Critical Race Theory.

Democrats used to be willing to use intellect and logic to back their views. Now they are just a collective of PC useful idiots.
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On Tuesday, he issued a new order that extends the ban to the uniformed services and to all federal contractors, a vast universe. Once again, the order is a thing of beauty:

Today many people are pushing a different vision of America that is grounded in hierarchies based on collective social and political identities rather than in the inherent and equal dignity of every person as an individual. This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.

This destructive ideology is grounded in misrepresentations of our country’s history and its role in the world. Although presented as new and revolutionary, they resurrect the discredited notions of the nineteenth century’s apologists for slavery who, like President Lincoln’s rival Stephen A. Douglas, maintained that our government “was made on the white basis” “by white men, for the benefit of white men.” Our Founding documents rejected these racialized views of America, which were soundly defeated on the blood-stained battlefields of the Civil War. Yet they are now being repackaged and sold as cutting-edge insights. They are designed to divide us and to prevent us from uniting as one people in pursuit of one common destiny for our great country.

Unfortunately, this malign ideology is now migrating from the fringes of American society and threatens to infect core institutions of our country. Instructors and materials teaching that men and members of certain races, as well as our most venerable institutions, are inherently sexist and racist are appearing in workplace diversity trainings across the country, even in components of the Federal Government and among Federal contractors. For example, the Department of the Treasury recently held a seminar that promoted arguments that “virtually all White people, regardless of how ‘woke’ they are, contribute to racism,” and that instructed small group leaders to encourage employees to avoid “narratives” that Americans should “be more color-blind” or “let people’s skills and personalities be what differentiates them.”

Training materials from Argonne National Laboratories, a Federal entity, stated that racism “is interwoven into every fabric of America” and described statements like “color blindness” and the “meritocracy” as “actions of bias.”

Materials from Sandia National Laboratories, also a Federal entity, for non-minority males stated that an emphasis on “rationality over emotionality” was a characteristic of “white males,” and asked those present to “acknowledge” their “privilege” to each other.

A Smithsonian Institution museum graphic recently claimed that concepts like “[o]bjective, rational linear thinking,” “[h]ard work” being “the key to success,” the “nuclear family,” and belief in a single god are not values that unite Americans of all races but are instead “aspects and assumptions of whiteness.” The museum also stated that “[f]acing your whiteness is hard and can result in feelings of guilt, sadness, confusion, defensiveness, or fear.”

All of this is contrary to the fundamental premises underpinning our Republic: that all individuals are created equal and should be allowed an equal opportunity under the law to pursue happiness and prosper based on individual merit.

Federal contractors are barred from promoting “divisive concepts.”

“Divisive concepts” means the concepts that
(1) one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex;
(2) the United States is fundamentally racist or sexist;
(3) an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously;
(4) an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex;
(5) members of one race or sex cannot and should not attempt to treat others without respect to race or sex;
(6) an individual’s moral character is necessarily determined by his or her race or sex;
(7) an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex;
(8) any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex; or
(9) meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist, or were created by a particular race to oppress another race.

The term “divisive concepts” also includes any other form of race or sex stereotyping or any other form of race or sex scapegoating.

This is a good thing, obviously.

The issue is clarifying: Donald Trump and the Republicans are pro-American, Joe Biden and the Democrats are anti-American. It really is that simple.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.

E. D. Hirsch wrote a great article for the WSJ last week on how the school systems ruined the country. As you may already know Hirsch is a leftie politically but despises the 'culture war' lefties; in the article he once again points out that grade school is for teaching children to be good citizens and patriots along with the 3 R's, not for social experimentation and engineering agendas, for one.
NEver let yourself be distracted or led off the track by 'critical race theory' bullshit; it's just pseudo-intellectual rubbish invented ou tof hot air to compliment the 'Reparations' scam currently popular with the con artists and black racists now. It really isn't worth all the time expended on it; there is no 'There' there.

