Cruz, Rubio, Kasich should do a joint press conference with Trump

Tariff's have never worked. The tariffed country always returns the favor by tarrifing American made products. So what you get with the right hand is taken away with the left. Furthermore, I don't think I would be calling anyone a dumbass on this thread--you certainly haven't exhibited any brilliance..
The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs
The Disadvantages of Tarrifs & Quotas

I'm certainly brilliant compared to you....tariffs are all that has worked over the years and we're the only country without any to speak of. Everybody cheats us and you're following 80's thinking that we're big enough to put up with it....Well guess what? we're $20T in debt and have an unemployment rate of 18-20% and it's all happened since we bought into the "free trade" bullshit.

Congrats, are one of those rare people that are "awake". Until the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment , government was funded by tariffs and profits made by businesses.
Tariff's have never worked. The tariffed country always returns the favor by tarrifing American made products. So what you get with the right hand is taken away with the left. Furthermore, I don't think I would be calling anyone a dumbass on this thread--you certainly haven't exhibited any brilliance..
The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs
The Disadvantages of Tarrifs & Quotas

I'm certainly brilliant compared to you....tariffs are all that has worked over the years and we're the only country without any to speak of. Everybody cheats us and you're following 80's thinking that we're big enough to put up with it....Well guess what? we're $20T in debt and have an unemployment rate of 18-20% and it's all happened since we bought into the "free trade" bullshit.

Congrats, are one of those rare people that are "awake". Until the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment , government was funded by tariffs and profits made by businesses.

Of course you can provide a LINK to that claim--LOL
Tariff's have never worked. The tariffed country always returns the favor by tarrifing American made products. So what you get with the right hand is taken away with the left. Furthermore, I don't think I would be calling anyone a dumbass on this thread--you certainly haven't exhibited any brilliance..
The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs
The Disadvantages of Tarrifs & Quotas

I'm certainly brilliant compared to you....tariffs are all that has worked over the years and we're the only country without any to speak of. Everybody cheats us and you're following 80's thinking that we're big enough to put up with it....Well guess what? we're $20T in debt and have an unemployment rate of 18-20% and it's all happened since we bought into the "free trade" bullshit.

Nope they never have, but they have created a lot of problems. It probably wouldn't hurt for you to do some reading, and I have provided links to you-- that you clearly haven't read.


Links from where? The communist manifesto? You don't EVEN want to try and debate me on this. I will rip a hole in you so wide that a tank could drive through it.
Further, although I have enjoyed their low prices over the years, I would hope that Trump's AG would consider bringing anti-trust charges against Walmart. They've put tens of thousands of small merchants out of business, putting hundreds of thousands on the unemployment line. It's time we went back to the mom and pop Route 66 business model where a person can find the unique American products we all grew up with. SMASH THE CHAINS!
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.


Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right out of the White House, the Senate and tons of seats in the house. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the nominee--you have some very serious issues.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

She was promised the job in 2008 if she agreed to drop out of the race. The Diebold machines have backdoored software and there is no paper trail. The fix was in but the fact of the matter is that REAL Americans are waking up to the fraudulent system and the globalists are pissing themselves. Stupid asses like you will only "wake-up" when it's not a danger to do so...and then claim that you knew the whole time. It's easy to be brave when you have people to hide behind. People like me that know infinitely more than you that stand on the front lines trying to expose the lies, deceit and outright theft of the nation's wealth? Not so easy......but it's worth it.

How do you know so much? Special access to CIA intelligence? Are you a spy?

Because I put aside all outside distractions and decided that I was going to stop allowing myself to be lied to by the corporate owned media that is infiltrated with CIA spooks and do my own due diligence. This was four years ago. I put my TV out on the curb with a sign that said "It works" and started downloading books to read when I wasn't at work. Then I downloaded documentaries and lectures from accredited researchers like Antony Sutton, Dr John Coleman, Jordan Maxwell Brigadier General Benton Partin (whom I met personally) and from them I found more researchers I vetted because I was not looking for any angle or a preconceived outcome where I looked for information that fed my prior programming. I started with a fresh slate and decided to let the chips fall where they may. During that time I have written thousands of posts when I needed a break from the reading in many different forums and most were well received, but over 2,000 posts were deleted concerning the scam that is the Federal Reserve banking system and income tax fraud.

