Crimea votes to join Russia.

120% of Crimea voted in favor of Putin being boss and Crimea being part of Russia. 90% of RW conservative American's agreed. Observers will go to Crimea in the next week or two to insure the voting was fair. Military forces roaming the streets with machine guns and tanks were ordered to pretend to be invisible during the voting so as not to appear as a threat. Rumors were spread that Ukraninian dogs blown up in recently installed mine fields on the border meant to protect against a Ukranian invasion and not to be seen as an iron curtain meant to keep people in Crimea will be replaced by nicer Russian dogs if the vote went the way Putin wanted it to go.
You would know if it were rigged if the Ukraine and EU won the vote. No rational person(unless they are bought off by the US State Department, EU, and IMF) wants to join the sinking ship of the EU with it's economic decline through debt and unemployment and social decline through promoted homosexuality, feminism, and third world mass immigration.

But now we know it isn't rigged.

Glory to Russia!

Yea, the EU is a "sinking ship" so it is better to join Russia? Russia can't even provide hot water and electricity to all of its citizens 7 days a week.

The elections there are a farce. Anyone who isn't pro-Russia will find themselves victims of the mob or the Russian army.

Romney was right, Russia is our biggest geo-political foe. It's too bad we have a spineless bafoon in office that only inspires asswipes like Putin to grab more power.
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Another big win for Obama


Sometimes a picture paints a thousand words... but on occasion, it takes three to get the full perspective...

How Russians see Putin...


How Americans see Obama.


How the rest of the world sees Obama..

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Wow an illegal and rigged election goes to Russia. Anyone surprised? Even CNN caught a guy putting two ballots in the ballot box. :eek:

They didn't need to rig it.
The vast majority of them are pro Russian because they are from Russian descendants.

Exactly. Demographically 60 % are ethnic Russians and Kiev is seriously anti Russian now with this interim government.

If I were Crimean I'd want Russia's protection big time. They know they are hated and reviled for just being of Russian descent and not pure Ukrainian.

Just because people are of Russian decent doesn't mean they like Russia and Putin.

And of course Kiev would be seriously anti-Russian at this point, their country has been invaded by Russia.
You would know if it were rigged if the Ukraine and EU won the vote. No rational person(unless they are bought off by the US State Department, EU, and IMF) wants to join the sinking ship of the EU with it's economic decline through debt and unemployment and social decline through promoted homosexuality, feminism, and third world mass immigration.

But now we know it isn't rigged.

Glory to Russia!

The Russian economy is at it's lowest since the wall fell. The ruble is nearly useless. Yeah, I can see how Crimea would pick Russia over the EU - get a look at the voting form, skippy?

There were two choices - both involved Crimea being repatriated by Russia - that's one HELL of a choice.

"Glory to Russia" ?? That tells me all I need to know about you.
This is just the beginning. Bloodshed is coming
You ain't kidding.

Let's look at the ethnic breakdown of Crimea. It is comprised roughly of 58% Russian, 24% Ukranian, 12% Crimean Tatar, and 6% other. Now if Crimea does indeed break away from Ukraine to join Russia, armed conflict is unavoidable.

If the Ukraine is divisible, thus allowing Crimea to break away and join Russia, by that same logic, Crimea is also divisible. Pockets of Crimea where Ukranians form the majority will have their own referendums to partition themselves from Crimea and rejoin the Ukraine. Civil unrest will unfold and casualties will be high.

I hope that they can sort this out in a peaceful manner, if they have an armed conflict, that's on them. We should have stayed out and we should stay out of that region and it's affairs. This region is right on Russia's doorstep, how we we like them interfering in our region? I don't even think that we should be threatening economic sanctions. We should have just left well enough alone.
Wow an illegal and rigged election goes to Russia. Anyone surprised? Even CNN caught a guy putting two ballots in the ballot box. :eek:

They didn't need to rig it.
The vast majority of them are pro Russian because they are from Russian descendants.

And yet it was rigged and illegal as well.

How is it illegal for an autonomous state to vote to secede from a government that overthrew a duly elected government?
You would know if it were rigged if the Ukraine and EU won the vote. No rational person(unless they are bought off by the US State Department, EU, and IMF) wants to join the sinking ship of the EU with it's economic decline through debt and unemployment and social decline through promoted homosexuality, feminism, and third world mass immigration.

But now we know it isn't rigged.

Glory to Russia!

Yea, the EU is a "sinking ship" so it is better to join Russia? Russia can't even provide hot water and electricity to all of its citizens 7 days a week.

The elections there are a farce. Anyone who isn't pro-Russia will find themselves victims of the mob or the Russian army.

Romney was right, Russia is our biggest geo-political foe. It's too bad we have a spineless bafoon in office that only inspires asswipes like Putin to grab more power.

