Criminal biker gangs and guns....they have them in Europe too, and Canada, Australia....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 Europe they also have bikers and the bikers get guns when they need to do a little killing, and none of the European gun laws stop them....

Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Car-bombs, AKs and grenades: Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Scandinavia, 1990s: No less than 12 people were killed and nearly a hundred injured in three years of open conflict that has been immortalized as the “Great Nordic Biker War.” This turf war, in which Hells Angels and Banditos motorcycle clubs and supporters blazed a trail of destruction across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, was fought not only with fists and knives but with illegal guns, car bombs and even anti-tank rockets and hand grenades stolen from military arsenals.

Germany, 2007: A 47-year-old Hells Angel was killed by two Banditos using an unregistered 7.65mm pistol in the quiet town of Ibbenburen following an escalating series of altercations between the two clubs that included machete attacks, ambushes, and running shootouts down the autobahn. The two later stood trial after a third club member testified against them for the killing. Later, a member of a Hells Angles auxiliary club became the star witness to the German federal government, claiming that club’s leader ordered a number of contract killings in reprisal for this incident and others.

England, 2008: Hell’s Angel Gerry Tobin was shot and killed while riding on the M40 motorway connecting London and Birmingham. Later, seven members of a rival motorcycle club, many with criminal histories, were sentenced to life imprisonment after an investigation tied the men to the unlicensed sawn off shotguns used in the crime.
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But.....I thought they had gun control in Europe....and here we have the "Great Nordic Biker War" and the weapons used.....

Biker wars dredge up something rotten in the state of Denmark - World - News - The Independent

Now there are fears that the Bandidos biker gang is moving into Elsinore big-time. They are armed to fight Hell's Angels - not with the slings and chains of yesteryear - but with anti-tank rockets and grenades.

but....but...they have gun control....Grenades? Anti tank rockets?

--Just along the road, a victim of Elsinore's new honour code lies bleeding in the hospital. Morten Traeben, a Bandidos leader, lost a leg this week, after the enemy Hell's Angels lobbed a grenade into his cell at an open prison. The brothers hit back fast, opening fire on a Hell's Angel, Paluden Jacobsen, at his girlfriend's home in Copenhagen........

Behind the pristine box hedges of suburban streets across the country, ordinary Danes seem not to know what to make of the violence which is shattering the image of their pristine land.

The Nordic biker wars, which have been raging for months in Sweden, Finland and Norway, killing two and wounding many more, spread to Denmark three weeks ago with a bloody shoot-out at Copenhagen airport.

A Hell's Angel returning from a rockers' convention in Helsinki was shot dead in a hail of automatic rifle fire outside the arrivals hall by members of the Bandidos.

Since then the gangs have rocketed each others' "clubs", and the Danish press revealed this week that huge arsenals of weapons have been stolen from army stores in Denmark and Sweden.

funny how when this happened over there we never heard about it...especially the parts abut the grenades, fully automatic rifles and anti tank weapons blowing up biker clubs......the gun grabbers are the same the world over, hide, lie and bitch about guns....

As I keep saying ....when criminals in Europe want or need guns...they get them easily and the laws in Europe do not stop them....they have to be stopped the same way as they need to be stopped here...catch them and lock them up...

Because I am damn sure that fully automatic rifles, grenades and anti tank rockets are banned by European gun laws........

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I've never understood the "there's crime in other counrties too" argument.

Why don't you pull up some statistics for us to compare the US and Canada, or the US and Norway in terms of violent crime.
The dirty little secret is that society generally tolerates biker gangs because they have been glamorized by Hollywood since Brando was a kid.
I've never understood the "there's crime in other counrties too" argument.

Why don't you pull up some statistics for us to compare the US and Canada, or the US and Norway in terms of violent crime.

That isn't the point...Europe in general is less violent than the United States...a difference in cultures, not gun access..because as we have seen recently, and as is shown here, criminals in Europe...all of Europe, can easily get guns when they want or need them in countries with extreme gun control laws.....

And Britain is 2 times a violent as the United States and this is after the ban..... Europe they also have bikers and the bikers get guns when they need to do a little killing, and none of the European gun laws stop them....

Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Car-bombs, AKs and grenades: Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Scandinavia, 1990s: No less than 12 people were killed and nearly a hundred injured in three years of open conflict that has been immortalized as the “Great Nordic Biker War.” This turf war, in which Hells Angels and Banditos motorcycle clubs and supporters blazed a trail of destruction across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, was fought not only with fists and knives but with illegal guns, car bombs and even anti-tank rockets and hand grenades stolen from military arsenals.

Germany, 2007: A 47-year-old Hells Angel was killed by two Banditos using an unregistered 7.65mm pistol in the quiet town of Ibbenburen following an escalating series of altercations between the two clubs that included machete attacks, ambushes, and running shootouts down the autobahn. The two later stood trial after a third club member testified against them for the killing. Later, a member of a Hells Angles auxiliary club became the star witness to the German federal government, claiming that club’s leader ordered a number of contract killings in reprisal for this incident and others.

England, 2008: Hell’s Angel Gerry Tobin was shot and killed while riding on the M40 motorway connecting London and Birmingham. Later, seven members of a rival motorcycle club, many with criminal histories, were sentenced to life imprisonment after an investigation tied the men to the unlicensed sawn off shotguns used in the crime.

So the last 25 years for those countries combined is like an average day here. Europe they also have bikers and the bikers get guns when they need to do a little killing, and none of the European gun laws stop them....

Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Car-bombs, AKs and grenades: Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Scandinavia, 1990s: No less than 12 people were killed and nearly a hundred injured in three years of open conflict that has been immortalized as the “Great Nordic Biker War.” This turf war, in which Hells Angels and Banditos motorcycle clubs and supporters blazed a trail of destruction across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, was fought not only with fists and knives but with illegal guns, car bombs and even anti-tank rockets and hand grenades stolen from military arsenals.

Germany, 2007: A 47-year-old Hells Angel was killed by two Banditos using an unregistered 7.65mm pistol in the quiet town of Ibbenburen following an escalating series of altercations between the two clubs that included machete attacks, ambushes, and running shootouts down the autobahn. The two later stood trial after a third club member testified against them for the killing. Later, a member of a Hells Angles auxiliary club became the star witness to the German federal government, claiming that club’s leader ordered a number of contract killings in reprisal for this incident and others.

England, 2008: Hell’s Angel Gerry Tobin was shot and killed while riding on the M40 motorway connecting London and Birmingham. Later, seven members of a rival motorcycle club, many with criminal histories, were sentenced to life imprisonment after an investigation tied the men to the unlicensed sawn off shotguns used in the crime.

So the last 25 years for those countries combined is like an average day here.

But...and you want to ignore the actual point...they got all the guns they wanted, when they wanted them in countries with extremely strict gun control laws...and they got them easily, and they got fully automatic, military grade rifles, hand grenades and rocket launchers....

And not one European gun law stopped them.......and you can't deny that fact....but go ahead...lie, and be dishonest in order to push your gun grabbing agenda.... Europe they also have bikers and the bikers get guns when they need to do a little killing, and none of the European gun laws stop them....

Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Car-bombs, AKs and grenades: Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Scandinavia, 1990s: No less than 12 people were killed and nearly a hundred injured in three years of open conflict that has been immortalized as the “Great Nordic Biker War.” This turf war, in which Hells Angels and Banditos motorcycle clubs and supporters blazed a trail of destruction across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, was fought not only with fists and knives but with illegal guns, car bombs and even anti-tank rockets and hand grenades stolen from military arsenals.

Germany, 2007: A 47-year-old Hells Angel was killed by two Banditos using an unregistered 7.65mm pistol in the quiet town of Ibbenburen following an escalating series of altercations between the two clubs that included machete attacks, ambushes, and running shootouts down the autobahn. The two later stood trial after a third club member testified against them for the killing. Later, a member of a Hells Angles auxiliary club became the star witness to the German federal government, claiming that club’s leader ordered a number of contract killings in reprisal for this incident and others.

England, 2008: Hell’s Angel Gerry Tobin was shot and killed while riding on the M40 motorway connecting London and Birmingham. Later, seven members of a rival motorcycle club, many with criminal histories, were sentenced to life imprisonment after an investigation tied the men to the unlicensed sawn off shotguns used in the crime.

So the last 25 years for those countries combined is like an average day here.

But...and you want to ignore the actual point...they got all the guns they wanted, when they wanted them in countries with extremely strict gun control laws...and they got them easily, and they got fully automatic, military grade rifles, hand grenades and rocket launchers....