IF anyone wants to know how and where the Civil Rights and Voting Rights campaigns went wrong and who directed their failures, get a copy of Hugh Davis Graham's The Civil Rights Era and learn the truth of the matters re the failures of black education, AA, and race quotas. It also has an a discussion at the end of the book by Vance Woodward on the fallacy of belief in 'continuatarianism' trap that so many fall into re bureaucracies and their gradualism. There was a very good reason LBJ, Moynihan, and Humphrey wrote sunset review clauses into every piece of their legislation.
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"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.

E. D. Hirsch wrote a great article for the WSJ last week on how the school systems ruined the country. As you may already know Hirsch is a leftie politically but despises the 'culture war' lefties; in the article he once again points out that grade school is for teaching children to be good citizens and patriots along with the 3 R's, not for social experimentation and engineering agendas, for one.

Thank you for the heads-up.
I was about to post about charter schools, but I will go find that Hirsh article. I'm a big fan of the Massachusetts Miracle.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.

E. D. Hirsch wrote a great article for the WSJ last week on how the school systems ruined the country. As you may already know Hirsch is a leftie politically but despises the 'culture war' lefties; in the article he once again points out that grade school is for teaching children to be good citizens and patriots along with the 3 R's, not for social experimentation and engineering agendas, for one.
Both sides pointed fingers while our schools went right down the drain. Where education is supposed to lead to more tentative positions, more open to new ideas and evidence, polling now confirms that the more time you spend in school, the more close minded and dogmatic one is. But, you are also more likely to vote Democrat.

So once again, Dems have taken something that was supposed to be for the public good, and turned it to their own partisan purposes, and other than the occasional fiery speech from Lindsey Graham, followed by nothing, they did nothing to combat this appropriation of a public good by the Democrat party.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.

E. D. Hirsch wrote a great article for the WSJ last week on how the school systems ruined the country. As you may already know Hirsch is a leftie politically but despises the 'culture war' lefties; in the article he once again points out that grade school is for teaching children to be good citizens and patriots along with the 3 R's, not for social experimentation and engineering agendas, for one.
Both sides pointed fingers while our schools went right down the drain. Where education is supposed to lead to more tentative positions, more open to new ideas and evidence, polling now confirms that the more time you spend in school, the more close minded and dogmatic one is. But, you are also more likely to vote Democrat.

So once again, Dems have taken something that was supposed to be for the public good, and turned it to their own partisan purposes, and other than the occasional fiery speech from Lindsey Graham, followed by nothing, they did nothing to combat this appropriation of a public good by the Democrat party.

"Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.

Certainly not the case since Liberals/Democrats took charge.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.

E. D. Hirsch wrote a great article for the WSJ last week on how the school systems ruined the country. As you may already know Hirsch is a leftie politically but despises the 'culture war' lefties; in the article he once again points out that grade school is for teaching children to be good citizens and patriots along with the 3 R's, not for social experimentation and engineering agendas, for one.
Both sides pointed fingers while our schools went right down the drain. Where education is supposed to lead to more tentative positions, more open to new ideas and evidence, polling now confirms that the more time you spend in school, the more close minded and dogmatic one is. But, you are also more likely to vote Democrat.

So once again, Dems have taken something that was supposed to be for the public good, and turned it to their own partisan purposes, and other than the occasional fiery speech from Lindsey Graham, followed by nothing, they did nothing to combat this appropriation of a public good by the Democrat party.

"Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.

Certainly not the case since Liberals/Democrats took charge.
They hate America and they hate us.
#5: argument is too broad. For example, French philosopher Deleuze called Hegel a numbskull.
#18 looses much credibility when invoking satan, and shows that it’s thinking mind is an either/or mind.
Critical race theory is Marxist agitprop disguised as racial dialectic.

Whites are all racists who can never
change their condition no matter how hard they pretend they are not.

Blacks are all long suffering victims of this evil racist society that must be completely torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.

Whites are to shut up and give blacks whatever they need or ask for. They must never be in charge of anything again. If you think you are not racist you are wrong.

There is your course summary. Unless you hate yourself already don't bother going to any school
teaching this Marxist tripe.
Critical race theory is Marxist agitprop disguised as racial dialectic.

Whites are all racists who can never
change their condition no matter how hard they pretend they are not.

Blacks are all long suffering victims of this evil racist society that must be completely torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.

