Crusaders charged in plot targeting Muslim immigrants

It happened to be the airport where he was getting his guess is THAT is why he uh...aimed for it. But, hey - if you can evidence that it was terrorism feel free to provide it (opinion doesn't equal evidence). Don't you think if he wanted to target Pratt Whitney...he would've waited until AFTER he had his license - be a bit more effective then being stuck with a training instructor who can easily foil your suicide bomber plans....? Come on pismoe - give the CT one a rest.

Now, as to these Liberal, KS home boys....Doofus, Boofus and Deadhead....
-------------------------------------------------- guy was muslim and that's good enough for me and I know my muslims Coyote !!

umh..yes Pismoe....but do you know your Beavis' and Butthead's like these Kansas Crusader wannabe's?
----------------------------------------------------- these American Gents that you refer to might be innocent men , let us let justice run its course Coyote !!'m having a hard time fitting Doofus, Boofus and Deadhead into the "gent" me out here Pismoe....
------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone is an innocent Gent or Lady till proven guilty . That's a feature of English derived Western law Coyote .

So Bill Clinton is cleared!
The deplorables

Three members of a southwest Kansas militia dubbed the "Crusaders” were arrested Friday on charges stemming from a plot to attack a housing complex that houses a mosque in Garden City, Kan.

Curtis Allen (49), Gavin Wright (49) of Liberal, Kan., and Patrick Stein (47), a resident of a nearby Dodge City, Kan., had stockpiled firearms and explosives. They planned to use four explosive-laden vehicles parked at the corners of the complex, which is home to a number of Somali immigrants.

Three Men Arrested in Plot to Bomb Kansas Mosque Following Presidential Election

I'm glad they were able to stop these knuckleheads. But tell me, why do you not use the same invective when it's a Muslim who is stopped?

You can't be serious.
The deplorables

Three members of a southwest Kansas militia dubbed the "Crusaders” were arrested Friday on charges stemming from a plot to attack a housing complex that houses a mosque in Garden City, Kan.

Curtis Allen (49), Gavin Wright (49) of Liberal, Kan., and Patrick Stein (47), a resident of a nearby Dodge City, Kan., had stockpiled firearms and explosives. They planned to use four explosive-laden vehicles parked at the corners of the complex, which is home to a number of Somali immigrants.

Three Men Arrested in Plot to Bomb Kansas Mosque Following Presidential Election

I'm glad they were able to stop these knuckleheads. But tell me, why do you not use the same invective when it's a Muslim who is stopped?

You can't be serious.

As a heart attack. You progressives are noted for your extraordinary hypocrisy.
We are going to see more stories like this. When the government won't secure our borders and protect our citizens then the people will do it themselves.
Home boys. Good thing they're incompatent.

Three Kansas men calling themselves 'Crusaders' charged in terror plot targeting Muslim immigrants - Washington Post

Three Kansas men were accused of plotting a bomb attack targeting an apartment complex home to a mosque and many Muslim immigrants from Somalia, authorities said Friday.

Curtis Allen, Gavin Wright and Patrick Eugene Stein face federal charges of conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction, the Department of Justice announced Friday.

“These charges are based on eight months of investigation by the FBI that is alleged to have taken the investigators deep into a hidden culture of hatred and violence,” Acting U.S. Attorney Tom Beall said in a statement. “Many Kansans may find it as startling as I do that such things could happen here.”

According to the complaint, the investigation was prompted by a paid confidential informant who had attended meetings with a group of individuals calling themselves “the Crusaders,” and heard plans discussed plots to attack Muslims, whom they called “cockroaches.”

The three men charged Friday were ultimately identified as the architects of the attack plan, the FBI complaint stated, through a combination of recordings, social media and reporting from the confidential informant.

The group routinely expressed their hatred for Muslims, Somalis and immigrants. In one call, Stein allegedly said the country could only be turned around with “a bloodbath.” The individuals said they wanted to “wake people up” and inspire other militia groups to act.

The FBI says that as part of this plot, the men conducted surveillance in Garden City, Kan., a small city about 200 miles west of Wichita, and other places in southwest Kansas.

At one point, Stein was being driven around by the confidential informant, who told the FBI that Stein yelled at Somali women in traditional garb and cursed at them.

During this surveillance, Stein was armed with an assault rifle, extra magazines, a pistol, a ballistic vest and a night vision scope, the complaint said.

The three men had been plotting “to use a weapon of mass destruction” since February, according to an FBI complaint made public Friday.
Hope they get what the deserve but I have one question.

Why do you suppose Muslims would be targeted? The narrative the left puts forth is that whitey hates blackie.
The deplorables

Three members of a southwest Kansas militia dubbed the "Crusaders” were arrested Friday on charges stemming from a plot to attack a housing complex that houses a mosque in Garden City, Kan.

Curtis Allen (49), Gavin Wright (49) of Liberal, Kan., and Patrick Stein (47), a resident of a nearby Dodge City, Kan., had stockpiled firearms and explosives. They planned to use four explosive-laden vehicles parked at the corners of the complex, which is home to a number of Somali immigrants.

Three Men Arrested in Plot to Bomb Kansas Mosque Following Presidential Election

I'm glad they were able to stop these knuckleheads. But tell me, why do you not use the same invective when it's a Muslim who is stopped?

You can't be serious.

