'CRIME OF THE CENTURY!' Trump issues furious statements lashing out at Pence and Mitch McConnell for his election loss


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2021

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
Still living rent free in your brain, i see.. Is the groper of women a children Joe Biden really that boring?

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
Still living rent free in your brain, i see.. Is the groper of women a children Joe Biden really that boring?

This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
This is not an emotionally healthy person.

Neither Pence nor McConnell could have done anything. He has to know this, at some level.

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
Still living rent free in your brain, i see.. Is the groper of women a children Joe Biden really that boring?

This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
This incudes you as a citizen of our nation. There is no agenda against you. Progs have agendas against what they call Deplorables and Dregs.

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
He's full of shit. Always has been.
He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).
Do you think that you have an above-average intelligence???

How else can you recognize that Trump is only average?

And what is your point - certain jobs require above-average intelligence???

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
The Biden administration is going to make Trump look like the best president that ever resided over this nation. It's coming, and your words are going to be very bitter to swallow as you attempt to stuff your over bloated tripe down that narrow little throat you probably got.

Railroading Trump isn't going to fly, because this nations citizen's are on to the leftist bullcrap now. What goes around comes around, so just remember that big mouth.

If they can't find any criminal activity when Trump was president, then they are conducting a political witch hunt outside of the boundaries, and you know how those things turn out. Not good.

The world will come down on us before Trump is railroaded by the leftist, so stay tuned for Biden and the gang to be challenged big time now. It won't be because of Trump, but instead it will be because the world won't be taking orders any longer from weakness that has since formed in the USA. The left best hope that there is enough patriots to help them and this nation not get pummelled by global forces today, otherwise global forces that once respected us and our moral standing in the world, but not anymore does the world respect us.

If they do, then I'll be shocked, but then again maybe not.
Another leftard circle jerk thread.
here's yer vote cheater...

‘I Wanted Trump to Win’: Husband Charged in Wife’s Murder Also Used Her Name to Vote​

Neither Pence nor McConnell could have done anything. He has to know this, at some level.
the swamp stole the election

But we can't change that now

When Kennedy stole the 1960 election Nixon (who was a swamp rat himself and part of the club) accepted his defeat gracefully and was rewarded by the team with a win in 1968

But trump is not part of the washington crowd and he's damn pissed

and so am I

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
How can any reasonable person accept the "analysis" (and I use that term loosely) of anyone who always uses terms like:

the biggest fraud in history
the greatest accomplishments by anyone
the worst in history
no one has ever accomplished what we have

There is no middle ground ever. If and when he feels aggrieved, it's the worst violation ever.

If he feels he's not getting enough credit, it's the greatest accomplishments by anyone ever.

It's like he can't help but telegraph to anyone and everyone that any comment from him about himself simply can't be taken seriously as even remotely objective.

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
Still living rent free in your brain, i see.. Is the groper of women a children Joe Biden really that boring?

This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
If this an example of where his head is at now, imagine how over the top his upcoming rallies are going to be.

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
How can any reasonable person accept the "analysis" (and I use that term loosely) of anyone who always uses terms like:

the biggest fraud in history
the greatest accomplishments by anyone
the worst in history
no one has ever accomplished what we have

There is no middle ground ever. If and when he feels aggrieved, it's the worst violation ever.

If he feels he's not getting enough credit, it's the greatest accomplishments by anyone ever.

It's like he can't help but telegraph to anyone and everyone that any comment from him about himself simply can't be taken seriously as even remotely objective.

Trump is a very sick old man.. and he was a creep when he was young.

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
Still living rent free in your brain, i see.. Is the groper of women a children Joe Biden really that boring?

This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
If this an example of where his head is at now, imagine how over the top his upcoming rallies are going to be.

He's going to make a complete fool of himself.

He's ruminating, fuming, lashing out, pissed, piqued, storming. (Crime of the Century? Has this average IQ'r ever had a thought, phrase, moniker, meme, tag line of his own invention? Remember, Make America Great Again was Reagan's).

Anyone else think the legal cases are getting ready to start breaking? The walls are closing in and he knows it? Remember his attorneys must be apprised of what is coming down the pike. Discovery, requests, subpoenas, etc.

Think of JUST his DC hotel financials being turned over yesterday by GSA to congress. McGahan has come up with a deal to testify to congress. Cohen just went to see the NY prosecutors (8th 'visit') less than a month ago. Trump ORG's CFO is negotiating a deal to keep him and or his SONS out of jail. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

May 15, 2021

"As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!" wrote Trump in his first statement, following up with a second that said, "The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election," Trump added. "Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say "Let's stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can't win." ... It's called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal."

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"
The Biden administration is going to make Trump look like the best president that ever resided over this nation. It's coming, and your words are going to be very bitter to swallow as you attempt to stuff your over bloated tripe down that narrow little throat you probably got.

Railroading Trump isn't going to fly, because this nations citizen's are on to the leftist bullcrap now. What goes around comes around, so just remember that big mouth.

If they can't find any criminal activity when Trump was president, then they are conducting a political witch hunt outside of the boundaries, and you know how those things turn out. Not good.

The world will come down on us before Trump is railroaded by the leftist, so stay tuned for Biden and the gang to be challenged big time now. It won't be because of Trump, but instead it will be because the world won't be taking orders any longer from weakness that has since formed in the USA. The left best hope that there is enough patriots to help them and this nation not get pummelled by global forces today, otherwise global forces that once respected us and our moral standing in the world, but not anymore does the world respect us.

If they do, then I'll be shocked, but then again maybe not.
Trump is going to crash and burn in spectacular fashion. All the signs are there. It's just that he and his supporters don't know it.

I look forward to the day. I just hope he doesn't take a good part of America with him when he goes off the irrational cliff he's on. I say that because Trump's temperament and behavior over the last few years reminds me of all those nut cases who kill themselves. But they can't just go out on their own without taking others with them, and they end up killing their whole family or their coworkers because they felt so wronged by everyone.
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