Since many sites require a FB or yahoo login, I started receiving correspondence from people that knew people that wanted me to get in touch with that (as they like to say) were "in the game" but stood to lose pensions but wanted people to know what was really going on so I developed a network and it's clandestine in nature. I have traveled to meet up with people that passed on their part. Everything is very compartmentalized and it's only those that are further up the chain of command that understand what the lower levels are doing. I met one former intel guy in Colorado that went into deep detail about Cointelpro and the counter-culture of the 60's that was nothing but controlled opposition to the Vietnam War and how he still had sources that let him know that the Aurora shooting was a staged event as was Sandy Hook. Military grade casings and bullets pulled from the walls were military grade only. So I started researching all these "lone gun man" mass shootings. Some where psy-ops, some were real but some were actually trauma based MK-Ultra victims with many split personalities because that is what intense trauma causes. The mind fragments and creates "altars" that can be triggered by seeing or hearing something. Assassins can be summoned and compelled to do things because of the programming and have no recollection of it afterwards. I highly suspect that Sirhan Sirhan was one of them as was the "Son of Sam" killer. It's a rabbit hole that goes deep and veers off in many directions.

I then went back and studied our real history instead of the bullshit we were taught in school and how the international bankers had always been after the control of the money supply The War of 1812 was fought over the fact that the first central bank (that was Rothschild) was not going to have their 20 year charter renewed. I could give three hour seminars for a week straight and still barely scratch the surface. We are living in an illusion and controlled by a very select few that believe that due to their bloodlines that they have the divine right to rule. All roads lead to will be floored about how that ties into London and Washington, D.C. I know a lot of stuff, dude....a lot of stuff and it all ties in together like a puzzle....very few pieces remain.

I appreciate the breakdown... You should take your stuff to Hollywood and find a producer to make a series to tell the stories. True or false it makes for some juicy plots
Tariff's have never worked. The tariffed country always returns the favor by tarrifing American made products. So what you get with the right hand is taken away with the left. Furthermore, I don't think I would be calling anyone a dumbass on this thread--you certainly haven't exhibited any brilliance..
The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs
The Disadvantages of Tarrifs & Quotas

I'm certainly brilliant compared to you....tariffs are all that has worked over the years and we're the only country without any to speak of. Everybody cheats us and you're following 80's thinking that we're big enough to put up with it....Well guess what? we're $20T in debt and have an unemployment rate of 18-20% and it's all happened since we bought into the "free trade" bullshit.

Congrats, are one of those rare people that are "awake". Until the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment , government was funded by tariffs and profits made by businesses.

Of course you can provide a LINK to that claim--LOL

So, explain to me how "da gubermint" paid for infrastructure, standing army BEFORE the income tax amendment that was never ratified by enough states and according to the SCOTUS, gave "da gubermint" no new taxing powers? I don't have to give you a link. The 16th amendment was passed in 1913. BTW, the Federal Reserve Act was passed right after that...coincidence? Not hardly......

Use your little fingers, go to "Google" and type in "How the government funded the nation before 1913) will have a plethora of links by accredited researchers to "school" you, ya little commie fuck.
Further, although I have enjoyed their low prices over the years, I would hope that Trump's AG would consider bringing anti-trust charges against Walmart. They've put tens of thousands of small merchants out of business, putting hundreds of thousands on the unemployment line. It's time we went back to the mom and pop Route 66 business model where a person can find the unique American products we all grew up with. SMASH THE CHAINS!

Anti trust laws--are for MONOPOLIES--not free market competition. IOW--Walmart is not a monopoly as long as other vendors are allowed to sell the same products.
Nope they never have, but they have created a lot of problems. It probably wouldn't hurt for you to do some reading, and I have provided links to you-- that you clearly haven't read.


