Crimea votes to join Russia.

Good for them. I wish em well. Now can we mind our own business and move on?

And not send one thin dime to the Ukraine. Let the EU pay off their debts. They wanted the Ukraine.

And what the heck is going on with the bill that now Kerry wants America to fund the IMF?
Have you heard about that?
First Crimea has their referendum, now we need referendums throughout to EU and let the people break up this behemoth that destroys national sovereignty and identity. But the EU doesn't want to do that, because they know many nations like including United Kingdom, Ireland, France etc could break away and break it's back.

I wonder how the meddling Brits feel about Scotland getting ready to break away? That's gonna get pretty interesting. Stay tuned.

That is another interesting facet, break-ups within nations. Look to Catalonia breaking from Spain as well.
First Crimea has their referendum, now we need referendums throughout to EU and let the people break up this behemoth that destroys national sovereignty and identity. But the EU doesn't want to do that, because they know many nations like including United Kingdom, Ireland, France etc could break away and break it's back.

I wonder how the meddling Brits feel about Scotland getting ready to break away? That's gonna get pretty interesting. Stay tuned.

That is another interesting facet, break-ups within nations. Look to Catalonia breaking from Spain as well.

Yeah, i think the meddling Brits are in for a rude awakening. Scotland's about to dump em. I love it.
Good. People are beginning to wake up to the E.U's culture of deceit and promotion of cultural degeneracy. I look forward to the day their tentacles are clipped and heads are on spikes.
Good. People are beginning to wake up to the E.U's culture of deceit and promotion of cultural degeneracy. I look forward to the day their tentacles are clipped and heads are on spikes.

Yup, illegal coups are now 'Democracy' and Referendums are 'illegal and illegitimate.' Well, that's their take today anyway. It changes year to year. Most of the Warmongers here are conveniently forgetting this whole thing started with an illegal coup in Kiev. The U.S. and Great Britain should no longer be allowed to be the sole deciders on what's legal/illegal, or what is or isn't 'Democracy.' They just don't have the moral high ground on such issues. They shouldn't have been in such a rush to support the illegal coup in Kiev. This isn't worth a major conflict with Russia.
They didn't need to rig it.
The vast majority of them are pro Russian because they are from Russian descendants.

And yet it was rigged and illegal as well.

How is it illegal for an autonomous state to vote to secede from a government that overthrew a duly elected government?

It's not necessarily illegal, but can you take an election/vote seriously when armed thugs are around you?

Saddam Hussein won his elections with 99% of the vote, doesn't make it legitimate.
And yet it was rigged and illegal as well.

How is it illegal for an autonomous state to vote to secede from a government that overthrew a duly elected government?

It's not necessarily illegal, but can you take an election/vote seriously when armed thugs are around you?

Saddam Hussein won his elections with 99% of the vote, doesn't make it legitimate.

Armed thugs just overthrew the Government in Kiev. They aren't legitimate. We shouldn't be supporting and funding them.
And yet it was rigged and illegal as well.

How is it illegal for an autonomous state to vote to secede from a government that overthrew a duly elected government?

It's not necessarily illegal, but can you take an election/vote seriously when armed thugs are around you?

Saddam Hussein won his elections with 99% of the vote, doesn't make it legitimate.

The Crimea has always been pro Russian. You have to understand the province/state was given as a gift to the Ukraine in the mid 50's by Nikita K and demographically they are 60% ethnic Russian.

Oh and they know that western Ukraine hates their guts. :eusa_angel: ETA: especially those that overthrew the government.

It's a no brainer that Crimeans would seek the protection of Russia.
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You would know if it were rigged if the Ukraine and EU won the vote. No rational person(unless they are bought off by the US State Department, EU, and IMF) wants to join the sinking ship of the EU with it's economic decline through debt and unemployment and social decline through promoted homosexuality, feminism, and third world mass immigration.

But now we know it isn't rigged.

Glory to Russia!

The Russian economy is at it's lowest since the wall fell. The ruble is nearly useless. Yeah, I can see how Crimea would pick Russia over the EU - get a look at the voting form, skippy?

There were two choices - both involved Crimea being repatriated by Russia - that's one HELL of a choice.

"Glory to Russia" ?? That tells me all I need to know about you.

Putin could require that the EU pay for Russian gas and oil only in rubles and/or gold.
It was rigged because the Russian military was standing around the election booths with guns. If you think it is ok for a foreign military show up in your country and call for an election.....then you are fucking insane.
The joke is I heard it will cost Russia $3B a year to support Crimea.....Putin might be regretting this move even if the US and EU don't hammer his ass with sanctions.
This is just the beginning. Bloodshed is coming
That's fine with me as long as its not American's blood being spilled. Its none of our business.

And if Putin and Russia don't stop with the Crimea what then?
Why does it matter? Let Russia and whoever they invade/attack deal with it.
It was rigged because the Russian military was standing around the election booths with guns. If you think it is ok for a foreign military show up in your country and call for an election.....then you are fucking insane.

Like the US Military did in Afghanistan and Iraq?
This is just the beginning. Bloodshed is coming
That's fine with me as long as its not American's blood being spilled. Its none of our business.

And if Putin and Russia don't stop with the Crimea what then?
Why does it matter? Let Russia and whoever they invade/attack deal with it.
It was rigged because the Russian military was standing around the election booths with guns. If you think it is ok for a foreign military show up in your country and call for an election.....then you are fucking insane.

Like the US Military did in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Thank your the Neville Chamberlain perspective.
Depends on your point of view really. I say Churchill and Roosevelt provoked a war with Germany. Chamberlain knew better than to get involved in a war that had no affect on him or his country. Hitler wanted peace with England and said that many times.England may have won the war but it lost its entire empire.
Depends on your point of view really. I say Churchill and Roosevelt provoked a war with Germany. Chamberlain knew better than to get involved in a war that had no affect on him or his country. Hitler wanted peace with England and said that many times.England may have won the war but it lost its entire empire.

Did Churchill and Roosevelt provoke Hitler into invading Poland? I don't think so!

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