Crime rates are NOT lower in the major democrat run cities. Dont believe the BS you're being spoon fed.

Not much different when you factor that high crime is largely concentrated in major cities and blue states which then and now, are run by entrenched Democrats.

You Republicans are such projectionists that I now get the feeling you don't report your crimes when they happen. To make your cities look safer than they actually are.

The historic lows in crime are basically in the big cities. Sure crime still exists. Even when Trump was president people were playing the knock out game.

On October 1, 2020, alongside Central Park West, an unidentified black man was caught on surveillance video assaulting 67-year-old actor Rick Moranis with a single blow to the head.

They don’t. They tell it like it is.
49% of Americans (Republicans) think the stock market is down when it's up.

Democrats proudly realize the stock market is up, during Biden's presidency.

Why are Republicans listening to alternative facts?
What the left is doing is RECLASSIFYING CRIMES so that there are fewer arrests; eg; Shoplifting is a misdemeanor and even prosecuted so the crime stats go down.
You Republicans are such projectionists that I now get the feeling you don't report your crimes when they happen. To make your cities look safer than they actually are.

The historic lows in crime are basically in the big cities. Sure crime still exists. Even when Trump was president people were playing the knock out game.

On October 1, 2020, alongside Central Park West, an unidentified black man was caught on surveillance video assaulting 67-year-old actor Rick Moranis with a single blow to the head.

You need to get off of the Republican / Democrat bullshit,,,,,the true divide is ARE YOU A GLOBALIST OR NATIONALIST. If you are anti-American ( or any other country), then you are with the Davos team who happen to be deconstructing the Western standard of living.
The Leftist Globalists protect criminals in order to GET THEIR VOTES.
There they go again. The crime rate isn't real. The unemployment rate isn't real.

I supposed the DOW number isn't real either.

You guys keep doing this. You have a different spin when it's a Democratic president. Obama's unemployment number wasn't real, Trump's was, Biden's not.

Here's something to consider. The people who aren't working don't want to work. My brother just retired with $20 million dollars. He's not being counted. Should he be?

And 10 million unfilled jobs right now. Anyone not participating doesn't want to.
I said the Dow is real.

On unemployment, $20M retiree shouldn’t be counted in unemployment but a discouraged worker who can get more money through government assistance than they can taking a low wage, part-time job should be counted.
49% of Americans (Republicans) think the stock market is down when it's up.

Democrats proudly realize the stock market is up, during Biden's presidency.

Why are Republicans listening to alternative facts?
The stock market is volatile. People invested in the stock market are frustrated by this volatility.

Many people only invested in a 401k have seen their 401k lose money over the last few years.

You’re hack so I don’t expect you to get it
You Republicans are such projectionists that I now get the feeling you don't report your crimes when they happen. To make your cities look safer than they actually are.

The historic lows in crime are basically in the big cities. Sure crime still exists. Even when Trump was president people were playing the knock out game.

On October 1, 2020, alongside Central Park West, an unidentified black man was caught on surveillance video assaulting 67-year-old actor Rick Moranis with a single blow to the head.

What cities are run by Republicans?
You need to get off of the Republican / Democrat bullshit,,,,,the true divide is ARE YOU A GLOBALIST OR NATIONALIST. If you are anti-American ( or any other country), then you are with the Davos team who happen to be deconstructing the Western standard of living.
The Leftist Globalists protect criminals in order to GET THEIR VOTES.
No it's not am I a globalist or nationalist. That's such bullshit. First of all, it was Bush who created NAFTA. So it was the GOP who were the globalist. You voted for them. They sold us on it. They got Clinton to sign NAFTA and the only people I remember not being happy about it were us liberals. Unions. Democrats.

And FYI, Clinton put worker and environmental protections in NAFTA. Bush removed them then sent 1 million of our highest paying blue collar jobs overseas.

You cheered. You attacked these lazy overpaid blue collar workers. Now you claim you care about them and want to pay them more? More than what?

You sound like a Not See.

Wake up dumb Americans. We are in a global economy now. No going back. You opened up pandoras box. Now half my 401K is in overseas investments. GTFOOH dummy.
And this started when Biden got in?
No. It started when Democrat mayors started going along with the defund the police crowd.

I can’t blame a president for crime sprees in Democrat run cities across the country.
When was shoplifting ever a felony?
That would depend on the state in which its committed. For Maryland, once someone hits the $1000 mark, it's a felony. Merchandise doesn't have to be stolen at one time to hit that mark either. If one person goes into a store, steals $100 worth of stuff, walks out, goes to another store either that same day or another day and does the same thing over and over, when the dollar amount hits one thousand, MD hits them with a felony charge.

When was shoplifting ever a felony?

Did this suddenly happen when Biden got in or was all this just as true when Trump was president?

Bottom like, by all measures, Biden is doing a great job. Don't be jealous like you were against Clinton.
When people break into a jewelry store and steal thousands of dollars worth of Rolex watches, it’s no longer shoplifting, you genius.

You have no factual support for the idiotic statement that “Biden is doing a great job.” He’s a disaster.
It’s not so much that they aren’t being reported. Many are not being acted on, so they don’t become part of the official crime stats.

Much petty crime goes unreported because its a waste of time when the public knows the police are not going to do anything
No. It started when Democrat mayors started going along with the defund the police crowd.

I can’t blame a president for crime sprees in Democrat run cities across the country.
You mean on Trump's watch

Activists have been calling to defund the police for nearly a decade—since at least 2014, following the death of Michael Brown at the hands of police in Ferguson, Missouri—but the slogan caught on much more broadly in 2020, even being echoed by some progressive members of Congress.
You mean on Trump's watch

Activists have been calling to defund the police for nearly a decade—since at least 2014, following the death of Michael Brown at the hands of police in Ferguson, Missouri—but the slogan caught on much more broadly in 2020, even being echoed by some progressive members of Congress.
Trump wasn’t a Democrat mayor cutting the funding for their police department.

The Michael Brown “hands up, don’t shoot” thing was a proven lie you dip-shit.
Trump wasn’t a Democrat mayor cutting the funding for their police department.

The Michael Brown “hands up, don’t shoot” thing was a proven lie you dip-shit.
The buck stops where?

Sorry pal, but you guys sure would be quick to put local crime on Biden if crime were up. It's down, so give credit where it's due.

Biden isn't the mayor either. Sorry, I don't know if Michael Brown is true or not but police brutality of black people is real. Do you deny it? Did Trump tell the blacks in Detroit he doesn't buy that? That police treat blacks like second class citizens?

Hell, even black cops do it to blacks.
The buck stops where?

Sorry pal, but you guys sure would be quick to put local crime on Biden if crime were up. It's down, so give credit where it's due.

Biden isn't the mayor either. Sorry, I don't know if Michael Brown is true or not but police brutality of black people is real. Do you deny it? Did Trump tell the blacks in Detroit he doesn't buy that? That police treat blacks like second class citizens?

Hell, even black cops do it to blacks.
City issues stop with city leaders. A president does not direct city leaders.

This narrative that police are out there routinely brutalizing black people is a lie. Only an idiot buys into the liberal narrative.

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