As a heart attack. You progressives are noted for your extraordinary hypocrisy.

guno thinks Rightwing terrorists are deplorable. You think they're just knuckleheads, I guess like what,

the three Stooges? Harmless comedians?
The deplorables

Three members of a southwest Kansas militia dubbed the "Crusaders” were arrested Friday on charges stemming from a plot to attack a housing complex that houses a mosque in Garden City, Kan.

Curtis Allen (49), Gavin Wright (49) of Liberal, Kan., and Patrick Stein (47), a resident of a nearby Dodge City, Kan., had stockpiled firearms and explosives. They planned to use four explosive-laden vehicles parked at the corners of the complex, which is home to a number of Somali immigrants.

Three Men Arrested in Plot to Bomb Kansas Mosque Following Presidential Election

I'm glad they were able to stop these knuckleheads. But tell me, why do you not use the same invective when it's a Muslim who is stopped?

You can't be serious.

As a heart attack. You progressives are noted for your extraordinary hypocrisy.

guno thinks Rightwing terrorists are deplorable. You think they're just knuckleheads, I guess like what,

the three Stooges? Harmless comedians?

I think ALL assholes who wish to harm people based on their skin color or their religion are deplorable. You asshats don't. You think that if they are killing those who don't think like you do that that is OK. You're both fucked up in the head.
The deplorables

Three members of a southwest Kansas militia dubbed the "Crusaders” were arrested Friday on charges stemming from a plot to attack a housing complex that houses a mosque in Garden City, Kan.

Curtis Allen (49), Gavin Wright (49) of Liberal, Kan., and Patrick Stein (47), a resident of a nearby Dodge City, Kan., had stockpiled firearms and explosives. They planned to use four explosive-laden vehicles parked at the corners of the complex, which is home to a number of Somali immigrants.

Three Men Arrested in Plot to Bomb Kansas Mosque Following Presidential Election

I'm glad they were able to stop these knuckleheads. But tell me, why do you not use the same invective when it's a Muslim who is stopped?

You can't be serious.

As a heart attack. You progressives are noted for your extraordinary hypocrisy.

guno thinks Rightwing terrorists are deplorable. You think they're just knuckleheads, I guess like what,

the three Stooges? Harmless comedians?

I think ALL assholes who wish to harm people based on their skin color or their religion are deplorable. You asshats don't. You think that if they are killing those who don't think like you do that that is OK. You're both fucked up in the head.

And when our society is engulfed in ethnic violence people like you will be responsible because you failed to learn the lessons of history.

Diversity + Proximity = War
umh..yes Pismoe....but do you know your Beavis' and Butthead's like these Kansas Crusader wannabe's?
----------------------------------------------------- these American Gents that you refer to might be innocent men , let us let justice run its course Coyote !!'m having a hard time fitting Doofus, Boofus and Deadhead into the "gent" me out here Pismoe....
------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone is an innocent Gent or Lady till proven guilty . That's a feature of English derived Western law Coyote .

Doesn't seem to apply to American Muslims though Pis...

Maybe these guys just feel disillusioned and oppressed. Jobs ought to cure them.
Maybe Coyote can go give them hugs.

Curing Muslims with "love" is the lib way.
bombing and domestic terrorism is such a left wing thing. I can't think of but one bombing that wasn't conducted by a left winger. Even Obama's illegal drone program is a democrat doing the bombing on civilians.
----------------------------------------------------- these American Gents that you refer to might be innocent men , let us let justice run its course Coyote !!'m having a hard time fitting Doofus, Boofus and Deadhead into the "gent" me out here Pismoe....
------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone is an innocent Gent or Lady till proven guilty . That's a feature of English derived Western law Coyote .

Doesn't seem to apply to American Muslims though Pis...

Maybe these guys just feel disillusioned and oppressed. Jobs ought to cure them.
Maybe Coyote can go give them hugs.

Curing Muslims with "love" is the lib way.

You're weird.
bombing and domestic terrorism is such a left wing thing. I can't think of but one bombing that wasn't conducted by a left winger. Even Obama's illegal drone program is a democrat doing the bombing on civilians.

Oklahoma City.


Islamic Extremists aren't exactly "left wing".
The practice of Islam should be banned and all Muslims should be deported.
bombing and domestic terrorism is such a left wing thing. I can't think of but one bombing that wasn't conducted by a left winger. Even Obama's illegal drone program is a democrat doing the bombing on civilians.

Oklahoma City.


Islamic Extremists aren't exactly "left wing".

Hey rule boy, isn't personal insult against the rules?

I said there was one, is a requirement to be a moderator the inability to read or to comprehend?

The left wing, much like you, defend Muslim extremism, so yeah it is.
bombing and domestic terrorism is such a left wing thing. I can't think of but one bombing that wasn't conducted by a left winger. Even Obama's illegal drone program is a democrat doing the bombing on civilians.

Oklahoma City.


Islamic Extremists aren't exactly "left wing".

Hey rule boy, isn't personal insult against the rules?

I said there was one, is a requirement to be a moderator the inability to read or to comprehend?

The left wing, much like you, defend Muslim extremism, so yeah it is.

Actually, insults aren't against the rules except in Lounge and CDZ. For that I do apologize because you aren't one of those who tend to lob personal insults.

But I get sick and tired of anti-leftwing stuff.

No one other than fringe defends Islamic extremism, I challenge you to find one place where I or leftists have. Show me the proof of your claims.

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