crickets from the right

You're worried about chump change travel expenses but, are okay with the millions already spent on a fictitious witch hunt because the libtards refuse to accept the results of our duly elected president. You people are too much.
BS mr breeze We accept the results What we can't accept is a perverted thief a slimebag owned by the Russians ,in our WH Seems you can Speaks tons about all you repub sheep
but you have no issue with trump and his family running up bills at this properties? mudwhistle
and you have no issue with obama weaponizing the FBI it would seem.

we've all got our...quirks.

and your quirk seems to be deflection....this is not about obama and the fbi now is can however start a thread on that
lol@that justification.....he is stealing tax payers dollars for his own property not one in europe

Do I think there's some hustling going on? Indeed I do!

LMAO! I know there is! Furthermore, It doesn't bother me! It's nothing major or illegal.

Obama couldn't do that, cause all he owns is a tranny and its penis.
but you have no issue with trump and his family running up bills at this properties? mudwhistle
and you have no issue with obama weaponizing the FBI it would seem.

we've all got our...quirks.

and your quirk seems to be deflection....this is not about obama and the fbi now is can however start a thread on that
my quirk is that i really don't give a shit about tabloid gossip and bullshit. you thrive on it as if it defines everyones reality.

you want to stomp your foot in a useless bit if puff-anger at trump and hope others will suddenly go MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?? HE DID THIS??? HE'S GOT TO GO!!!!

but its NEVER worked out that way, has it?
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Wonder how much the orange anus is making personally from the fed for housing for security etc etc The POS does nothing unless it enriches him
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.
but you have no issue with trump and his family running up bills at this properties? mudwhistle
and you have no issue with obama weaponizing the FBI it would seem.

we've all got our...quirks.

and your quirk seems to be deflection....this is not about obama and the fbi now is can however start a thread on that
my quirk is that i really don't give a shit about tabloid gossip and bullshit. you thrive on it as if it defines everyones reality.

you want to stomp your foot in a useless bit if puff-anger at trump and hope others will suddenly go MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?? HE DID THIS??? HE'S GOT TO GO!!!!

but its NEVER worked out that way, has it?
not yet but soon
They're billionaires. They're not used to asking "How much is this going to cost?"
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Wonder how much the orange anus is making personally from the fed for housing for security etc etc The POS does nothing unless it enriches him
man - you're on top of it eddie! i remember with gentle fondness all the anger and bitterness you spewed at hillary for all of her Clinton Foundation bullshit and all she did to make herself rich at our expense in so many ways.

wait. no. that wasn't you was it?
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Wonder how much the orange anus is making personally from the fed for housing for security etc etc The POS does nothing unless it enriches him

Your ass oughtta be worrying 'bout your own damn self, just sayin'. :blahblah:
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

O cost us dearly and way more than the current president. You've already forgotten. This will help refresh your memory.

The True Cost of the Obama's Lavish Life While at the White House - OpsLens

From your link
In March 2015, the Washington Examiner published an analysis pertaining to the Obama presidency and its rampant vacation spending. At that time, it tabulated $40 million was spent on Obama family holiday excursions — 38 in total.

You will note that was 7 years into Obama's term

View attachment 176156

That sum was later revised to just under 97 million over 8 years.

Credible link?
You mean like Snopes or Media Matters?

Something more credible than fox, Hannity, or AlexJones
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Wonder how much the orange anus is making personally from the fed for housing for security etc etc The POS does nothing unless it enriches him
man - you're on top of it eddie! i remember with gentle fondness all the anger and bitterness you spewed at hillary for all of her Clinton Foundation bullshit and all she did to make herself rich at our expense in so many ways.

wait. no. that wasn't you was it?
Lets just say you're right about Hill Just for argument sake Does that give the POS that's President the right to scam America ?? and btw Hill wasn't President
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
Let's also look at all of the multi-million dollar parties charged to the taxpayers.....and $1.2 million/yr it took to make Michelle's ugly mug looking presentable. All of that stuff Trump pays for himself. He never took a cent of his pay.
Then let's talk about the $4.2 billion to take care of 4 people when the entire British Royal Family only cost $500 million in the same time period. I think that alot of this is because of the extra costs it takes to just be POTUS.
There is no way tax money would pay for Michele's ugly mug.. It would not pass the regs..
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Did you see the increased spending they just passed? The right can't even pretend to be fiscally responsible anymore.
Spending only matters to a Democrat when there's a Republican in the WH.
and the same for republicans....Two sides of the coin are the same..
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

You know what? Trump's trips to Palm Beach are probably going to add up to more than the Obamas cost taxpayers.

The difference? Trump's going to his own place, that he owns, not on a European or Hawaiian vacation for why not.

I think AF1 should be a Blackbird.

Yes. It's his own place, and we are paying him every time he stays there. It's not like he stays there for free. Kinda like if you paid yourself to stay in your own house, and the government reimbursed you. Not kinda like that, exactly like that.

Yep, that's exactly how it is!

Ask me how many fucks I give?

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.
It always costs money to fly presidents and families around. Even the trashier ones...speaking of which...


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