Whites are to shut up and give blacks whatever they need or ask for. They must never be in charge of anything again. If you think you are not racist you are wrong.

There is your course summary. Unless you hate yourself already don't bother going to any school
teaching this Marxist tripe.

Antonio Gramsci led the way in the methods 'redefining' terms to undermine the target's patriotism and national unity, and delegitimize its history, little by little, as part of the demoralization process aka 'culture wars'. 'Critical race theory' is a laughable load of pseudo-intellectual rubbish, especially when most of its advocates are dumbass racists.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.

E. D. Hirsch wrote a great article for the WSJ last week on how the school systems ruined the country. As you may already know Hirsch is a leftie politically but despises the 'culture war' lefties; in the article he once again points out that grade school is for teaching children to be good citizens and patriots along with the 3 R's, not for social experimentation and engineering agendas, for one.

Thank you for the heads-up.
I was about to post about charter schools, but I will go find that Hirsh article. I'm a big fan of the Massachusetts Miracle.

He actually wrote two articles a week or so apart in the Weekend Edition, plus he has some others in other magazines as well; they should all be easy to find via a search but the WSJ has a pay wall. I just buy the hard copies on Saturday mornings at a store near where we go for breakfast. I'll see if I can find them somewhere besides the WSJ if you like.
"Operating Definitions

Modernism – the belief that man can achieve his own enlightenment

Postmodernism – the denial of absolute truth in favor of personal experience

Marxism – the social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. (Investopedia)

Critical Theory – a social, economic, political philosophy that applies the bourgeoise vs proletariat dynamic in Marxism to every cultural dynamic.

Synonymous: Cultural Marxism

Critical Race Theory – the application of Cultural Marxism as it relates to racial dynamics, disparities, whereby an oppressor vs victim relationship is created among racial or socially-constructed racial lines.

Intersectionality – the navigation of postmodernism where personal experience is given hierarchy depending on the lens of the individual. The more intersections of oppression, according to Critical Theory, an individual has, the clearer the more valuable their experience is.

Social Justice – the remedying of perceived oppressor versus victim dynamics according to Critical Theory

  • Standpoint Epistemology – the belief that a person is limited in their understanding of Scripture according to their Intersectionality Operating Definitions"
  • 9/9/2020
This is not going away, It has been festering in academia for almost as long as the Soviet Union lasted. It has risen to the surface and now stands before us in all its glory. Confidence in its rejection is high.

E. D. Hirsch wrote a great article for the WSJ last week on how the school systems ruined the country. As you may already know Hirsch is a leftie politically but despises the 'culture war' lefties; in the article he once again points out that grade school is for teaching children to be good citizens and patriots along with the 3 R's, not for social experimentation and engineering agendas, for one.

Thank you for the heads-up.
I was about to post about charter schools, but I will go find that Hirsh article. I'm a big fan of the Massachusetts Miracle.

He actually wrote two articles a week or so apart in the Weekend Edition, plus he has some others in other magazines as well; they should all be easy to find via a search but the WSJ has a pay wall. I just buy the hard copies on Saturday mornings at a store near where we go for breakfast. I'll see if I can find them somewhere besides the WSJ if you like.

I have the subscription, and posted the links to the Riley article and the comments article.

More redundancy from yesterday over the student loan burdens of students...

Critical race theory (CRT)[1] is a theoretical framework in the social sciences that examines society and culture as they relate to categorizations of race, law, and power.[2][3] Developed out of postmodern philosophy, it is based on critical theory, a social philosophy that argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. It began as a theoretical movement within American law schools in the mid- to late 1980s as a reworking of critical legal studies on race issues,[4][5] and is loosely unified by two common themes. Firstly, CRT proposes that white supremacy and racial power are maintained over time, and in particular, that the law may play a role in this process. Secondly, CRT work has investigated the possibility of transforming the relationship between law and racial power, as well as pursuing a project of achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly.[6]

What critical race theory is not:

Well, it is an excuse and a new and improved solution to cover for all those failures. Defying common sense is not new in scholastic and political America so a bureaucratic remedy for a bureaucratic problem is brought forth as just what the doctor ordered. Critical Race theory is nothing more than racism in a fine new suit of clothes.

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