Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School has Parents Upset

No, it doesn't. It has gender connotation not sexual.

Then why make kids dress as the opposite sex? What does that teach them??


It's just for fun.

It may have been for fun years ago, but not anymore. Many people are getting pretty upset over these things. With all the crap going on about gay & lesbian rights, parents are not so lenient on these things anymore. They're getting tired of it....yes, years ago it was just fun, today it has a whole different meaning. Things change....liberals are usually the first that state that! This is one of the things that have changed....
Maybe those parents shouldn't send their children to a school with a liberal arts bent that allows students to choose the events for school spirit week.

That's the problem. All the schools have become liberal if not by choice, then by fear. The options are pretty much homeschooling or a private Christian school. If I had school age children today I'd probably be looking at a full time job plus a few part time jobs so I could send them to a private school.
I had no idea this was grammar school...I read an article about it this past weekend and assumed
it was middle school.

This is indoctrination...Can't kids dress up as their favorite super hero or something...
What's with all this all gay all the time mentality from these Libs?
Options for parents.
Keep the kid home that day and write the Principal.
Send the kid to school in their usual outfit with a letter.
Or comply....and accept Liberalism.
I wonder at some point in order to receive government assistance we will be required to answer a questionnaire stating sexual preference.If we check heterosexual we will then have to answer if we have ever tried homosexuality.If not we will have to go behind a curtain and do something gay in order to say we tried it and didn't like it.

Then our benevolent government will consider our application.
I wonder if when I get home my news will be.....

Honey the check is in the mail or.
Sorry Pookie looks like we will be having those little packages of Ketchup tonight.
I wonder at some point in order to receive government assistance we will be required to answer a questionnaire stating sexual preference.If we check heterosexual we will then have to answer if we have ever tried homosexuality.If not we will have to go behind a curtain and do something gay in order to say we tried it and didn't like it.

Then our benevolent government will consider our application.

I find this obsession a tad creepy.
When this cross dressing thing becomes mandatory in NYC....
I will go out on my service calls as either Kim Kardashian with the baby bump... or
As Nicki Minaj.

Feel free to offer advice as who I should choose.
I agree...
This Liberal cause that seems to be in our face....

All gay stuff all day every day....

Really? I haven't had that happen. I feel like you're seeking it out.'s thrown in our face every day. Just think about how you think Christians throw their faith in your face........same thing.

Unless I seek it out, I'm pretty safely able to avoid Bible thumping on a daily basis as well.
When this cross dressing thing becomes mandatory in NYC....
I will go out on my service calls as either Kim Kardashian with the baby bump... or
As Nicki Minaj.

Feel free to offer advice as who I should choose.

[ame=]Maury: My Overweight Mom Dresses TOO SEXY!!! (2007) - Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
Really? I haven't had that happen. I feel like you're seeking it out.'s thrown in our face every day. Just think about how you think Christians throw their faith in your face........same thing.

Unless I seek it out, I'm pretty safely able to avoid Bible thumping on a daily basis as well.

Sure you can, anyone can. But then there's the ones that come on a messageboard like this just looking to piss a Christian off. They go off about how they hate them and wish they would leave them alone, but then start threads to just start a fight. They are seeking out a fight. Gays and people that are pro abortion do the same thing. And ya know know? Most people like that are all liberals!

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