Crowd psychology, not science, drives "climate change".

You didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ... or stupid, that's NOT a scientific citation, that's leftist media ...

Seneca is at altitude ... hey moron, that makes it a sub-alpine climate ... it gets a hell of a lot colder atop some of these mountains around us ... now you can tell us all your family's tall tales, I've a few of my own, my mother was seven years old when she saw her first green growing plant, it was that bad in Western Kansas during the Dust Bowl years ...

The mistake you've made is confusing me with someone who denies global warming ... I'm the one who took a class in meteorology and know better than to deny obvious scientific fact ... yes, lakes and rivers used to freeze over often enough here in Western Oregon that lots of people had ice skates kicking around the back of their closets ... these water bodies haven't frozen over in living memory ... but temperature is at best a minor consideration when it comes to climate, and only in certain areas ... climate is also about pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation rates and timing ... and NONE of these values are changing at all ... thus, as scientifically measured using Köppen, climate is NOT changing ...

You didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ...

1. Wildfires in Oregon will be larger and more frequent. --- yup, most of these fires are human caused ... I personally will not enter the woods this time of year ... I have no business there that can't wait until rainy season ... President Trump was correct, this is a management problem, where the President errored is that it's not the State managers, it's the Federal managers, something President Trump should have corrected himself by repealing the Clinton Era EO that shut the woods down from harvest ... "Log 'em or watch 'em burn " ...

2. It's getting hot here, especially in Summer. --- Wait ... I haven't checked the new IPCC report, but the one issued in 2013 claimed a 2ºC temperature increase by year 2100 ... that's 4ºF ... why does your article now claim 5ºF by 2050 ... lies you've faithfully repeated, that's what makes you a liar ...

3. Oregon will likely see more precipitation, Less of it will be snow --- So what ... very little of Oregon's drinking water comes from snow melt run-off, almost all of it comes from artesian springs ... Blue Pool and Fort Sherman are great examples ... when the rains return this Fall, take a drive up the Sandy river to it's source ... I dare you to pee in it ... ha ha ha ... Eastside is different, that desert lands, how do we know if a desert is in drought? ... seems a stupid claim to me ...

4. Sea levels are rising on the Oregon coast. --- but not inland [rolls eyes], I sure am glad the article pointed that out ... any fool who's read this far may well believe Klamath Falls is subject to ocean flooding (≈ 4,000 ft elevation) ... "... sea level rise could reach 2.4, 2.7 and 2.9 feet for Astoria, Charleston and Newport, respectively." [emphasis theirs] ... physically impossible, water seeks it own level ... mean sea level rise is equal around the globe, no exceptions ... Coastal Oregon's continental crust material is being uplifted over the Oceanic plate material ... this would be different at different points along the coast, but has nothing to do with sea level rise ... the article lies, and you're a liar for repeating these lies ...


I would never have thought of you as a liar ... except you've called so many other people here that ... it's always the liar who screams 'liar' first ... thus:

You didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ...
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wind, humidity, wind speed, and direction have not changed at all in the Pacific Northwest? And Temperature is minor? Damn, why don't you tell that to the wheat farmers in Oregon and Washington? Less snow in the mountains in the winter is irrelevant? Again, damn. My people here in Oregon were farmers and ranchers until the last generation. Some still are. Why don't you tell them that the snow that used to give them water for irrigation in the summer is irrelevant? East side of Oregon and Washington is not a desert. Had you not been asleep in that class, you would know that. There is the high desert in Eastern Oregon, but the mountain areas are treed, and the valleys produce some of the best hay and alfalfa in the world. When they have adequate water. And that is not this year.
"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

Your corporate-sucking lies enable only death, fool.
You didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ... or stupid, that's NOT a scientific citation, that's leftist media ...

Seneca is at altitude ... hey moron, that makes it a sub-alpine climate ... it gets a hell of a lot colder atop some of these mountains around us ... now you can tell us all your family's tall tales, I've a few of my own, my mother was seven years old when she saw her first green growing plant, it was that bad in Western Kansas during the Dust Bowl years ...

