Crisis In Texas.Have Any Rich Liberal Leaders Come Out And Offer Millions In Help Donations?

Just for giggles and mocking the posters that think donations and donators should be politicised, Leslie Alexander, a well-known contributor to Democratic Party causes and candidates and a self-made billionaire has just increased his original pledge of 4 million dollars to 10 million dollars.
the one I am really waiting for is Maxine Waters! i am pretty sure that thousands of black americans are displaced/away from home,,living in the American Airlines or Barclay stadium as we speak

I just looked out of curiosity, and Maxine Water's net worth is less than mine and my wife's. She is really not worth much at all.

By the way, how much have you given since you are so big on how much others have given?
Trump really needs to ask the Clintons how much they plan to donate on live TV

How much is Trump donating? He must has a shit ton of money since he hasn't donated to his own Charitable Foundation since 2008.

Any charitable work done by the Trump Foundation, after payment of its illegal political campaign contributions, its IRS fines, its purchase of sports memorabilia and a portrait of its founder, all came from funds donated by others, through illegal fundraising campaigns.

The Clinton Foundation has a four star rating and world-wide respect. The Trump Foundation has a cease and desist order.
:cow: :crybaby: :dunno: And if Im right, aren't the wealthiest law makers Liberals? So, will we soon hear from the likes of Pelosi, Warren, Waters, maybe even George Soros open up their very thick wallets and help out these thousands of innocent/hard working Americans in Texas?
You guys see the day when Pelosi will feel so sorry for those unfortunate people and donate a mere 5 Million Dollars?
:eusa_think: :hellno:

Who cares, you asshole! Way to politicize a tragedy, BTW. Only small minded shitheels like yourself are interested in those details. Your overlords must be so proud.
Texans will take care of Texas and remember that.

I am grateful for the Cajun Navy help, all the wonderful people from here and other places, and for our own business owners like Mattress Mac that have stepped up.

As for waiting for the super rich to rise, well I will not.

I will help my neighbors with my pennies because like Jesus taught the poor person that gives is more than what the rich man will give.

So stop with the stupidity and money will flow and Houston will be rebuilt and those of you using this as your political bitch slapping game, well I do not care anymore!
Thank you to all who put even a dollar in the pot to help Texas, its not about your political lean, its about your human to human caring.
:cow: :crybaby: :dunno: And if Im right, aren't the wealthiest law makers Liberals? So, will we soon hear from the likes of Pelosi, Warren, Waters, maybe even George Soros open up their very thick wallets and help out these thousands of innocent/hard working Americans in Texas?
You guys see the day when Pelosi will feel so sorry for those unfortunate people and donate a mere 5 Million Dollars?
:eusa_think: :hellno:

Maybe they're waiting for wealthy right wingers to offer donations to poor people who can't afford healthcare insurance to get treatment for cancer and other such diseases they're going to die from......
anyone wanna make bets that either/both Maxine and Pelosi will dontate at least 25 Million each? or even express their sorrow/concern for all of those conservatives who may have lost their homes? maybe even their jobs for a while?

And what is this nonsense you're talking about now? Are we discussing politics or just trying to hide your own "team"'s ridiculousness by attacking the other "team"?
:cow: :crybaby: :dunno: And if Im right, aren't the wealthiest law makers Liberals? So, will we soon hear from the likes of Pelosi, Warren, Waters, maybe even George Soros open up their very thick wallets and help out these thousands of innocent/hard working Americans in Texas?
You guys see the day when Pelosi will feel so sorry for those unfortunate people and donate a mere 5 Million Dollars?
:eusa_think: :hellno:

What a pinhead. Some people who have money don't stand up and brag about it like Trump does. Some people with a lot more money than Trump actually donate to disaster causes but ask that their donations be anonymous. They don't want the publicity, unlike Trump. But I think this sort of thinking is totally lost on fucking moronic idiots like you anymore.....
:cow: :crybaby: :dunno: And if Im right, aren't the wealthiest law makers Liberals? So, will we soon hear from the likes of Pelosi, Warren, Waters, maybe even George Soros open up their very thick wallets and help out these thousands of innocent/hard working Americans in Texas?
You guys see the day when Pelosi will feel so sorry for those unfortunate people and donate a mere 5 Million Dollars?
:eusa_think: :hellno:
They are to busy complaning about Melania's shoes.

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