crickets from the right

According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days

By having less staff she is making up for it times 3.

so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing
It is reported that Obama illegally gave Iran $150 billion. Trump wants $26 billion to build a wall. If we still had that money we could build 5 walls.
When the court ORDERS you to pay back the money you owe Iran, how is that illegal?
Gutter mouth.
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days

By having less staff she is making up for it times 3.

so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing
It is reported that Obama illegally gave Iran $150 billion. Trump wants $26 billion to build a wall. If we still had that money we could build 5 walls.
When the court ORDERS you to pay back the money you owe Iran, how is that illegal?
Gutter mouth.
5 Things You Need to Know About the $400 Million America Sent to Iran

i don't see a court ordered mandate to pay. i certainly don't see it being done in foreign currency in the middle of the night.

i do think we were going to have to give the $ back anyway so i'm not overall worried about it, but the whole middle of the night on pallets sure didn't come out good, you must admit.
WASHINGTON — Immigrants are a net boon to the national economy, having paid $162 billion in taxes last year and providing crucial support for the troubled Social Security system, according to a study scheduled for release today.

Sponsored by an immigration advocacy group and a libertarian think tank that supports loose borders, the report synthesizes about 30 recent studies on the fiscal impact of immigration and offers some original research. It says that high levels of immigration result in a massive transfer of wealth to the United States, and that the influx of young workers will help pay retirement benefits to aging baby boomers.

But although the federal government profits from immigration, cities and states with large foreign-born populations--led by Los Angeles and California--suffer, the report says. That is because immigrants get half of their public services at the local level, while 70 cents of every tax dollar goes to Washington.

The report by the Cato Institute think tank and the National Immigration Forum found that the foreign-born pay a disproportionately low amount of taxes: Immigrants make up more than 9% of the population, but accounted for 8.3% of the taxes paid.


But overall, "all of these findings lead to one inescapable conclusion about the fiscal impact of the new immigrants: They do not cost--they pay," economist Stephen Moore wrote in the report, a copy of which was provided to The Times. "The net fiscal impact is positive."

The report is the latest in a series of high-profile attempts at a cost-benefit analysis of immigration, and comes in a highly charged political atmosphere. There is little consensus--one recent study asserted that immigrants pump an extra $10 billion into the economy each year, but another said they are a $12-billion drag on the nation.

"This is junk science," Dan Stein of the Federation for American Immigration Reform said after reading the latest 28-page study. "Its purpose is to mislead policymakers by perpetuating confusion to produce inertia. . . . It's a piece of propaganda."

Frank Sharry of the National Immigration Forum, the study's co-sponsor, contends that the new analysis is "the immigrant opponent's worst nightmare."

"Five years ago, these folks were saying that immigrants hurt the economy, cause unemployment and drain budgets. We now have the strongest economy in the world, the lowest unemployment in a generation--at the same time we have generous levels of immigration," Sharry said. "They've been proven wrong by the facts. If I were them, I'd be upset, too."

In large part, the new report regurgitates findings of other researchers, often juxtaposing them against one another to make a new point. It estimates that the nation's 25 million legal and illegal immigrants each contribute $20,000 to $80,000 more in taxes than they use in services over their lifetimes, and says that families with naturalized citizens pay about $1,500 more annually in federal taxes than native-born families.

Immigrants Are a Boon to Economy, Study Says

now you need to supply the link showing they cost that much this says they pay that much in taxes?

Ask and ye shall receive. :)

Illegal aliens cost America $100+ billion a year.

Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?

How Much Do Illegal Immigrants REALLY Cost the United States? - Personal Liberty®

Yes, they are a drain on the economy.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
Hypocrite, thy name be Republican.

According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
You know you've lost your grip on reality when you start whining about this shit.

Trump won, get over it.
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700.
Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days

By having less staff she is making up for it times 3.

so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing
It is reported that Obama illegally gave Iran $150 billion. Trump wants $26 billion to build a wall. If we still had that money we could build 5 walls.
When the court ORDERS you to pay back the money you owe Iran, how is that illegal?
Gutter mouth.
Weird how they never mention when Bush gave iran money from the same fund in 91..
A court has ordered iran to pay Americans over 55B as well. Wonder why the prick didnt deduct that? IDK but maybe because it was used purely for ransom-like reasons :D
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Wonder what the congressional softball games cost? Pro I allot now since a democrat shot one up awhile back.
he missed

Yeah, because AK’s suck ass. They only work for mother fuckers who can’t afford and AR15.
i've had both. both have strengths and weaknesses. drop an AR in the mud a few times and let it get a little dirty and let me know how it works. :)

Mine sat on the bottom of the trinity for three days. The ammo was wrecked, gun worked fine after I cleaned. It was a single shot until I replaced the gas tube.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
It's always "different" or "okay" when "my" side does it, and a major scandal when the other side does it.

Partisans = Zero Credibility
The primary reason we had a beef with Obama over spending is because he won office by saying it was UN-American to run up the debt....and then he proceeded to double it.
He had a salary of just over $400k/yr but some how found the cash to throw million dollar parties at the WH several times a year and take multi-million dollar vacations in Hawaii, China, and Martha's Vineyard.
Trump said that too, basically. Where is the consistency?
Basically you're wrong.
Trump ran on building a wall. He's been doing everything he can to cut spending by removing expenses in his staff, defense contractors, and removing regulations that increased the debt. However, he realizes that Obama gut the military so much that he has to increase defense spending to rebuild it. We have the smallest Navy since WWII. Only half of our aircraft can fly. Our nuke program is a shambles. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Obama still was able to spend almost $10 trillion on something.