The mistake you've made is confusing me with someone who denies global warming ... I'm the one who took a class in meteorology and know better than to deny obvious scientific fact ... yes, lakes and rivers used to freeze over often enough here in Western Oregon that lots of people had ice skates kicking around the back of their closets ... these water bodies haven't frozen over in living memory ... but temperature is at best a minor consideration when it comes to climate, and only in certain areas ... climate is also about pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation rates and timing ... and NONE of these values are changing at all ... thus, as scientifically measured using Köppen, climate is NOT changing ...

You didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ...

1. Wildfires in Oregon will be larger and more frequent. --- yup, most of these fires are human caused ... I personally will not enter the woods this time of year ... I have no business there that can't wait until rainy season ... President Trump was correct, this is a management problem, where the President errored is that it's not the State managers, it's the Federal managers, something President Trump should have corrected himself by repealing the Clinton Era EO that shut the woods down from harvest ... "Log 'em or watch 'em burn " ...

2. It's getting hot here, especially in Summer. --- Wait ... I haven't checked the new IPCC report, but the one issued in 2013 claimed a 2ºC temperature increase by year 2100 ... that's 4ºF ... why does your article now claim 5ºF by 2050 ... lies you've faithfully repeated, that's what makes you a liar ...

3. Oregon will likely see more precipitation, Less of it will be snow --- So what ... very little of Oregon's drinking water comes from snow melt run-off, almost all of it comes from artesian springs ... Blue Pool and Fort Sherman are great examples ... when the rains return this Fall, take a drive up the Sandy river to it's source ... I dare you to pee in it ... ha ha ha ... Eastside is different, that desert lands, how do we know if a desert is in drought? ... seems a stupid claim to me ...

4. Sea levels are rising on the Oregon coast. --- but not inland [rolls eyes], I sure am glad the article pointed that out ... any fool who's read this far may well believe Klamath Falls is subject to ocean flooding (≈ 4,000 ft elevation) ... "... sea level rise could reach 2.4, 2.7 and 2.9 feet for Astoria, Charleston and Newport, respectively." [emphasis theirs] ... physically impossible, water seeks it own level ... mean sea level rise is equal around the globe, no exceptions ... Coastal Oregon's continental crust material is being uplifted over the Oceanic plate material ... this would be different at different points along the coast, but has nothing to do with sea level rise ... the article lies, and you're a liar for repeating these lies ...


I would never have thought of you as a liar ... except you've called so many other people here that ... it's always the liar who screams 'liar' first ... thus:

You didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ...
You are entirely full of crap and know nothing of science. Your idiotic treasonous rightwing politics have obscured your humanity, fool! Get that devil out of your bumblehole and try to THINK for a change!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wind, humidity, wind speed, and direction have not changed at all in the Pacific Northwest? And Temperature is minor? Damn, why don't you tell that to the wheat farmers in Oregon and Washington? Less snow in the mountains in the winter is irrelevant? Again, damn. My people here in Oregon were farmers and ranchers until the last generation. Some still are. Why don't you tell them that the snow that used to give them water for irrigation in the summer is irrelevant? East side of Oregon and Washington is not a desert. Had you not been asleep in that class, you would know that. There is the high desert in Eastern Oregon, but the mountain areas are treed, and the valleys produce some of the best hay and alfalfa in the world. When they have adequate water. And that is not this year.

You still didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ...

It gets bad when you rely on wheat farmers for your 'expert opinions' ...

East side of Oregon and Washington is not a desert.

Köppen Class BSk ... the `B` stands for desert ... you lie ... farmer-boy ...
You still didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ...

It gets bad when you rely on wheat farmers for your 'expert opinions' ...

East side of Oregon and Washington is not a desert.

Köppen Class BSk ... the `B` stands for desert ... you lie ... farmer-boy ...
Boy, do you understand enough science to understand a description of the measuring? No, you do not. You're just another Trumpoid incel moron spewing cliches who knows virtually nothing of use.

East of the Cascades is mostly sagebrush scrub. It is not considered "desert". It is dry, yes... so is L.A., but that also is not desert.
You still didn't say how you're measuring climate ... that's because you're a liar ...

It gets bad when you rely on wheat farmers for your 'expert opinions' ...

East side of Oregon and Washington is not a desert.

