Crimea votes to join Russia.

Now for those that think that Putin is just laying "propaganda" out there by calling these goons for what they are check this out.

This is from BBC 2012. Long before the coup.

First the "thuggery". You bet they intimidated whoever was left in the government to impeach the President.

Meeting for its first two sessions in mid-December, the Rada - as it has a number of times in the past - degenerated into scenes that resembled not so much a legislative process as an ice hockey brawl, involving dozens of shoving, punching and kicking parliamentarians.

Svoboda's newly installed deputies, clad in traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirts, were in the thick of the melee, when not actually leading the charge.

They helped attack and drive from the opposition's ranks two deputies - a father and son - who were accused of preparing to defect to the ruling party.

Then they joined a massive free-for-all around the speaker's rostrum, in protest at alleged illegal absentee-voting by deputies from the governing party.


BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

We're all Ukrainians now. Oh goody. :(

You would think that any party that believes in an "ethnically pure Ukraine" and was part of the take over would set off some alarms.

I know when I first started checking into Svoboda and Right Sector I was thunderstruck by how history was repeating itself in western Ukraine.

Just another sad & costly misadventure. Hopefully one day Americans will tire of these interventionist follies. I still have hope. But I have to admit that hope is fading. Endless Wars and interventions is all most Americans know now.
We're all Ukrainians now. Oh goody. :(

You would think that any party that believes in an "ethnically pure Ukraine" and was part of the take over would set off some alarms.

I know when I first started checking into Svoboda and Right Sector I was thunderstruck by how history was repeating itself in western Ukraine.

Just another sad & costly misadventure. Hopefully one day Americans will tire of these interventionist follies. I still have hope. But I have to admit that hope is fading. Endless Wars and interventions is all most Americans know now.

I guess what shakes me to my core is how easily duped everyone is with the "now democracy comes to the Ukraine" lie. And falling for the "Putin bad/ Russia bad" garbage they are fed by our media and our politicians.

Cripes I'm fighting conservatives and liberals at every turn over Crimea. It's crazy. And so many just don't ask the basic question.

"Why do we have to pay for this?"

Aye carumba. When will it end?
And here is a great representation of the anti jew sentiment of Svoboda (you have to remember they were rewarded with plum positions for being the muscle)

This is who we are freaking backing?

The open letter (2005)


Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry

Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others

Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media

Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians

Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

Why would "neo-nazis" put in President Yatsenyuk, a Jew, the Israeli Dual Citizen Kolomoysky(an oligarch) as governor of Donetsk, and take money from the zionist Victoria Nuland at the State Department?

It is a very odd convergence of interests in Ukraine.
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You would think that any party that believes in an "ethnically pure Ukraine" and was part of the take over would set off some alarms.

I know when I first started checking into Svoboda and Right Sector I was thunderstruck by how history was repeating itself in western Ukraine.

Just another sad & costly misadventure. Hopefully one day Americans will tire of these interventionist follies. I still have hope. But I have to admit that hope is fading. Endless Wars and interventions is all most Americans know now.

I guess what shakes me to my core is how easily duped everyone is with the "now democracy comes to the Ukraine" lie. And falling for the "Putin bad/ Russia bad" garbage they are fed by our media and our politicians.

Cripes I'm fighting conservatives and liberals at every turn over Crimea. It's crazy. And so many just don't ask the basic question.

"Why do we have to pay for this?"

Aye carumba. When will it end?

Darlin, that "basic" question should have been asked a million times before...Japan, Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Poland, China, Yugoslavia (and then Croatia), England, France, Spain, El Salvador, et al.

The United States has paid out TRILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries for the last 150 years - and to liberals, we are the "bad guy".

And yes, Putin is a scumbag. Russia is nothing more than a country. A country of people just like anywhere else. Yet, during the height of the Cold War - rather that allow millions to starve, we supplied millions of bushels of wheat to their starving people so they might eat.

The same thing with countless other countries. And WE are the bad guy.
Oh and it gets better. I don't have a warm and fuzzy about this new government.

Other Svoboda members have also courted controversy.

Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn, a parliamentary deputy considered one of the party's ideologues, liberally quotes from former Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, along with other National-Socialist leaders.