I graduated with a minor (20 semester hours) in Econ and owned several businesses over the years ya little pinhead. You don't know your ass from up and are getting slapped around like a punk in this thread. You're the one who needs to do less "reading" and more asking guys who know what's up like me and Dale.
Tariff's have never worked. The tariffed country always returns the favor by tarrifing American made products. So what you get with the right hand is taken away with the left. Furthermore, I don't think I would be calling anyone a dumbass on this thread--you certainly haven't exhibited any brilliance..
The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs
The Disadvantages of Tarrifs & Quotas

I'm certainly brilliant compared to you....tariffs are all that has worked over the years and we're the only country without any to speak of. Everybody cheats us and you're following 80's thinking that we're big enough to put up with it....Well guess what? we're $20T in debt and have an unemployment rate of 18-20% and it's all happened since we bought into the "free trade" bullshit.

Congrats, are one of those rare people that are "awake". Until the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment , government was funded by tariffs and profits made by businesses.

Of course you can provide a LINK to that claim--LOL

So, explain to me how "da gubermint" paid for infrastructure, standing army BEFORE the income tax amendment that was never ratified by enough states and according to the SCOTUS, gave "da gubermint" no new taxing powers? I don't have to give you a link. The 16th amendment was passed in 1913. BTW, the Federal Reserve Act was passed right after that...coincidence? Not hardly......

Use your little fingers, go to "Google" and type in "How the government funded the nation before 1913) will have a plethora of links by accredited researchers to "school" you, ya little commie fuck.

I really don't want to hear your conspiracy theories. The Federal Reserve banks operate separately and are independent of the Federal Government. IOW The Federal Government has no authority over the Federal Reserve banks. The 16th amendment is about income tax, (separate from state taxes) which is why is was never ratified by the states, as it is a Federal Government income tax. Regardless, it is here to stay.
Further, although I have enjoyed their low prices over the years, I would hope that Trump's AG would consider bringing anti-trust charges against Walmart. They've put tens of thousands of small merchants out of business, putting hundreds of thousands on the unemployment line. It's time we went back to the mom and pop Route 66 business model where a person can find the unique American products we all grew up with. SMASH THE CHAINS!

Anti trust laws--are for MONOPOLIES--not free market competition. IOW--Walmart is not a monopoly as long as other vendors are allowed to sell the same products.

You have no idea what anti-trust laws are for do you, moron?....get're a waste of time.
Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right out of the White House, the Senate and tons of seats in the house. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the nominee--you have some very serious issues.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

She was promised the job in 2008 if she agreed to drop out of the race. The Diebold machines have backdoored software and there is no paper trail. The fix was in but the fact of the matter is that REAL Americans are waking up to the fraudulent system and the globalists are pissing themselves. Stupid asses like you will only "wake-up" when it's not a danger to do so...and then claim that you knew the whole time. It's easy to be brave when you have people to hide behind. People like me that know infinitely more than you that stand on the front lines trying to expose the lies, deceit and outright theft of the nation's wealth? Not so easy......but it's worth it.

How do you know so much? Special access to CIA intelligence? Are you a spy?

Because I put aside all outside distractions and decided that I was going to stop allowing myself to be lied to by the corporate owned media that is infiltrated with CIA spooks and do my own due diligence. This was four years ago. I put my TV out on the curb with a sign that said "It works" and started downloading books to read when I wasn't at work. Then I downloaded documentaries and lectures from accredited researchers like Antony Sutton, Dr John Coleman, Jordan Maxwell Brigadier General Benton Partin (whom I met personally) and from them I found more researchers I vetted because I was not looking for any angle or a preconceived outcome where I looked for information that fed my prior programming. I started with a fresh slate and decided to let the chips fall where they may. During that time I have written thousands of posts when I needed a break from the reading in many different forums and most were well received, but over 2,000 posts were deleted concerning the scam that is the Federal Reserve banking system and income tax fraud.

