Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

When it comes to candidates for 2016, think about John Kasich from Ohio (Governor). Hear he's quite a good candidate and is getting the nod from Democratic voters.
What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

But the country loses even more.

If we get a Repub prez, how long before all the jobs Obama has crated are gone and we're back to losing a half million more every single month?

ObamaCare has been passed more than 50 times now but they plan to hold another expensive and idiotic vote to repeal - AFTER the mid-terms.


That's what we'll get from Republicans.

No, both parties are head deep in the destruction of public education. Both parties have no problem allowing Wall Street and your bankers to continue to screw the people. Hell the vast majority of Democrats had zero problem with a chained CPI.
What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

When it comes to candidates for 2016, think about John Kasich from Ohio (Governor). Hear he's quite a good candidate and is getting the nod from Democratic voters.

He's a Republican. But, that is exactly what I am talking about.

Bernie Sanders for me.
It's getting to where even Democrats don't want to listen to Obama any more.

Too many lies, too many tax increases, too many broken promises, too many mistake and failed policies.

That's the usual result of any Democrat in office. But Obama has racked up such an overwhelming record do failure for six solid years, that even Democrats are walking out en masse when he shows up.

Who can blame them?


Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance people leave early Reuters

Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance, people leave early

by Jeff Mason
Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:22pm EDT

UPPER MARLBORO Md. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama made a rare appearance on the campaign trail on Sunday with a rally to support the Democratic candidate for governor in Maryland, but early departures of crowd members while he spoke underscored his continuing unpopularity.

With approval levels hovering around record lows, Obama has spent most of his campaign-related efforts this year raising money for struggling Democrats, who risk losing control of the U.S. Senate in the Nov. 4 midterm election.

Most candidates from his party have been wary of appearing with him during their election races because of his sagging popularity.

Not so Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown of Maryland, who is running for governor, and Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, who is running for re-election.

Democrats have a history of not turning up to vote in midterm elections.

"There are no excuses. The future is up to us," Obama said.

A steady stream of people walked out of the auditorium while he spoke, however, and a heckler interrupted his remarks.
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What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

But the country loses even more.

If we get a Repub prez, how long before all the jobs Obama has crated are gone and we're back to losing a half million more every single month?

ObamaCare has been passed more than 50 times now but they plan to hold another expensive and idiotic vote to repeal - AFTER the mid-terms.


That's what we'll get from Republicans.

"All the jobs Obama has created". That's quite a trick for someone who's never had a job, for a sloth who makes hate speeches against free enterprise; against business and large corporations who create all those jobs, or whose taxes pay for all the bureaucratic jobs. Meanwhile, Forbes, Family Dollar, Walmart etc., put the real unemployment rate at 13%. They're closing down stores while that little jerk off in the White House blathers about how wonderful the economy is. How far do you think bullshit can carry the left? We'll find out in two weeks, won't we?
Third thread on this.

The RWs are downright orgasmic and studiously ignoring the photos -

They could not have crammed any more in.



Now, take a look at why some left - Because he is deporting illegals.
No wonder Obama has to work so hard at raising funds.

Who in is right mind would support such a losing party?
Only the most radical of the progtards and those who are PAID are still supporting Barry. The rest know when they've been had and they've seen enough.

The bubble heads that still appear to be supporting the kenyan here... well... there's no way to know if they're really that STUPID or if it's just an act, and they're doing it because they HAVE to save face, or they're PAID to support him as some here have already admitted they are, or they're just such rabid, frothing at the mouth, radical leftists that they know nothing else. They see a D, and that person could take a huge, slimy DUMP in their MOUTH, and they'd get up and say thank you and proclaim to the world that they SUPPORT that person... yup... we have those kinds here.
What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

But the country loses even more.

If we get a Repub prez, how long before all the jobs Obama has crated are gone and we're back to losing a half million more every single month?

ObamaCare has been passed more than 50 times now but they plan to hold another expensive and idiotic vote to repeal - AFTER the mid-terms.


That's what we'll get from Republicans.

"All the jobs Obama has created". That's quite a trick for someone who's never had a job, for a sloth who makes hate speeches against free enterprise; against business and large corporations who create all those jobs, or whose taxes pay for all the bureaucratic jobs. Meanwhile, Forbes, Family Dollar, Walmart etc., put the real unemployment rate at 13%. They're closing down stores while that little jerk off in the White House blathers about how wonderful the economy is. How far do you think bullshit can carry the left? We'll find out in two weeks, won't we?

Yeah, all those quality jobs........

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