crickets from the right

If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.
and the never trumpers have proven they don't care about the country either, only their right to pout.

If you say so. I've had crazy right wingers call me unpatriotic and America hating for years. I'll admit it was a little aggravating at first, but now I realize it's just something you unconsciously blurt out. Kinda like a mini dose of Tourettes Syndrome.
well you don't sound as much like a never trumper as many do at times. but the ones who will shoot down any idea of regardless of how they may feel about it otherwise just simply crack me up.
were you appalled at repub s in congress voting against bills of obamas that they were previously for? and saying their MAIN goal was to unseat him?
can you be specific? otherwise we'll talk in generalities and never get anywhere like 90% of our conversations that devolve into WAH TRUMP WAH. so if we're going there, drop me off here.

Here is one example. The pertinent part starts at 1:40
Newsflash cupcake, what Trump is about, is being fiscally responsible. That's what the whole deal is about. I realize that you will not grasp that in any way, shape, or form, but that's how it

"Fiscally responsible"?????

What the fuck are you spewing, moron....Check out WHY no U.S. bank would lend the orange clown a dime....and why this moron-in chief had to declare bankruptcy so many times........LOL
He’s owned hundreds of businesses and only a handful have filed for bankruptcy anyone with any business experience knows that’s part of business. He made millions into billions. Shit for brains
7 Wildly Successful People Who Survived Bankruptcy
Well, so far the deficit hawks can't explain why the expensive lifestyles of the Trumps at tax payer expense help MAGA.
deficit hawks are in hiding ,,,they only show up when a dem is in our WH
man, glad the left doesn't engage in such selective tactics...

oh wait...

Oh democwat baaaad , wepubwican goooood. That crap gets old. Both parties are run by billionaires with a foreign policy greatly influenced by Israel. Which one do we support who can do the least harm to the country is the only choice we have. C'mon, admit it. We got us a man child bart simpson buffoon in the white house. Hillary might have been worse in the long run but there would have been an element of dignity and intelligence with her that Trump is incapable of. I'd kick my grandson's butt if he acted like Trump acts.
did you hear me defend the republicans?

that crap gets old to where if i make a comment against one yo assume i'm pro the other. i don't play that game as both sides suck these days.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
It's always "different" or "okay" when "my" side does it, and a major scandal when the other side does it.

Partisans = Zero Credibility
The primary reason we had a beef with Obama over spending is because he won office by saying it was UN-American to run up the debt....and then he proceeded to double it.
He had a salary of just over $400k/yr but some how found the cash to throw million dollar parties at the WH several times a year and take multi-million dollar vacations in Hawaii, China, and Martha's Vineyard.
Trump said that too, basically. Where is the consistency?
Basically you're wrong.
Trump ran on building a wall. He's been doing everything he can to cut spending by removing expenses in his staff, defense contractors, and removing regulations that increased the debt. However, he realizes that Obama gut the military so much that he has to increase defense spending to rebuild it. We have the smallest Navy since WWII. Only half of our aircraft can fly. Our nuke program is a shambles. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Obama still was able to spend almost $10 trillion on something.
and the never trumpers have proven they don't care about the country either, only their right to pout.

If you say so. I've had crazy right wingers call me unpatriotic and America hating for years. I'll admit it was a little aggravating at first, but now I realize it's just something you unconsciously blurt out. Kinda like a mini dose of Tourettes Syndrome.
well you don't sound as much like a never trumper as many do at times. but the ones who will shoot down any idea of regardless of how they may feel about it otherwise just simply crack me up.
were you appalled at repub s in congress voting against bills of obamas that they were previously for? and saying their MAIN goal was to unseat him?
can you be specific? otherwise we'll talk in generalities and never get anywhere like 90% of our conversations that devolve into WAH TRUMP WAH. so if we're going there, drop me off here.

Here is one example. The pertinent part starts at 1:40

so they want to block everything unrelated to tax cuts and spending. was this to be blocking for the sake of blocking or trying to keep pork from being added to these bills at this time?

i agree the (R)s did what they could to block obama. did it go into overdrive on each and everything he ever tried to do, however? that i don't see. a lot yes, everything no.
A recent investigation by the Washington Post estimates that since taking office, the President’s three trips to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida have already cost the federal treasury some $10 million. At this rate, the report says, travel and security for Trump and his family could run up a bill in the hundreds of millions of dollars by the end of his term.

That’s not normal. Citing a conservative-leaning watchdog group called Judicial Watch, which monitored expenses during the administration of former President Barack Obama and plans to continue their work with the new White House, the Post said Obama’s extracurricular travel and safety expenses likely amounted to about $97 million over eight years in office.