And not one European gun law stopped them.......and you can't deny that fact....but go ahead...lie, and be dishonest in order to push your gun grabbing agenda....

People care about crime rates. Europe is much lower. Europe they also have bikers and the bikers get guns when they need to do a little killing, and none of the European gun laws stop them....

Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Car-bombs, AKs and grenades: Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Scandinavia, 1990s: No less than 12 people were killed and nearly a hundred injured in three years of open conflict that has been immortalized as the “Great Nordic Biker War.” This turf war, in which Hells Angels and Banditos motorcycle clubs and supporters blazed a trail of destruction across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, was fought not only with fists and knives but with illegal guns, car bombs and even anti-tank rockets and hand grenades stolen from military arsenals.

Germany, 2007: A 47-year-old Hells Angel was killed by two Banditos using an unregistered 7.65mm pistol in the quiet town of Ibbenburen following an escalating series of altercations between the two clubs that included machete attacks, ambushes, and running shootouts down the autobahn. The two later stood trial after a third club member testified against them for the killing. Later, a member of a Hells Angles auxiliary club became the star witness to the German federal government, claiming that club’s leader ordered a number of contract killings in reprisal for this incident and others.

England, 2008: Hell’s Angel Gerry Tobin was shot and killed while riding on the M40 motorway connecting London and Birmingham. Later, seven members of a rival motorcycle club, many with criminal histories, were sentenced to life imprisonment after an investigation tied the men to the unlicensed sawn off shotguns used in the crime.

So the last 25 years for those countries combined is like an average day here.

But...and you want to ignore the actual point...they got all the guns they wanted, when they wanted them in countries with extremely strict gun control laws...and they got them easily, and they got fully automatic, military grade rifles, hand grenades and rocket launchers....

And not one European gun law stopped them.......and you can't deny that fact....but go ahead...lie, and be dishonest in order to push your gun grabbing agenda....

People care about crime rates. Europe is much lower.

Britain isn't ...and the issue is you gun grabbers say strict gun laws will stop criminals from getting guns.....they don't. They can't, and they never these articles show...the criminals get guns around the world when they want or need them in Europe and even Japan.....

Strict gun control laws do nothing to stop criminals...... Europe they also have bikers and the bikers get guns when they need to do a little killing, and none of the European gun laws stop them....

Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Car-bombs, AKs and grenades: Violence in biker gangs not limited to U.S.

Scandinavia, 1990s: No less than 12 people were killed and nearly a hundred injured in three years of open conflict that has been immortalized as the “Great Nordic Biker War.” This turf war, in which Hells Angels and Banditos motorcycle clubs and supporters blazed a trail of destruction across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, was fought not only with fists and knives but with illegal guns, car bombs and even anti-tank rockets and hand grenades stolen from military arsenals.

Germany, 2007: A 47-year-old Hells Angel was killed by two Banditos using an unregistered 7.65mm pistol in the quiet town of Ibbenburen following an escalating series of altercations between the two clubs that included machete attacks, ambushes, and running shootouts down the autobahn. The two later stood trial after a third club member testified against them for the killing. Later, a member of a Hells Angles auxiliary club became the star witness to the German federal government, claiming that club’s leader ordered a number of contract killings in reprisal for this incident and others.

England, 2008: Hell’s Angel Gerry Tobin was shot and killed while riding on the M40 motorway connecting London and Birmingham. Later, seven members of a rival motorcycle club, many with criminal histories, were sentenced to life imprisonment after an investigation tied the men to the unlicensed sawn off shotguns used in the crime.

So the last 25 years for those countries combined is like an average day here.

But...and you want to ignore the actual point...they got all the guns they wanted, when they wanted them in countries with extremely strict gun control laws...and they got them easily, and they got fully automatic, military grade rifles, hand grenades and rocket launchers....

And not one European gun law stopped them.......and you can't deny that fact....but go ahead...lie, and be dishonest in order to push your gun grabbing agenda....

People care about crime rates. Europe is much lower.

Britain isn't ...and the issue is you gun grabbers say strict gun laws will stop criminals from getting guns.....they don't. They can't, and they never these articles show...the criminals get guns around the world when they want or need them in Europe and even Japan.....

Strict gun control laws do nothing to stop criminals......

I have no interest in grabbing anyone's gun. So the issue is that we have too many guns? Europe has few guns so criminals don't use them. Seems like more armed victims equals more armed criminals.

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