Green Energy, (that failed) and making automobiles unaffordable again.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Wonder what the congressional softball games cost? Pro I allot now since a democrat shot one up awhile back.
he missed

Yeah, because AK’s suck ass. They only work for mother fuckers who can’t afford and AR15.
i've had both. both have strengths and weaknesses. drop an AR in the mud a few times and let it get a little dirty and let me know how it works. :)

Mine sat on the bottom of the trinity for three days. The ammo was wrecked, gun worked fine after I cleaned. It was a single shot until I replaced the gas tube.
both can be fantastic guns, just depends on what you want out of it. i like the AK cause it's a whole lot easier to clean and i hate cleaning guns. :)
5 Things You Need to Know About the $400 Million America Sent to Iran

i don't see a court ordered mandate to pay. i certainly don't see it being done in foreign currency in the middle of the night.

i do think we were going to have to give the $ back anyway so i'm not overall worried about it, but the whole middle of the night on pallets sure didn't come out good, you must admit.

Totally Off-Topic But ...

Imagine what it would be like if your commanding officer comes in and says ... "Your mission tonight is flying a planeload of cash into Iran".
I would have been like ... "You're fucking kidding right ... Sir".

According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years

Yup, $675,000 would be considered a lot of money....she should have just gone on vacation...dumbass.
First Family Vacations - Judicial Watch
so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing

Just so you know, I didn't care when the Obama's traveled, and I don't care about Trump traveling, it is the expense of having a President.
so we should have no concerns over any spending now.....btw i objected to the spending down by the obamas on the tax payer dime also.......just so you know...what people you are addressing

Just so you know, I didn't care when the Obama's traveled, and I don't care about Trump traveling, it is the expense of having a President.
The expense isn’t the issue. The hypocrisy is...

According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
Hypocrite, thy name be Republican.

so if bitching at the other side for spending too much money while your side spends away on their own is a hypocrite, then are you not one also?

don't see you bitching at obama's spending, just trump in a "get even" fashion.

great. if trump is wrong so was obama. where's the anger to him along w/trump or do we not care, just get shots into the other side.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
Hypocrite, thy name be Republican.

so if bitching at the other side for spending too much money while your side spends away on their own is a hypocrite, then are you not one also?

don't see you bitching at obama's spending, just trump in a "get even" fashion.

great. if trump is wrong so was obama. where's the anger to him along w/trump or do we not care, just get shots into the other side.
Again, for those who struggle to understand... I am not complaining about how much the Trumps are spending.... I’m complaining about the hypocrisy of those who complained about Obama spending too much but now defend Trump, who spends even more than Obama.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
Hypocrite, thy name be Republican.

so if bitching at the other side for spending too much money while your side spends away on their own is a hypocrite, then are you not one also?

don't see you bitching at obama's spending, just trump in a "get even" fashion.

great. if trump is wrong so was obama. where's the anger to him along w/trump or do we not care, just get shots into the other side.
Again, for those who struggle to understand... I am not complaining about how much the Trumps are spending.... I’m complaining about the hypocrisy of those who complained about Obama spending too much but now defend Trump, who spends even more than Obama.
not much of a difference really.
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
Hypocrite, thy name be Republican.

so if bitching at the other side for spending too much money while your side spends away on their own is a hypocrite, then are you not one also?

don't see you bitching at obama's spending, just trump in a "get even" fashion.

great. if trump is wrong so was obama. where's the anger to him along w/trump or do we not care, just get shots into the other side.
Again, for those who struggle to understand... I am not complaining about how much the Trumps are spending.... I’m complaining about the hypocrisy of those who complained about Obama spending too much but now defend Trump, who spends even more than Obama.
not much of a difference really.
So you say.
Only TARDS believe that article posting is true. LMFAO........ they spend their own money and the PRESIDENT DOESN'T TAKE A PAY CHECK JACKASSES.....
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
Hypocrite, thy name be Republican.

so if bitching at the other side for spending too much money while your side spends away on their own is a hypocrite, then are you not one also?

don't see you bitching at obama's spending, just trump in a "get even" fashion.

great. if trump is wrong so was obama. where's the anger to him along w/trump or do we not care, just get shots into the other side.
Again, for those who struggle to understand... I am not complaining about how much the Trumps are spending.... I’m complaining about the hypocrisy of those who complained about Obama spending too much but now defend Trump, who spends even more than Obama.
not much of a difference really.
So you say.
typed, actually. :)
According to The Wall Street Journal, in the three months before Melania moved to Washington, she cost us over $675,000 in military flights alone. Could you even imagine if Obama had been living in the White House and his wife and children decided to live elsewhere? Conservatives’ minds would have exploded. While those of us on the Left kept pointing out how much these separate living arrangements cost us, it was nothing to them – $1 Million per day, for 90 days, that the most recent Mrs. Trump didn’t live with her husband. With these costs added, Melania surpassed Michelle’s eight-year solo expenses in just three months.

Melania Cost Taxpayers More In Three Months Than Michelle Did In Eight Years
The reduction of illegals in American has paid for that ten times over already.
Just for you weather
Fewer immigrants are being deported under Trump than under Obama ...
Aug 10, 2017 - The Trump administration bragged, and not for the first time, about its crackdown on unauthorized immigrants living in the US on Tuesday — hyping a 27.8 percent increase over last year in removal orders issued from February to June. Also on Tuesday, new statistics from the Department of Homeland ...

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