Crusaders charged in plot targeting Muslim immigrants


They're never wrong, so they must be part of a right wing militia
So wait, this is news to you, but when a muslim (democrat) actually goes and executes 50 gay people - that's just business as usual?


Wow, doesn't take long for the RW terrorists defenders to start yakking.
Breaking new on foxnews . FBI arrested 3 trump supporters who played to bomb an apartment complex that houses Muslim Somali immigrants .

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We need to ban conservatives from immigrating
If guilty, lock 'em up and throw away the key.

but this has nothing to do with Trump.
Funny, no mention of Trump or the right wing in the article. You have become quite the cut and paste liar.
That is the media protecting Trump.

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Funny, no mention of Trump or the right wing in the article. You have become quite the cut and paste liar.
That is the media protecting Trump.


3:02 PM - 14 Oct 2016
Holy shit! Next thing we know, they'll reveal he likes to drink beer too. There's no telling how deep this conspiracy goes!
Breaking new on foxnews . FBI arrested 3 trump supporters who played to bomb an apartment complex that houses Muslim Somali immigrants .

Looking for a link
Is this the same FBI, that let Hillary walk? Just tryin' to keep up here...
Funny, no mention of Trump or the right wing in the article. You have become quite the cut and paste liar.

I'm just following the tradition of right wing posters here.

I'm sure the anti immigrant white terrorists are Hillary fans .

If we followed the tradition of left wing posters, there should be a reminder not to jump to conclusions. But, the Left has never been consistent with any type of standards.
Clearly upset white guys are the real problem right? Thankfully we got these three off the streets and now all is safe around the Muslim Somali community. No chance of terror attacks now, right?

Is hating a murderous ideology like Islam considered "plotting terrorism" now?

This is like calling Jews that hate Nazis "racist".

No, but planning attacks and buying supplies necessary to carry out attacks against civilians - is.
Islam is at war with all infidel nations via its para-military arm (terrorists), so my opinion is that it' too bad they were caught.
Home boys. Good thing they're incompatent.

Three Kansas men calling themselves 'Crusaders' charged in terror plot targeting Muslim immigrants - Washington Post

Three Kansas men were accused of plotting a bomb attack targeting an apartment complex home to a mosque and many Muslim immigrants from Somalia, authorities said Friday.

Curtis Allen, Gavin Wright and Patrick Eugene Stein face federal charges of conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction, the Department of Justice announced Friday.

“These charges are based on eight months of investigation by the FBI that is alleged to have taken the investigators deep into a hidden culture of hatred and violence,” Acting U.S. Attorney Tom Beall said in a statement. “Many Kansans may find it as startling as I do that such things could happen here.”

According to the complaint, the investigation was prompted by a paid confidential informant who had attended meetings with a group of individuals calling themselves “the Crusaders,” and heard plans discussed plots to attack Muslims, whom they called “cockroaches.”

The three men charged Friday were ultimately identified as the architects of the attack plan, the FBI complaint stated, through a combination of recordings, social media and reporting from the confidential informant.

The group routinely expressed their hatred for Muslims, Somalis and immigrants. In one call, Stein allegedly said the country could only be turned around with “a bloodbath.” The individuals said they wanted to “wake people up” and inspire other militia groups to act.
Since 75 out of 100 mosques researched in the USA, preach hardcore hatred for non-believers, my sympathy goes towards the two caught.
The FBI says that as part of this plot, the men conducted surveillance in Garden City, Kan., a small city about 200 miles west of Wichita, and other places in southwest Kansas.

At one point, Stein was being driven around by the confidential informant, who told the FBI that Stein yelled at Somali women in traditional garb and cursed at them.

During this surveillance, Stein was armed with an assault rifle, extra magazines, a pistol, a ballistic vest and a night vision scope, the complaint said.

The three men had been plotting “to use a weapon of mass destruction” since February, according to an FBI complaint made public Friday.

So you support terrorism against innocent civilians.

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