Crowd Walks Out On Obama!

What do you mean vote with their feet? He isn't up for election.

You know what Henry meant. What's that lame duck moron going to do when Republicans control both houses? And he's got no one to blame but himself...and the DNC. The left is cowardly, degenerate, and destructive. Meanwhile all the world hates our guts. The country is a mess.

The Republicans are worthless in and of themselves. They don't have a game plan. So, you win what exactly? Nothing. At. All.

But the country loses even more.

If we get a Repub prez, how long before all the jobs Obama has crated are gone and we're back to losing a half million more every single month?

ObamaCare has been passed more than 50 times now but they plan to hold another expensive and idiotic vote to repeal - AFTER the mid-terms.


That's what we'll get from Republicans.
Quit pushing that lie. Democrats crashed the economy giving the poor no down payment loans for houses they can't afford. We've got it on tape!

While most Democratic midterm election hopefuls have steered clear of being with President Barack Obama in public, due to his tanking job performance numbers and quickly fading popularity among masses of American people, some Democratic politicians have chosen to give the president’s support a chance. Such was the case with Anthony Brown, the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland who is running for his state’s governor. However, according to Yahoo! News and a host of other media outlets, the event highlighting Obama’s support didn’t go so well. As a matter of fact, the only real highlight of the event was watching people walk out as Obama spoke.
As can be expected, many on the political-left are crying foul over the reports of persons walking out of Obama’s presentation, but the proof is obviously in the walking. At least the naysayers can get relief from a report asserting that a heckler in the crowd was, for the most part, non-disruptive. Yet, the fact remains that people actually streamed out of the venue as Obama spoke.
The president, sporting record-low job approval ratings at 38 percent, was speaking for Brown in Upper Marlboro, Maryland when the incident occurred. According to the Baltimore Sun, Obama and Brown were at an event in Prince George’s County. Obama reportedly spoke of his usual campaign themes which persons have likely heard over and over before - including the topics of the economy and jobs. Ironically, those are issues that have caused Obama’s poll numbers to head for the deep south in recent times. Obama also encouraged the people to vote.
In spite of Obama’s negativity on his political party’s candidates, he has spent a great deal of time doing fundraising events for the Democratic Party in general – as politicians for the most part, again, are keeping their distance. Atypical of most Democratic politicians this time around, Gov. Pat Quinn - who is severely struggling to keep his job in Obama’s home state – is also campaigning with the president. Likely figuring that Chicago is pro-Obama since it’s the president’s hometown, Quinn is latching on to the president two weeks prior to the election and just before early voting begins in the state.
Obama spoke with Quinn in Chicago on Sunday at Chicago State University which is in close proximity to Obama’s Chicago home which is in the Kenwood neighborhood. While it is somewhat confusing as to why Brown took a chance of appearing with Obama in Maryland - because he currently has a healthy lead over his Republican opponent Larry Hogan – it seems logical that Quinn would want Obama’s support in Chicago. Quinn is currently locked in a very close race in Obama’s Land of Lincoln.
As for Obama, he is spending Sunday night in Chicago. He is also doing some Democratic fundraising while he is away from Washington. Critics are concerned about Obama spending so much time fundraising around the nation with the number of issues on the table in Washington, D.C., including terrorism via ISIS, health concerns via Ebola and enterovirus 68, and immigration which logically links itself to both of the concerns which involve terrorism and health.

Obama speaks in Maryland as people walk out - National Conservative
This must be an important story. I've counted 4 threads on it already.

Is it sent to you idiots by email....or is it front page on all of your dopey nutter websites?
I hope someone yelled YOU LIE!

They not only walked out, he was also heckled. The people are fed up with Obama and it will hurt democrats in the election.

Most likely he was there to try and help Brown in the governor's race in Maryland, who finds himself losing ground in a liberal blue state to a Republican. Which is interesting, since Larry Hogan is the only candidate consistently talking to the voters about jobs and job creation, while Brown (according to his tv attack ad) believes Marylanders will be able to pick up an M16 in aisle 5 of your local supermarket.
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This must be an important story. I've counted 4 threads on it already.

Is it sent to you idiots by email....or is it front page on all of your dopey nutter websites?
Is Yahoo a "dopey nutter website" because that's where it was when I logged on this morning ?

That isn't where you got it, though. Why pretend?
The fuck I didn't !!!

Your link is to the National Conservative Examiner. Why is that?
reading ABC, CNN, NBC is like reading an Obama press release

It's saying, Obama is making a RARE appearance on the campaign trail for his comrades running for office.
Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance people leave early Reuters
This must be an important story. I've counted 4 threads on it already.

Is it sent to you idiots by email....or is it front page on all of your dopey nutter websites?
Is Yahoo a "dopey nutter website" because that's where it was when I logged on this morning ?

That isn't where you got it, though. Why pretend?
The fuck I didn't !!!

Your link is to the Washington Examiner. Why is that?
Are you new to Yahoo ? Most of the headlines on their homepage are links to articles from other sites.
This must be an important story. I've counted 4 threads on it already.

Is it sent to you idiots by email....or is it front page on all of your dopey nutter websites?
Is Yahoo a "dopey nutter website" because that's where it was when I logged on this morning ?

That isn't where you got it, though. Why pretend?
The fuck I didn't !!!

Your link is to the Washington Examiner. Why is that?
Are you new to Yahoo ? Most of the headlines on their homepage are links to articles from other sites.

Exactly. Which is what I said. It is news on nutter websites. You got it from a nutter website.

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