In the five weeks since his inauguration, the President has already spent three weekends at Mar-a-Lago, which he has begun referring to as the “Winter White House,” indicating that more is in store for the lavish private club situated on a beachfront property that was not designed with presidential security in mind. Some of the estimated $10 million spent on these three trips included paying for the Coast Guard to patrol the shoreline, according to the Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Trips May Have Already Cost Taxpayers $10 Million
Every year Obama Stationed parts of the 7th Fleet off the coast of Oahu during his Christmas vacation. I wonder how much that cost us.
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days

By having less staff she is making up for it times 3.

so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing
If you are one of the 33% of the country who support Trump, You don't care at all. Trumpbots have made that clear.
and the never trumpers have proven they don't care about the country either, only their right to pout.

If you say so. I've had crazy right wingers call me unpatriotic and America hating for years. I'll admit it was a little aggravating at first, but now I realize it's just something you unconsciously blurt out. Kinda like a mini dose of Tourettes Syndrome.
well you don't sound as much like a never trumper as many do at times. but the ones who will shoot down any idea of regardless of how they may feel about it otherwise just simply crack me up.
were you appalled at repub s in congress voting against bills of obamas that they were previously for? and saying their MAIN goal was to unseat him?
can you be specific? otherwise we'll talk in generalities and never get anywhere like 90% of our conversations that devolve into WAH TRUMP WAH. so if we're going there, drop me off here.
Your're FIRED
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days

By having less staff she is making up for it times 3.

so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing
It is reported that Obama illegally gave Iran $150 billion. Trump wants $26 billion to build a wall. If we still had that money we could build 5 walls.
and the never trumpers have proven they don't care about the country either, only their right to pout.

If you say so. I've had crazy right wingers call me unpatriotic and America hating for years. I'll admit it was a little aggravating at first, but now I realize it's just something you unconsciously blurt out. Kinda like a mini dose of Tourettes Syndrome.
well you don't sound as much like a never trumper as many do at times. but the ones who will shoot down any idea of regardless of how they may feel about it otherwise just simply crack me up.
were you appalled at repub s in congress voting against bills of obamas that they were previously for? and saying their MAIN goal was to unseat him?
can you be specific? otherwise we'll talk in generalities and never get anywhere like 90% of our conversations that devolve into WAH TRUMP WAH. so if we're going there, drop me off here.
Your're FIRED

got it. back to ignore, sorry.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

You lefties laugh at the idea of us dying in despair, and you want us to be upset about travel costs?

According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days

By having less staff she is making up for it times 3.

so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing
It is reported that Obama illegally gave Iran $150 billion. Trump wants $26 billion to build a wall. If we still had that money we could build 5 walls.
it is also reported that it was Irans money
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Yea, it’s hard for conservatives to get riled up over $675,000 when BOcare cost us billions per year, and still cost most people more for their health insurance. If the debt were a sick person, Melania is a running nose, and BOcare is cardiac arrest.
If you say so. I've had crazy right wingers call me unpatriotic and America hating for years. I'll admit it was a little aggravating at first, but now I realize it's just something you unconsciously blurt out. Kinda like a mini dose of Tourettes Syndrome.
well you don't sound as much like a never trumper as many do at times. but the ones who will shoot down any idea of regardless of how they may feel about it otherwise just simply crack me up.
were you appalled at repub s in congress voting against bills of obamas that they were previously for? and saying their MAIN goal was to unseat him?
can you be specific? otherwise we'll talk in generalities and never get anywhere like 90% of our conversations that devolve into WAH TRUMP WAH. so if we're going there, drop me off here.
Your're FIRED

got it. back to ignore, sorry.
Gee ice you really know how to hurt a guy I won't be bothering you today as I have workout ,stocks and beach to keep me busy
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Wonder what the congressional softball games cost? Pro I allot now since a democrat shot one up awhile back.
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days

By having less staff she is making up for it times 3.

so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing
It is reported that Obama illegally gave Iran $150 billion. Trump wants $26 billion to build a wall. If we still had that money we could build 5 walls.
it is also reported that it was Irans money
Iran decided to declare war on America in 1979. They took our diplomats hostage for a year. They have been killing our troops since 2003 in Iraq and Afghanistan and helped kill our troops in Somalia in 93'. The only thing we owed them was a serious ass-whipping.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Wonder what the congressional softball games cost? Pro I allot now since a democrat shot one up awhile back.
he missed
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Wonder what the congressional softball games cost? Pro I allot now since a democrat shot one up awhile back.
he missed

Yeah, because AK’s suck ass. They only work for mother fuckers who can’t afford and AR15.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Wonder what the congressional softball games cost? Pro I allot now since a democrat shot one up awhile back.
he missed

Yeah, because AK’s suck ass. They only work for mother fuckers who can’t afford and AR15.
i've had both. both have strengths and weaknesses. drop an AR in the mud a few times and let it get a little dirty and let me know how it works. :)
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
The reduction of illegals in American has paid for that ten times over already.

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