering to Tyranny. If he gets half the stuff he promised it is a victory because Hillary was not elected. He would have more but there were Repubs who sold him out.
Like many Americans I was embarrassed as hell when the stupid Moon Bats in this country elected that incompetent worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and that clown Biden as President and VP. How could Americans be that stupid? The Obama administration was a disaster for this country and as un-American as it gets.

However, I never went to a foreign country and stood up in front of foreigners and proclaimed that the President was an embarrassment.

That is low class and just shows the hate and vitriol that the filthy Democrats have for this country. Despicable!

By the way, that asshole Obama did the same damn thing.
Fortunately there is Ivanka
Ivanka Trump leads the way at the Munich Security Conference | Daily Mail Online
The fact remains, senile Joe Biden is a fucking moron… He has been a career politician all his life so he is corrupt to the core
Speaking to European allies, Biden trashed America with an open hostility, violating the unspoken tradition of leaving political gripes at home when speaking in foreign nations.

Creepy Joe Biden Goes to Europe and Trashes America, Says Our Nation is an 'Embarrassment'

Biden is such a liar, he is one of those people who look and act just like that bs-ing car salesman we've all encountered at some point or other.


It’ll be nice to use in the campaign should Joe get the Dimm nomination.

He is so woke, he likes to bash us overseas, like all good representatives of nations do when they travel abroad!
Joe Biden is undermining the administration on an international level - He’s the embarrassment - He’s like a crazy family member that talks bad about the family to other people - guess what? the Europeans, like most people, have no respect for someone undermines their own nation Kimberly Guilfoyle on Twitter

Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) February 17, 2019

Wow. Joe Biden is overseas telling Europeans that America is an embarrassment!

Seriously?! You do not speak for us, Joe. There are millions of proud, liberty-loving Americans who think YOU are the embarrassment!
Joe Biden Tells Europe That America Is ‘An Embarrassment’

Kimberly Guilfoyle (@kimguilfoyle) February 17, 2019
I am embarrassed to be in a country that has the destructive Democrat Party. Any American would be.
At least that traitor pig's son had the decency to die of brain cancer, I guess knowing the abomination gene-pool from which he came! I wish I had a straw to drink the tears off that traitor Joe Biden's face (always enriched with that self-righteous expression of professional piety) when he watched his son buried. It's no wonder that the most vindictive, American-hating president in history, Typhoid Barry Obanmaggot, would pick this mistake of carbon-compounds as his VP.

Why doesn't Joe Biden do the right thing and get cancer like his ill-fated son? It would be so much hilarious fun to watch this American-hating SON OF A BITCH puking, convulsing, pissing, shitting and losing whatever's left of its hair as it squirms around the room in its chemotherapy agonies. Joe Biden is a thing of pure human evil. There is nothing human about it.
Well you're just a hate-filled sick-fuck ain't ya?

I hope karma gives you what you deserve.
Well that would be a comparable SNL skit on a progressive socialist version of what is done to Trump.
Why do conservatives struggle with equivalencies ?
Low IQs.
Why are Trumpicans such fools for photoshopped garbage? Are they stupid, malicious or both?
Photoshoped? Tell us how you've determined that. Or can you not say?
By looking at the original photo and tracking the photoshopped photo to rhe original source. Photo was exposed as fake immediately after it was first published in 2013. Six years later you morons are still pushing it onto the suckers and as Ann Colter says, dumbest of the Trump base.
At least that traitor pig's son had the decency to die of brain cancer, I guess knowing the abomination gene-pool from which he came! I wish I had a straw to drink the tears off that traitor Joe Biden's face (always enriched with that self-righteous expression of professional piety) when he watched his son buried. It's no wonder that the most vindictive, American-hating president in history, Typhoid Barry Obanmaggot, would pick this mistake of carbon-compounds as his VP.

Why doesn't Joe Biden do the right thing and get cancer like his ill-fated son? It would be so much hilarious fun to watch this American-hating SON OF A BITCH puking, convulsing, pissing, shitting and losing whatever's left of its hair as it squirms around the room in its chemotherapy agonies. Joe Biden is a thing of pure human evil. There is nothing human about it.
Well you're just a hate-filled sick-fuck ain't ya?