Entirely possible that the Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians in Crimea might suffer in some ways as a result, but it's just as possible, and maybe more likely, that the ethnic Russians in Crimea would suffer under the Ukrainian nationalist government in Kiev.
This is just the beginning. Bloodshed is coming
You ain't kidding.

Let's look at the ethnic breakdown of Crimea. It is comprised roughly of 58% Russian, 24% Ukranian, 12% Crimean Tatar, and 6% other. Now if Crimea does indeed break away from Ukraine to join Russia, armed conflict is unavoidable.

If the Ukraine is divisible, thus allowing Crimea to break away and join Russia, by that same logic, Crimea is also divisible. Pockets of Crimea where Ukranians form the majority will have their own referendums to partition themselves from Crimea and rejoin the Ukraine. Civil unrest will unfold and casualties will be high.

I hope that they can sort this out in a peaceful manner, if they have an armed conflict, that's on them. We should have stayed out and we should stay out of that region and it's affairs. This region is right on Russia's doorstep, how we we like them interfering in our region? I don't even think that we should be threatening economic sanctions. We should have just left well enough alone.

I'm still in freaking shock at our governments thinking Putin/ Russia was just going to give up his multi million dollar naval port in Crimea for his Black Sea Fleet.(and as you know I have been slagging my own conservative government as well, I've been very bi partisan in my anger :D).

Seriously, what the hell is every body smoking at NATO and the EU and in our Western capitals?
You ain't kidding.

Let's look at the ethnic breakdown of Crimea. It is comprised roughly of 58% Russian, 24% Ukranian, 12% Crimean Tatar, and 6% other. Now if Crimea does indeed break away from Ukraine to join Russia, armed conflict is unavoidable.

If the Ukraine is divisible, thus allowing Crimea to break away and join Russia, by that same logic, Crimea is also divisible. Pockets of Crimea where Ukranians form the majority will have their own referendums to partition themselves from Crimea and rejoin the Ukraine. Civil unrest will unfold and casualties will be high.

I hope that they can sort this out in a peaceful manner, if they have an armed conflict, that's on them. We should have stayed out and we should stay out of that region and it's affairs. This region is right on Russia's doorstep, how we we like them interfering in our region? I don't even think that we should be threatening economic sanctions. We should have just left well enough alone.

I'm still in freaking shock at our governments thinking Putin/ Russia was just going to give up his multi million dollar naval port in Crimea for his Black Sea Fleet.(and as you know I have been slagging my own conservative government as well, I've been very bi partisan in my anger :D).

Seriously, what the hell is every body smoking at NATO and the EU and in our Western capitals?

Everyone at NATO and the EU have a very teeter-totter relationship with Russia. This is the logical outcome of of Russia being the largest supplier of oil to the EU. It's a similar deal to the US working so closely with China - selling off many of our assets to China (thanks Bill Clinton!). We become "dependent" on the goodwill of China just as the EU is now "depending on the goodwill" of Russia.

As long as everyone stays in their own "backyards" - the kiddies play well together. However, when the "bully" Russia decides that, because their economy is failing, to repatriate Crimea - what is the EU to do? And then, what is to stop them from repatriating the rest of the Ukraine? or Poland? or even the post war East Germany? Who's to stop them? Surely, the "red-line" in the sand by Obama hasn't had the intended result, now has it?

Keep your eyes on China and North Korea. This is just the beginning........
You would know if it were rigged if the Ukraine and EU won the vote. No rational person(unless they are bought off by the US State Department, EU, and IMF) wants to join the sinking ship of the EU with it's economic decline through debt and unemployment and social decline through promoted homosexuality, feminism, and third world mass immigration.

But now we know it isn't rigged.

Glory to Russia!

Yea, the EU is a "sinking ship" so it is better to join Russia? Russia can't even provide hot water and electricity to all of its citizens 7 days a week.

The elections there are a farce. Anyone who isn't pro-Russia will find themselves victims of the mob or the Russian army.

Romney was right, Russia is our biggest geo-political foe. It's too bad we have a spineless bafoon in office that only inspires asswipes like Putin to grab more power.

Which con-servative radio talk show host told you that, or did you get the crap from the left wing homo media and their darling dyke Rachel Maddow?

Russia is the 5th largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity.

Russia consistently since 1999 has had higher gdp growth per year than the United States.

GDP growth (annual %) | Data | Table

Russia also has a unemployment rate of 5.6%, far lower than the US, where unemployment is 12.5% at least.
Russia Unemployment Rate | Actual Value | Historical Data | Forecast
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

Russia doesn't have a fake economy based on funny money from the FED. They didn't ship their industry overseas with free trade and high taxes, and actually tap into their natural resources. They broke from the IMF under Putin, refusing to pay debts to the global loan sharks and are now prospering because of it.

Crimeans know this and aren't stupid.
They didn't need to rig it.
The vast majority of them are pro Russian because they are from Russian descendants.

