Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School has Parents Upset

And then people complain that kids in our schools aren't as competent as those in other countries.

Well, when was the last time we heard about schools in China having "gender-bender day?"
Yes, we should be more like China.

We could certainly learn a few things from them.

The fact of the matter is our educational system is failing our kids. Perhaps if they focused more on things that were actually important, kids would actually learn.

And I'm not pointing the finger at teachers; most of the time they have no control over some of these things.
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I'm outraged!!! and so is Donald, Rudi and George.


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We did this when I was in school. No one suddenly turned into a tranny.

Paranoia at its finest.

you forgot the word "high"

Of course it isn't a high school in this story though is it?
In elementary school for Halloween I knew and was related to boys that dressed up as girls.

Again, none turned tranny.

Perhaps I should have said high paranoia at its finest.

And now Ravi backpedals into the position that this school's gender-bender day is no different than the odd boy dressing as a girl on Halloween.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. :lol:
And of course they didn't turn tranny Ravi, they were born that way silly.

You might want to bone up on your talking points. :thup:
Wait 'til the libtrolls push PEDOPHILE DAY at your local school. It's coming. Just as sure and dead set against homos that people were, look, now they're TEACHING your kids to be a HOMO. So there are no boundaries for liberals. It is the CONSTANT slippery slope with them. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They will NOT be happy until ANYTHING GOES sexually... ANYTHING... hey... IF YOU'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH IT... ya... that's their deal.

HEY EVERYBODY... it's FUCK YOUR DOG DAY at the grade school... YAAAY.

Oh don't be silly.

Every day is already Pedophile Day at catholic churches.

Little known facts: girls wearing jeans or slacks turns them into lezz-bos. Boys wearing skirts turns them into bagpipe players.

But you did accidentally say something that's true: If you're not hurting anyone, there's nothing wrong with it. And, this hurts no one except the daddy who is already homophobic and impotent.
Here comes the drama llama. :rolleyes:

Again, these parents sent their children to a liberal arts elementary school that allows student council to choose spirit week events. And the events are voluntary.

Are you suggesting nobody holds veto power over the student council's choice?

That sounds pretty unlikely to me.

Nah, Im saying the students thought up the idea, and the teachers didn't see anything wrong with it.

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