Köppen Class BSk ... the `B` stands for desert ... you lie ... farmer-boy ...
Much of northern Eastern Oregon, and most of Eastern Washington is a steppe climate. That is not a desert climate.

"A semi-arid climate, semi-desert climate, or steppe climate is the climate of a region that receives precipitation below potential evapotranspiration, but not as low as a desert climate. There are different kinds of semi-arid climates, depending on variables such as temperature, and they give rise to different biomes"

The Blue Mountains, which occupy a good deal of Eastern Oregon, as well as the Wallowa Mountains, are not desert. The Ponderosa pine does not grow in a desert. And the Blue Mountains and the Wallowa Mountains have the largest stand of Ponderosa Pine in the US.

"Ponderosa pine is typically dominant on warm, dry sites with a short growing season and very low summer precipitation. Temperatures annual average 41° to 50° F with extremes ranging from -40° to 100° F. Being drought tolerant, it out competes other species to occupy the transition zone between grassland and forest."
Boy, do you understand enough science to understand a description of the measuring? No, you do not. You're just another Trumpoid incel moron spewing cliches who knows virtually nothing of use.

East of the Cascades is mostly sagebrush scrub. It is not considered "desert". It is dry, yes... so is L.A., but that also is not desert.
Actually, there is a huge area of forest in the Blue and Wallowa Mountains. If you have never been to the Wallowa Mountains, they are called the Alps of Oregon for a reason.
Your corporate-sucking lies enable only death, fool.

You call names and spew hatred and venom and pretend it is *science*. It is not.
Nobody should stoop to your level in the fetid mire and resort to name-calling and ignorance.

This is the politics and buffoonish talk you have brought the climate change fraud to and it is despicable.

You just joined other hateful Leftists on my Ignore List.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

ciao brutto
You are entirely full of crap and know nothing of science. Your idiotic treasonous rightwing politics have obscured your humanity, fool! Get that devil out of your bumblehole and try to THINK for a change!
"Try to THINK for a change!"

That's really the last thing you want. You want people to believe what they're told.
Much of northern Eastern Oregon, and most of Eastern Washington is a steppe climate. That is not a desert climate.

"A semi-arid climate, semi-desert climate, or steppe climate is the climate of a region that receives precipitation below potential evapotranspiration, but not as low as a desert climate. There are different kinds of semi-arid climates, depending on variables such as temperature, and they give rise to different biomes"

The Blue Mountains, which occupy a good deal of Eastern Oregon, as well as the Wallowa Mountains, are not desert. The Ponderosa pine does not grow in a desert. And the Blue Mountains and the Wallowa Mountains have the largest stand of Ponderosa Pine in the US.

"Ponderosa pine is typically dominant on warm, dry sites with a short growing season and very low summer precipitation. Temperatures annual average 41° to 50° F with extremes ranging from -40° to 100° F. Being drought tolerant, it out competes other species to occupy the transition zone between grassland and forest."

LIAR ... steppe climate is a desert ... according to Köppen ... you STILL haven't told us how YOU measure climate ... c'mon now, don't be shy ...

Who are you quoting in this post? ... maybe they explain it better than you ... this is the rain shadow effect ...
Ideologues rushing to the defense of tyrannical despots whilst savaging innovative, clean energy alternatives betrays a disturbing fanaticism.

I think the reality that corroborates the science is now far too blatant for the ideological dogmatists to sell the crackpot notion that they know more about climatology than climatologists, as confirmed by the above-cited capitulation of hardcore denialists in Congress.

View attachment 525692

Monumentally silly.​

But the skeptics are winning........decidedly so. There is even a thread on this very page that is 8 years old and is coming up soon on 1/2 a million views......close to 400 pages. All climate crusader generated threads disappear in about a week! :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:

And nobody is caring about the evidence exists anybody is caring. The voters could not possibly be any less interested. We've been hearing about the '97% consensus" for 15 years. And what has changed??

