crickets from the right

A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Wonder how much the orange anus is making personally from the fed for housing for security etc etc The POS does nothing unless it enriches him
man - you're on top of it eddie! i remember with gentle fondness all the anger and bitterness you spewed at hillary for all of her Clinton Foundation bullshit and all she did to make herself rich at our expense in so many ways.

wait. no. that wasn't you was it?
Lets just say you're right about Hill Just for argument sake Does that give the POS that's President the right to scam America ?? and btw Hill wasn't President
no. but if you didn't care then, you only do it now cause you hate trump.

i hate the actions moreso than people. and if someone i am apathetic about does some serious bullshit and it doesn't raise my ire, it's not going to when someone i hate does it simply because i hate them.

you either allow actions or you don't. you don't allow actions based on who does it - then you get the bullshit we live in today where one person can get away with anything while another can't do a damn thing. kinda sucks doesn't it?
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.
and the never trumpers have proven they don't care about the country either, only their right to pout.
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.

Well, at least you guessed correctly that I don't care! :coffee:

Have you guessed that I don't really care about your partisan shill ass either, yet?

If not, you should. :)
But we don’t mind flying this First Lady around. If we didn’t spend it on her the money would have just been wasted on food stamps or medicare handouts or illegal aliens or free school lunches crap.
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Wonder how much the orange anus is making personally from the fed for housing for security etc etc The POS does nothing unless it enriches him

Your ass oughtta be worrying 'bout your own damn self, just sayin'. :blahblah:
Judicial watch describe this well..
There may be no better way to keep on eye on our leaders’ penchant for pretending to royalty than to tally the cost of their travel and accommodations. Our nation has granted its presidents exquisite transport because we need for our leaders to be efficient and safe. However, we don’t need for them to luxuriate on our tax dollars.
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Wonder how much the orange anus is making personally from the fed for housing for security etc etc The POS does nothing unless it enriches him
man - you're on top of it eddie! i remember with gentle fondness all the anger and bitterness you spewed at hillary for all of her Clinton Foundation bullshit and all she did to make herself rich at our expense in so many ways.

wait. no. that wasn't you was it?
Lets just say you're right about Hill Just for argument sake Does that give the POS that's President the right to scam America ?? and btw Hill wasn't President
no. but if you didn't care then, you only do it now cause you hate trump.

i hate the actions moreso than people. and if someone i am apathetic about does some serious bullshit and it doesn't raise my ire, it's not going to when someone i hate does it simply because i hate them.

you either allow actions or you don't. you don't allow actions based on who does it - then you get the bullshit we live in today where one person can get away with anything while another can't do a damn thing. kinda sucks doesn't it?
Lets get something straight between us ice before we go on I HATE any crook in gov't be he or she dem or republican If Hill took what she shouldn't have she should be paying some penalty If people step down from gov't jobs because of many women saying they were molested Trump should too He's already admitted he's a grabber of pussy
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.
and the never trumpers have proven they don't care about the country either, only their right to pout.

If you say so. I've had crazy right wingers call me unpatriotic and America hating for years. I'll admit it was a little aggravating at first, but now I realize it's just something you unconsciously blurt out. Kinda like a mini dose of Tourettes Syndrome.
Well, so far the deficit hawks can't explain why the expensive lifestyles of the Trumps at tax payer expense help MAGA.
You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.
and the never trumpers have proven they don't care about the country either, only their right to pout.

If you say so. I've had crazy right wingers call me unpatriotic and America hating for years. I'll admit it was a little aggravating at first, but now I realize it's just something you unconsciously blurt out. Kinda like a mini dose of Tourettes Syndrome.
well you don't sound as much like a never trumper as many do at times. but the ones who will shoot down any idea of regardless of how they may feel about it otherwise just simply crack me up.
Well, so far the deficit hawks can't explain why the expensive lifestyles of the Trumps at tax payer expense help MAGA.

Trump's lifestyle was expensive well before he was president, yet he supported it himself.
He didn't have to step up and try to do something good for America, but he he needed to. I wish the younger generation could be as free as I was when I was a kid. Unfortunately I don't think it will ever get back that far.
I suppose I'm just that old.

All those laws weren't made yet back then.

Ooo look! The new parrot squawk! "Deficit hawks"

That does need addressed. I'm willing to bet Trump will tackle that.

He'll tackle it like he did Vince McMahon. :04:
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.

Well, at least you guessed correctly that I don't care! :coffee:

Have you guessed that I don't really care about your partisan shill ass either, yet?

If not, you should. :)

Yes. You've made your one dimensional reasoning ability very clear. You remind me of the butcher in Louis Carroll's poem.
You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.

Well, at least you guessed correctly that I don't care! :coffee:

Have you guessed that I don't really care about your partisan shill ass either, yet?

If not, you should. :)

Yes. You've made your one dimensional reasoning ability very clear. You remind me of the butcher in Louis Carroll's poem.

It's Lewis Carroll you ignorant fuck! AKA Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a drug-addled dork.

I read his stuff in 1st grade. Probably should not have been allowed to, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

That's been a done deal for years.

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