Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School has Parents Upset

That having fun is a good thing!

You never answered the question he posed.....

His question wasn't pertinent since no one was made to do anything. It was voluntary.

So attendance was optional? ...or you mean the kids with sane parents had to send their kids to school to not participate in something that should be not offensive to anyone...

Kids can't pray but crossdressing is A-OK... and if you are offended by crossdressing wackjobs you have to deal with it but if you are offended by prayer - you have rights!!!!

It was spirit week at a liberal arts school where the student counsel voted to include this as one of the voluntary activities. Nobody HAS TO wear pajamas or dye & spike their hair on respective PJ and crazy hair days.

Are you offended by girls in jeans?
Then why make kids dress as the opposite sex? What does that teach them??

What does crazy hair or pajama day teach them? It was for fucking spirit week not a "teaching moment".

Is it a regional thing? I'm getting the impression that some posters have never heard of spirit week.

And "gender switch" is a pretty common spirit week theme, right up there with twin day and pajama day.

My high school has something called "tacky day" but at least the students had the wherewithal to dress in clothing appropriate to their gender.
In fact, WITI couldn’t find many students participating in the themed day when it finally came last Friday; it appears to be mostly teachers and other staffers.
His question wasn't pertinent since no one was made to do anything. It was voluntary.

So attendance was optional? ...or you mean the kids with sane parents had to send their kids to school to not participate in something that should be not offensive to anyone...

Kids can't pray but crossdressing is A-OK... and if you are offended by crossdressing wackjobs you have to deal with it but if you are offended by prayer - you have rights!!!!

It was spirit week at a liberal arts school where the student counsel voted to include this as one of the voluntary activities. Nobody HAS TO wear pajamas or dye & spike their hair on respective PJ and crazy hair days.

Are you offended by girls in jeans?

No, I'm offended by liberals using every mechanism at their disposal to further the decay of the morals in America....
In fact, WITI couldn’t find many students participating in the themed day when it finally came last Friday; it appears to be mostly teachers and other staffers.

So the liberal wacko's just wore their social-wear to school???
So attendance was optional? ...or you mean the kids with sane parents had to send their kids to school to not participate in something that should be not offensive to anyone...

Kids can't pray but crossdressing is A-OK... and if you are offended by crossdressing wackjobs you have to deal with it but if you are offended by prayer - you have rights!!!!

It was spirit week at a liberal arts school where the student counsel voted to include this as one of the voluntary activities. Nobody HAS TO wear pajamas or dye & spike their hair on respective PJ and crazy hair days.

Are you offended by girls in jeans?

No, I'm offended by liberals using every mechanism at their disposal to further the decay of the morals in America....

Which liberals? The kids themselves chose this. The elected student counsel voted for it.

You better warn those Highland Scotts that they're contributing to moral decay in their little skirts.

Some don't like it hot i guess...

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Yes, it's a very common theme. I'd bet at least 1 school in the majority of posters areas have done it.

I admit, it does seem like a poor choice for an elementary school to do. However, it has nothing to do with


It's for fun. Make believe. Pretend.

And let's be honest. Little girl dressed like Groucho Marks would be adorable to all of you, it's the little boy who would dress as Lucile Ball that freaks you all out.

If there wasn't manipulative liberal activists with alterior motives leading the way --- I wouldn't care about it at all...

If Hilldale Christian School were doing it -- I wouldn;t have any problem with it because I know their goal isn't to confuse the children into thinking that this was anything but make-believe.


I give you marks for honesty.
Wait 'til the libtrolls push PEDOPHILE DAY at your local school. It's coming. Just as sure and dead set against homos that people were, look, now they're TEACHING your kids to be a HOMO. So there are no boundaries for liberals. It is the CONSTANT slippery slope with them. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They will NOT be happy until ANYTHING GOES sexually... ANYTHING... hey... IF YOU'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH IT... ya... that's their deal.

HEY EVERYBODY... it's FUCK YOUR DOG DAY at the grade school... YAAAY.


I'm sure all your bud's will give you some positive rep for your stupid statement, but that is not surprising.
I love when conservatives make predictions, liberals say no way it's going to happen, then a year or two or more later they defend this kind of shit.
I don't think it is wrong or dangerous but has no relevance inside a classroom in which learning should be of utmost importance. Recess...have at it.
So you are totally against school spirit weeks?

No, not if actual learning is involved.

I'd call you old-fashioned but even people with an old fashioned mind set realize the importance of adding a little fun into education. Especially mandated education.
Then why make kids dress as the opposite sex? What does that teach them??


It's just for fun.

It may have been for fun years ago, but not anymore. Many people are getting pretty upset over these things. With all the crap going on about gay & lesbian rights, parents are not so lenient on these things anymore. They're getting tired of it....yes, years ago it was just fun, today it has a whole different meaning. Things change....liberals are usually the first that state that! This is one of the things that have changed....

You, as part of the PC crowd, seems intent on sucking the fun out of childhood.
On Halloween children dress in all manner of craziness, and yet I have never seen a single child grow up to be a flying witch, a fairy princess, superman or wonder woman. You people would take the fun out what was that picnic called. :lol: Fragile psyches need Fox to show them the way. You really are a boy, get out of that pink shirt now! Is it any wonder the American mind on the right is so dead, so boring, and so lost.

"In this country we’re unprecedentedly safe, comfortable, and well fed, with more and better venues for stimulation. And yet if you were asked, 'Is this a happy or unhappy country?' you’d check the 'unhappy' box. We’re living in an era of emotional poverty, which is something that serious drug addicts feel most keenly." David Foster Wallace
You know what? If you wackjob libs weren't forcing homosexuality on America nobody would give a crap about this. You can't whine "recognize us, no REALLY RECOGNIZE US!!!", and then get upset when we stand up against teaching our children to cross-dress in SCHOOLS no doubt!!!!

If the student council decided to inject some spirituality into spirit week and start each day with a prayer, you would all be singing a different tune.


Because you're all hypocrites when it comes to this sort of thing. :thup:
I think it would be fine since it isn't a teacher mandated activity. And as long as it wasn't forced, just like this wasn't forced. Heck, they could do a dress up like a biblical character day or a Koran character day and I'd have the same opinion.

But I imagine manifold would applaud the kids praying while peeing his pants over kids being silly.
You imagine a lot of shit that isn't so Ravi.

Like the notion that you'd be ok with a prayer. :rofl:
I think it would be fine since it isn't a teacher mandated activity. And as long as it wasn't forced, just like this wasn't forced. Heck, they could do a dress up like a biblical character day or a Koran character day and I'd have the same opinion.

But I imagine manifold would applaud the kids praying while peeing his pants over kids being silly.

2 points ---

1) kids don't have to cross-dress to act silly....

2) prayer has been deemed unacceptable in schools even if children have the right to opt out, pray to "other" gods, or pray to ZERO the messiah...

If they can't pray they sure as hell shouldn't be forced to participate in purposeful sexual orientation confusion...

...and don't say they aren't being forced. If they are in school (which they legally have to be) they are forced to be involved even if they don't physically participate.

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