Exactly. Demographically 60 % are ethnic Russians and Kiev is seriously anti Russian now with this interim government.

If I were Crimean I'd want Russia's protection big time. They know they are hated and reviled for just being of Russian descent and not pure Ukrainian.

Just because people are of Russian decent doesn't mean they like Russia and Putin.

And of course Kiev would be seriously anti-Russian at this point, their country has been invaded by Russia.

The opposition has been seriously anti Russian before the issue of Crimea came up.

That's why they overthrew the duly elected government. Svoboda who has been given key posts have a most interesting "pure ethnically Ukrainian view"

Their party platform includes stripping ethnic Russians of their Ukrainian citizenship. One of the first bills passed was to ban the Russian language but it was vetoed by the new interim President after pressure from the EU. Oh and to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

Shall I go on?
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They didn't need to rig it.
The vast majority of them are pro Russian because they are from Russian descendants.

Exactly. Demographically 60 % are ethnic Russians and Kiev is seriously anti Russian now with this interim government.

If I were Crimean I'd want Russia's protection big time. They know they are hated and reviled for just being of Russian descent and not pure Ukrainian.

Just because people are of Russian decent doesn't mean they like Russia and Putin.

And of course Kiev would be seriously anti-Russian at this point, their country has been invaded by Russia.
If by kiev you mean the hired protestors of the US, Zionists and EU and the "right wing nationalist" NATO trained thugs of Right Sector, yes they are anti-Russian. But they wouldn't dare try their bullshit if Putin rolled through Kiev. They would pack up their crap with their tail between their legs and beg for mercy from Tsar Putin. They took advantage of a weakness and corruption in Yanukovych that Putin doesn't have.
You would know if it were rigged if the Ukraine and EU won the vote. No rational person(unless they are bought off by the US State Department, EU, and IMF) wants to join the sinking ship of the EU with it's economic decline through debt and unemployment and social decline through promoted homosexuality, feminism, and third world mass immigration.

But now we know it isn't rigged.

Glory to Russia!

The Russian economy is at it's lowest since the wall fell. The ruble is nearly useless. Yeah, I can see how Crimea would pick Russia over the EU - get a look at the voting form, skippy?

There were two choices - both involved Crimea being repatriated by Russia - that's one HELL of a choice.

"Glory to Russia" ?? That tells me all I need to know about you.

With all due respect, the World Bank has Russia doing ok at this point in time. And the Ukraine is desperately in financial ruin.

And if you want to talk totalitarian regime you really should check out the EU :lol:

Hell's bells Britain isn't even allowed to deport terrorists because the EU says they can't.
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First Crimea has their referendum, now we need referendums throughout to EU and let the people break up this behemoth that destroys national sovereignty and identity. But the EU doesn't want to do that, because they know many nations like including United Kingdom, Ireland, France etc could break away and break it's back.
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Just to back up my comments regarding Svoboda the uber Nationalists:

Criminal prosecution for “Ukrainophobia”

Only those born in Ukraine can become Ukrainian citizens, with the exceptions for those who have lived in Ukraine for more than 15 years, know the Ukrainian language, culture and Ukrainian Constitution
Renunciation of the 2010 Kharkiv agreements

Ban on adoptions by non-Ukrainians of Ukrainian children

Preferential treatment for Ukrainian students in the allocation of dormitory places, and a series of similar changes to existing legal provisions

Abolition of Crimean autonomy******ding ding ding******

Svoboda (political party) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exactly. Demographically 60 % are ethnic Russians and Kiev is seriously anti Russian now with this interim government.

If I were Crimean I'd want Russia's protection big time. They know they are hated and reviled for just being of Russian descent and not pure Ukrainian.

Just because people are of Russian decent doesn't mean they like Russia and Putin.

And of course Kiev would be seriously anti-Russian at this point, their country has been invaded by Russia.

The opposition has been seriously anti Russian before the issue of Crimea came up.

That's why they overthrew the duly elected government. Svoboda who has been given key posts have a most interesting "pure ethnically Ukrainian view"

Their party platform includes stripping ethnic Russians of their Ukrainian citizenship. One of the first bills passed was to ban the Russian language but it was vetoed by the new interim President after pressure from the EU. Oh and to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

Shall I go on?

Svoboda is considered a pariah by European nationalists across the continent, from the UK and France to Greece and Bulgaria, and Serbian, Polish, and Hungarian Nationalists have condemned them as agents of NATO, EU and Zionism.
First Crimea has their referendum, now we need referendums throughout to EU and let the people break up this behemoth that destroys national sovereignty and identity. But the EU doesn't want to do that, because they know many nations like including United Kingdom, Ireland, France etc could break away and break it's back.

I wonder how the meddling Brits feel about Scotland getting ready to break away? That's gonna get pretty interesting. Stay tuned.

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