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

And yet, it's ironically Putin and Russia who are the newest Hitler to so many people taking the U.S. government line. Never mind the actual Nazis in power in Kiev.
And here is a great representation of the anti jew sentiment of Svoboda (you have to remember they were rewarded with plum positions for being the muscle)

This is who we are freaking backing?

The open letter (2005)


Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry

Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others

Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media

Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians

Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

Truth hurts eh? Oh and Svoboda is pro israel.

Ukraine Right Sector Leader Rails Against ?Jewish Oligarchs? -- News from

I am pulling for Right Sector. TRUE NATIONALISTS. Not Kosher ones.
Just another costly misadventure. This was't our business. There was no need to meddle. The U.S. and Great Britain are just meddling too much around the World. And much of the World is beginning to resent that. This particular misadventure is gonna cost American Taxpayers plenty. What a shame.
Americans should be very wary about what their Leaders are telling them about those who carried out the Coup in Kiev. Be careful what you wish for America. In my humble opinion, we should get our $Billion back and stay out of this.

[ame=]Anti-Russians Display Controversial U.S. Confederate Flag In Kiev - YouTube[/ame]
For the Obamabots especially, i suspect they hate Putin and Russia just because their Dear Leader told them they were supposed to. Their arguments for supporting our involvement in this are pretty incoherent and weak. I'm guessing it's more of that 'Because Obama' stuff...

[ame=]Help Obama Kickstart World War III! - YouTube[/ame]
The obamahaters will get on him if he acts or if he does not act.

So dismiss them as most mainstream Republicans do.

My personal opinion is that the US has no dog in the hunt for Crimea.
What if Scotland and Venice choose Secession? What will the U.S. and Great Britain do about it? Will they declare those Referendums 'illegal' too? It could get pretty sticky.
What if Scotland and Venice choose Secession? What will the U.S. and Great Britain do about it? Will they declare those Referendums 'illegal' too? It could get pretty sticky.

I didn't know Venice was moving that way. Scotland is a very sticky situation. I would HOPE the USA would be neutral, regardless of the outcome.

Can't ever tell about Scotland....they've been asking for their freedom for the last 1200 years....who knows? Maybe this time? :lol:
What if Scotland and Venice choose Secession? What will the U.S. and Great Britain do about it? Will they declare those Referendums 'illegal' too? It could get pretty sticky.

I didn't know Venice was moving that way. Scotland is a very sticky situation. I would HOPE the USA would be neutral, regardless of the outcome.

Can't ever tell about Scotland....they've been asking for their freedom for the last 1200 years....who knows? Maybe this time? :lol:

I thought Mel Gibson took care of that.
I didn't know Venice was moving that way. Scotland is a very sticky situation. I would HOPE the USA would be neutral, regardless of the outcome.

Can't ever tell about Scotland....they've been asking for their freedom for the last 1200 years....who knows? Maybe this time? :lol:

I thought Mel Gibson took care of that.

Good old Mel fought his butt off, but it was for naught. Mel didn't understand that Longshanks had already (secretly) signed an executive order placing Scotland under British rule for eternity.....:bad grin:

After all - Longshanks DID have a "pen and a phone".....
On YouTube, I found this speech of Putin on the referendum. It is long, detailed and covers lots of history.


[ame=]Putin: Crimea similar to Kosovo, West is rewriting its own rule book (FULL SPEECH) - YouTube[/ame]
And here is a great representation of the anti jew sentiment of Svoboda (you have to remember they were rewarded with plum positions for being the muscle)

This is who we are freaking backing?

The open letter (2005)


Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry

Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others

Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media

Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians

Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

Why would "neo-nazis" put in President Yatsenyuk, a Jew, the Israeli Dual Citizen Kolomoysky(an oligarch) as governor of Donetsk, and take money from the zionist Victoria Nuland at the State Department?

It is a very odd convergence of interests in Ukraine.

They agreed to his appointment for a trade off for very powerful positions in the new interim government. No brainer.

Politics has always made very strange bedfellows.
So what have we learned?...Referendums are only considered 'Legal' by the U.S. and Great Britain if they benefit them in some way. Otherwise, they're bad and definitely 'Illegal.' Bout sum this one up?

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