I hope karma gives you what you deserve.
Well that would be a comparable SNL skit on a progressive socialist version of what is done to Trump.
Please, point out where SNL hoped the tRump and his family dies of cancer.

I'll wait, I suspect it will be a while.
He should! He is a corrupted evil and vile villain who has helped to damage our nation for his fifty two thousand years of service to our nation andit was his honor to help us. This is you. Biden is a moron who through osmosis became a first world progressive socialist competent politician over many decades who does not have to make a decision. Palin is much more capable then him but never given a chance because the GOPe never backed her up and taught her the national ways.
Why are Trumpicans such fools for photoshopped garbage? Are they stupid, malicious or both?
Photoshoped? Tell us how you've determined that. Or can you not say?
By looking at the original photo and tracking the photoshopped photo to rhe original source. Photo was exposed as fake immediately after it was first published in 2013. Six years later you morons are still pushing it onto the suckers and as Ann Colter says, dumbest of the Trump base.

There are plenty of videos and pics of the perverted jackass groping women and young girls.
At least that traitor pig's son had the decency to die of brain cancer, I guess knowing the abomination gene-pool from which he came! I wish I had a straw to drink the tears off that traitor Joe Biden's face (always enriched with that self-righteous expression of professional piety) when he watched his son buried. It's no wonder that the most vindictive, American-hating president in history, Typhoid Barry Obanmaggot, would pick this mistake of carbon-compounds as his VP.

Why doesn't Joe Biden do the right thing and get cancer like his ill-fated son? It would be so much hilarious fun to watch this American-hating SON OF A BITCH puking, convulsing, pissing, shitting and losing whatever's left of its hair as it squirms around the room in its chemotherapy agonies. Joe Biden is a thing of pure human evil. There is nothing human about it.
Well you're just a hate-filled sick-fuck ain't ya?

I hope karma gives you what you deserve.
Well that would be a comparable SNL skit on a progressive socialist version of what is done to Trump.
Why do conservatives struggle with equivalencies ?
Because many have worked in different fields and seen yours. You will follow real men to survive if it ever gets to that point.
Lol, you don't know what that words means, do you.
This is a line dishonest leftists, there is no other kind, use every single season the presidential campaigns start ginning up.
They said it about Reagan about every other day. Elect Reagan, the liars said, and he will start a nuclear war.
Only a shitbag like Middle Class Joe would disinter that hoary old lie as he undoubtedly begins his run for the White House (God forbid).
You can bet he has all the banks and Wall Street backing him against the new socialist wave of democrat candidates.
You can also bet Joe's podium will be placed well away, at least arm's distance away, from that of female candidates.
Like many Americans I was embarrassed as hell when the stupid Moon Bats in this country elected that incompetent worthless affirmative action asshole Obama and that clown Biden as President and VP. How could Americans be that stupid? The Obama administration was a disaster for this country and as un-American as it gets.

However, I never went to a foreign country and stood up in front of foreigners and proclaimed that the President was an embarrassment.

That is low class and just shows the hate and vitriol that the filthy Democrats have for this country. Despicable!

By the way, that asshole Obama did the same damn thing.
The Great Obama was respected around the world. After the disaster of the Bush Presidency he repaired our relationships around the world.
Obama blamed temporary insanity after 9-11

After electing Trump
There are no excuses they will accept
There would be no trump if there was no Obama....
Is Obama his daddy?
By looking at the original photo and tracking the photoshopped photo to rhe original source. Photo was exposed as fake immediately after it was first published in 2013. Six years later you morons are still pushing it onto the suckers and as Ann Colter says, dumbest of the Trump base.
Your anecdotal tale doesn't really constitute proof, does it.
Why are Trumpicans such fools for photoshopped garbage? Are they stupid, malicious or both?
Photoshoped? Tell us how you've determined that. Or can you not say?
By looking at the original photo and tracking the photoshopped photo to rhe original source. Photo was exposed as fake immediately after it was first published in 2013. Six years later you morons are still pushing it onto the suckers and as Ann Colter says, dumbest of the Trump base.

There are plenty of videos and pics of the perverted jackass groping women and young girls.
Mild stuff compared to Trump molesting Ivanka and grabbing pussy
I like Joe. I mean the guy’s articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking older guy. He’s practically a storybook.

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