Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School has Parents Upset

No. It doesn't. Not when it comes to little kids.

When my daughter puts on her bird mask and play wings, she's pretending to be a bird, not making a lifestyle choice. When she grabs my husbands hat and declares herself "the daddy", she's not making a statement about her sexual preference. :rolleyes:

Thats a good point. When I was kid in elementary we would do stupid stuff and put a girls hat on or dare johnny to wear some lipstick during recess. However, I do not see the relevance of a teacher suggesting such activities when it is their duty/job to prepare the students on the basics of writing, math, science, civics and so on.

Where are you getting that a teacher suggested it?
No. It doesn't. Not when it comes to little kids.

When my daughter puts on her bird mask and play wings, she's pretending to be a bird, not making a lifestyle choice. When she grabs my husbands hat and declares herself "the daddy", she's not making a statement about her sexual preference. :rolleyes:

Thats a good point. When I was kid in elementary we would do stupid stuff and put a girls hat on or dare johnny to wear some lipstick during recess. However, I do not see the relevance of a teacher suggesting such activities when it is their duty/job to prepare the students on the basics of writing, math, science, civics and so on.

Where are you getting that a teacher suggested it?

They didn't suggest it but ultimately signed off on it.

So..nobody here that is male ever let their sister or spouse put makeup on them for fun? Or dressed as a woman for halloween? Or were in the service and wore a hula while stationed in Hawaii with coconut boobs?

No females here ever dressed up as a male pirate or a hobo or a guy in a biz suit just for fun?

Seems like this is what the school planned. FOR FUN. It is not encouragement to become one sex over another. It's for FUN.

Did we all forget what FUN used to be for us and now be for kids today? Looks like it.
I can just see the Educational Network videos now... filmed in 3-D WankerVision...

What kind of pansy-a$$ed liberal academician touchy-feelie happy hor$e$hit is this? Here's to the firing and permanent blacklisting of the miscreants who conjured-up such an abortion.
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Thats a good point. When I was kid in elementary we would do stupid stuff and put a girls hat on or dare johnny to wear some lipstick during recess. However, I do not see the relevance of a teacher suggesting such activities when it is their duty/job to prepare the students on the basics of writing, math, science, civics and so on.

Where are you getting that a teacher suggested it?

They didn't suggest it but ultimately signed off on it.

There is a big difference between suggesting and signing off on.

The kids are doing nothing wrong or dangerous - just having fun. Why shouldn't they allow it?

It's the folks making it into a big deal who are portraying it as something bad to the kids.
I went to school deep in the heart of the Bible Belt, and this was one of our spirit week activities as well. I was never big on school spirit, but I digress.
I was listening to a group of Liberals Pols complaining that we won't have enough adults grounded in the hard sciences in 10 years to compete with China and India.

Not one person had the nerve to tell them that it was their fault. Instead of teaching hard sciences, the schools have to waste time with "National Hispanic" "National Black" "National Women" "Why the Founders were Evil White Men" etc. months.

When the schools spend more time teaching why certain races or genders are special, more time being concerned about feelings, more time on how great Islam or homosexuals are, the less time they are spending on teaching the hard sciences.

Does anyone actually think China, India, Russia, even Japan is spending so much time in their schools on such subjects?

Republicans better be careful about advocating for more studying in the hard sciences. The students may begin to believe that man has an influence on global warming.
Where are you getting that a teacher suggested it?

They didn't suggest it but ultimately signed off on it.

There is a big difference between suggesting and signing off on.

The kids are doing nothing wrong or dangerous - just having fun. Why shouldn't they allow it?

It's the folks making it into a big deal who are portraying it as something bad to the kids.

I don't think it is wrong or dangerous but has no relevance inside a classroom in which learning should be of utmost importance. Recess...have at it.
They didn't suggest it but ultimately signed off on it.

There is a big difference between suggesting and signing off on.

The kids are doing nothing wrong or dangerous - just having fun. Why shouldn't they allow it?

It's the folks making it into a big deal who are portraying it as something bad to the kids.

I don't think it is wrong or dangerous but has no relevance inside a classroom in which learning should be of utmost importance. Recess...have at it.
So you are totally against school spirit weeks?
They didn't suggest it but ultimately signed off on it.

There is a big difference between suggesting and signing off on.

The kids are doing nothing wrong or dangerous - just having fun. Why shouldn't they allow it?

It's the folks making it into a big deal who are portraying it as something bad to the kids.

I don't think it is wrong or dangerous but has no relevance inside a classroom in which learning should be of utmost importance. Recess...have at it.

None of the Spirit Week activities have any relevance to learning.

Ban pajama day!!! :rolleyes:
There is a big difference between suggesting and signing off on.

The kids are doing nothing wrong or dangerous - just having fun. Why shouldn't they allow it?

It's the folks making it into a big deal who are portraying it as something bad to the kids.

I don't think it is wrong or dangerous but has no relevance inside a classroom in which learning should be of utmost importance. Recess...have at it.

None of the Spirit Week activities have any relevance to learning.

Ban pajama day!!! :rolleyes:
Yes! PJs always make me think about sex. :redface:
There is a big difference between suggesting and signing off on.

The kids are doing nothing wrong or dangerous - just having fun. Why shouldn't they allow it?

It's the folks making it into a big deal who are portraying it as something bad to the kids.

I don't think it is wrong or dangerous but has no relevance inside a classroom in which learning should be of utmost importance. Recess...have at it.

None of the Spirit Week activities have any relevance to learning.

Ban pajama day!!! :rolleyes:

How about learning week? Nope, I see the classroom as a place to learn. Recess is for playtime.
There is a big difference between suggesting and signing off on.

The kids are doing nothing wrong or dangerous - just having fun. Why shouldn't they allow it?

It's the folks making it into a big deal who are portraying it as something bad to the kids.

I don't think it is wrong or dangerous but has no relevance inside a classroom in which learning should be of utmost importance. Recess...have at it.
So you are totally against school spirit weeks?

No, not if actual learning is involved.
I agree with OriginalShroom that schools need to get back to basics and quit focusing on social issues. While some are important, it seems like children are more versed in the liberal pet projects than they are with math, science and reading. I want our children to be able to compete in the job market, which gets tougher by the day. As far as social issues and morals, that is up to parents whether the teachers like it or not.

While some parents dropped the ball and sent undisciplined kids to school for the teachers to deal with, some parents have taught their children well according to their beliefs, religious and otherwise. Why do teachers feel the need to go against parents? It's one thing to have an opinion on social issues, like immigration or welfare, but quite another to teach your opinion to students as if it's fact.

My children are open minded on many things and might even think this is funny to dress like the opposite sex. They know who they are and it wouldn't affect them. They don't need goofy things like this to know how they feel.

Parents sent their message by keeping their kids home. I think it was a wasted day that could have been spent actually learning something that would prepare them for the future.
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So now we have elementary schools encouraging kids to dress up as the opposite sex. Or as they called it, "gender-bender day."

Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School Crosses Parents - YouTube

Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School Crosses Parents | National Review Online

A themed dress day at a Milwaukee elementary school has some parents hot under the collar. Last week’s “Gender Bender Day” at Tippecanoe School for the Arts and Humanities asked students to dress as a member of the opposite sex.

“I think it’s just teaching them the wrong lesson about gender,” one parent told local Fox affiliate WITI. “If you’re a boy, stay a boy. You shouldn’t have something like that at school.”

Another parent said she was “speechless” about the school’s decision day. She, like some other parents, ended up keeping her son home from school that day.

More evidence of the slippery slope....
Is the school "making" them do it even if they don't want to participate?

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