Crime rates are NOT lower in the major democrat run cities. Dont believe the BS you're being spoon fed.

You do have to wonder how the numbers are being reported and included in the report. Are repeat offenders being reported as only one or are they being reported as multiple crimes? Are they reporting the numbers of crimes that are not being responded to due to shortages of police? Are they reporting all the numbers from the “mostly peaceful” demonstrations?
Yea yea. You never wondered this when Trump was president.

Based on how we measure things, Biden's kicking ass.

This reminds me of how you guys didn't like Obama or Bill Clinton. You were just jealous

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
Thanks Biden!

The murder rate fell by 26.4%, reported rapes decreased by 25.7%, robberies fell by 17.8%, aggravated assault fell by 12.5%, and the overall violent crime rate went down by 15.2%, the statistics show.

Reported property crimes also decreased by 15.1%, according to the UCR report, which the FBI compiles using crime statistics supplied to the agency by law enforcement agencies across the U.S.


"Donald Trump is a convicted criminal who enabled the largest spike in violent crime in more than a century," Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement. “President Biden has worked hard to clean up his mess, and it’s working."
So why do so many Republicans say they think the stock market is doing bad?

Stocks are up 12% this year, but nearly half of Americans think they’re down. What’s going on?​

So why do Republicans think the stock market is down when it's up?

And why do you all keep saying crime is up when it's down?
I said crime feels like it is going up. Crime stats are based on reported crimes. If urban retail stores are being looted and shoplifting has been reduced to a misdemeanor, how many of those crimes are going to be reported?

Not Reported = Lower crime stats
I said crime feels like it is going up. Crime stats are based on reported crimes. If urban retail stores are being looted and shoplifting has been reduced to a misdemeanor, how many of those crimes are going to be reported?

Not Reported = Lower crime stats
Right wing denial playbook:
  • I don’t trust the government
  • FBI changed the way it counts crime
  • There is too much crime so people don’t even report it anymore
  • Liberals made everything legal so cops don’t even arrest people anymore
  • Here is some random crime that proves crime exists
  • I just know there is more crime.
It's as certain as (Herman Cain's) death and tax (dodging by Trump).
Yea yea. You never wondered this when Trump was president.

Based on how we measure things, Biden's kicking ass.

This reminds me of how you guys didn't like Obama or Bill Clinton. You were just jealous

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
You seem to be really confused. I never said anything while Trump was president because I never saw an op on this while he was president.
I was never jealous of Obama nor Clinton. I was not impressed with either of them as presidents because at best they were mediocre.
Biden will probably go down as one of the worst we have had and Trump will be in the same general area.
But feel free to live in your own little world.
I said crime feels like it is going up. Crime stats are based on reported crimes. If urban retail stores are being looted and shoplifting has been reduced to a misdemeanor, how many of those crimes are going to be reported?

Not Reported = Lower crime stats

When was shoplifting ever a felony?

Did this suddenly happen when Biden got in or was all this just as true when Trump was president?

Bottom like, by all measures, Biden is doing a great job. Don't be jealous like you were against Clinton.
It is largely my opinion and I do have some supporting data. You are good at holding other people accountable to back their opinions with at least some supporting data. You ought to try it sometime with yourself instead of relying on entitlement to your opinion as fact.

So one incident doesn't mean that crime is high.

So whose fault is it if folks aren't looking for a job?
The FBI is posting phony numbers
Right wing denial playbook:
  • I don’t trust the government
  • FBI changed the way it counts crime
  • There is too much crime so people don’t even report it anymore
  • Liberals made everything legal so cops don’t even arrest people anymore
  • Here is some random crime that proves crime exists
  • I just know there is more crime.
It's as certain as (Herman Cain's) death and tax (dodging by Trump).
I said crime feels like it is going up. Crime stats are based on reported crimes. If urban retail stores are being looted and shoplifting has been reduced to a misdemeanor, how many of those crimes are going to be reported?

Not Reported = Lower crime stats
So how is it different than when your Orange God was in office?
So one incident doesn't mean that crime is high.

So whose fault is it if folks aren't looking for a job?

On the Daily Show they pointed out that most of the guns coming into our blue cities come from places like Florida, South Carolina and Georgia. They are ruining our big cities much like the drug dealers did in the 1980's by pumping crack into the big cities.

So Mexico isn't our only problem. Maybe we need a wall between us and Florida/Georgia/South Carolina. They're destroying our cities too!!! With their bump stocks.
So one incident doesn't mean that crime is high.

So whose fault is it if folks aren't looking for a job?
There are many incidents - flash mobs, knockout games, randomly punching people, assaulting motorists when they don’t want their windows washed.

The “fault” lies in reporting unemployment rates and not accounting for low or non participation rates.

Again, if you are going to hold other people accountable to their opinion and supporting data, you need to start holding yourself equally accountable.
There are many incidents - flash mobs, knockout games, randomly punching people, assaulting motorists when they don’t want their windows washed.

The “fault” lies in reporting unemployment rates and not accounting for low or non participation rates.

Again, if you are going to hold other people accountable to their opinion and supporting data, you need to start holding yourself equally accountable.

There they go again. The crime rate isn't real. The unemployment rate isn't real.

I supposed the DOW number isn't real either.

You guys keep doing this. You have a different spin when it's a Democratic president. Obama's unemployment number wasn't real, Trump's was, Biden's not.

Here's something to consider. The people who aren't working don't want to work. My brother just retired with $20 million dollars. He's not being counted. Should he be?

And 10 million unfilled jobs right now. Anyone not participating doesn't want to.
So why do so many Republicans say they think the stock market is doing bad?

Stocks are up 12% this year, but nearly half of Americans think they’re down. What’s going on?​

So why do Republicans think the stock market is down when it's up?

And why do you all keep saying crime is up when it's down?
They don’t. They tell it like it is.

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