Dick :bye1:

After 15 years, solar and wind are still a joke.....provide well less than 10% of US electricity. And the climate crusaders still taking bows about the "consensus".:abgg2q.jpg:. Ghey

As long as the folks who make energy policy arent caring, the science doesnt matter. A quick look at the most recent US EIA energy projection summary to 2040 means the climate crusaders are lOsiNg. Spectacularly so.
LOL Another dumb fuck just chimed in and demonstrated their incredible ignorance. The world is warming, evolution is a fact, and a belief in a deity, or lack thereof is up to the individual. Neither position has the slightest proof. Homosexuality is political? My, all those queer Republicans are secret Democrats? LOL More dumb fuckery from another irrational individual.

Read this post again.

Would winners be so angry and miserable? Would winners be in this forum displaying consistently exploding heads?:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

I take bows when I see my fellow skeptic pals in here described as "ignorant" and "irrational". It means one thing.........the climate obsessed bozos havent moved the ball a single yard in over a decade. Nobody is caring about the science........still :abgg2q.jpg:
"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.


If you fund scientific funding you will get what you are paying for. The researchers will make sure one way or another.

That is what we see big time with this AGW research. We see fraudulent data, data manipulation, cherry picking and even outright falsehoods.

The Environmental Wackos lost their credibility a long time ago.
Read this post again.

Would winners be so angry and miserable? Would winners be in this forum displaying consistently exploding heads?:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

I take bows when I see my fellow skeptic pals in here described as "ignorant" and "irrational". It means one thing.........the climate obsessed bozos havent moved the ball a single yard in over a decade. Nobody is caring about the science........still :abgg2q.jpg:
Far, far more applicable to the dirty fuel profiteers, of course.

Are the ideological dogmatists being kicked up their candy asses by the blatant ravages of anthropogenic climate change finally be forced to accept science?

For politicians, all acknowledgement of climate change may be local, but the global implications of the climatological data - such as July, 2021 being the hottest month ever recorded - is manifesting itself in their tribal enclaves.

After a decade of disputing the existence of climate change, many leading Republicans are shifting their posture amid deadly heat waves, devastating drought and ferocious wildfires that have bludgeoned their districts and unnerved their constituents back home.
Members of Congress who long insisted that the climate is changing due to natural cycles have notably adjusted that view, with many now acknowledging the solid science that emissions from burning oil, gas and coal have raised Earth’s temperature.
But their growing acceptance of the reality of climate change has not translated into support for the one strategy that scientists said in a major United Nations report this week is imperative to avert an even more harrowing future: stop burning fossil fuels.
Instead, Republicans want to spend billions to prepare communities to cope with extreme weather, but are trying to block efforts by Democrats to cut the emissions that are fueling the disasters in the first place.

Oh, well. It's a start.
I doubt it.... reason being that any change made to human contributions will do nothing to interrupt the earth's eons old climate cycles....or the Sun's waxing and waning cycles. We will eventually move away from hydrocarbon combustion but only when it makes financial sense and not before then.

If you fund scientific funding you will get what you are paying for. The researchers will make sure one way or another.

That is what we see big time with this AGW research. We see fraudulent data, data manipulation, cherry picking and even outright falsehoods.

The Environmental Wackos lost their credibility a long time ago.
It is nothing more than a battle for the Energy $$$$$$ with a new set of players trying to horn in on the old set. So anything said in pursuit of that goal does not need to pass the smell test.... it only needs to further the goal.

I took a Nissan leaf for a ride the other day and absolutely loved it! Beautiful car! Need to replace my commuting vehicle.....looked into it and it just won't work for me. Range is only about 210.... I sat with the engineer that the dealership had on site and took out my calculator to make him defend his claim of 110 mpg/equivalent energy consumption.....just as i figured it was hugely inflated. I will say though that they could probably make a 60-70 mpg equivalent stand. Problem is the battery pack which costs 10k needs to be replaced every five years or so with normal usage....with me it would be more like three years. I opted for a vw with 1.6 turbo diesel....getting about 50 mpg...plenty of power....very reliable.....easy to refuel.

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... We will eventually move away from hydrocarbon combustion but only when it makes financial sense and not before then.


The Free Market solves this problem better than government over-reach ... we have run out of cheap fossil fuels, now we're burning not-so-cheap fossil fuels ... the day will come when we will be burning hey-this-shit's-getting-expensive fossil fuels ... and then we'll be burning boy-we-should-have-started-working-on-the-new-nuclear-power-program-decades-ago fossil fuels ...

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