Since many sites require a FB or yahoo login, I started receiving correspondence from people that knew people that wanted me to get in touch with that (as they like to say) were "in the game" but stood to lose pensions but wanted people to know what was really going on so I developed a network and it's clandestine in nature. I have traveled to meet up with people that passed on their part. Everything is very compartmentalized and it's only those that are further up the chain of command that understand what the lower levels are doing. I met one former intel guy in Colorado that went into deep detail about Cointelpro and the counter-culture of the 60's that was nothing but controlled opposition to the Vietnam War and how he still had sources that let him know that the Aurora shooting was a staged event as was Sandy Hook. Military grade casings and bullets pulled from the walls were military grade only. So I started researching all these "lone gun man" mass shootings. Some where psy-ops, some were real but some were actually trauma based MK-Ultra victims with many split personalities because that is what intense trauma causes. The mind fragments and creates "altars" that can be triggered by seeing or hearing something. Assassins can be summoned and compelled to do things because of the programming and have no recollection of it afterwards. I highly suspect that Sirhan Sirhan was one of them as was the "Son of Sam" killer. It's a rabbit hole that goes deep and veers off in many directions.

I then went back and studied our real history instead of the bullshit we were taught in school and how the international bankers had always been after the control of the money supply The War of 1812 was fought over the fact that the first central bank (that was Rothschild) was not going to have their 20 year charter renewed. I could give three hour seminars for a week straight and still barely scratch the surface. We are living in an illusion and controlled by a very select few that believe that due to their bloodlines that they have the divine right to rule. All roads lead to will be floored about how that ties into London and Washington, D.C. I know a lot of stuff, dude....a lot of stuff and it all ties in together like a puzzle....very few pieces remain.

I appreciate the breakdown... You should take your stuff to Hollywood and find a producer to make a series to tell the stories. True or false it makes for some juicy plots

Truth is often stranger than fiction. It was very uncomfortable to find the things that I did. I was a Bush sycophant back in the day and I doubt I will ever be able to take enough showers to wash that stench off of me. Do you know why JFK Jr named his magazine "George"? Because The biggest conspirator behind the murder of his father was George Herbert Walker Bush. It was a "dig" at him and he was looking forward to the day that he could expose the entire sorry business. They had to take him out because he would have been president. He had the looks, the charisma and he was a "stand-up" guy.
Further, although I have enjoyed their low prices over the years, I would hope that Trump's AG would consider bringing anti-trust charges against Walmart. They've put tens of thousands of small merchants out of business, putting hundreds of thousands on the unemployment line. It's time we went back to the mom and pop Route 66 business model where a person can find the unique American products we all grew up with. SMASH THE CHAINS!

Anti trust laws--are for MONOPOLIES--not free market competition. IOW--Walmart is not a monopoly as long as other vendors are allowed to sell the same products.

You have no idea what anti-trust laws are for do you, moron?....get're a waste of time.

Anti Trust laws are for monopolies.

United States antitrust law is a collection of federal and state government laws that regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers. (The concept is called competition law in other English-speaking countries.)
United States antitrust law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tariff's have never worked. The tariffed country always returns the favor by tarrifing American made products. So what you get with the right hand is taken away with the left. Furthermore, I don't think I would be calling anyone a dumbass on this thread--you certainly haven't exhibited any brilliance..
The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs
The Disadvantages of Tarrifs & Quotas

I'm certainly brilliant compared to you....tariffs are all that has worked over the years and we're the only country without any to speak of. Everybody cheats us and you're following 80's thinking that we're big enough to put up with it....Well guess what? we're $20T in debt and have an unemployment rate of 18-20% and it's all happened since we bought into the "free trade" bullshit.

Congrats, are one of those rare people that are "awake". Until the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment , government was funded by tariffs and profits made by businesses.

Of course you can provide a LINK to that claim--LOL

So, explain to me how "da gubermint" paid for infrastructure, standing army BEFORE the income tax amendment that was never ratified by enough states and according to the SCOTUS, gave "da gubermint" no new taxing powers? I don't have to give you a link. The 16th amendment was passed in 1913. BTW, the Federal Reserve Act was passed right after that...coincidence? Not hardly......

Use your little fingers, go to "Google" and type in "How the government funded the nation before 1913) will have a plethora of links by accredited researchers to "school" you, ya little commie fuck.

I really don't want to hear your conspiracy theories. The Federal Reserve banks operate separately and are independent of the Federal Government. IOW The Federal Government has no authority over the Federal Reserve banks. The 16th amendment is about income tax, (separate from state taxes) which is why is was never ratified by the states, as it is a Federal Government income tax. Regardless, it is here to stay.

It's a private entity that isn't "federal" nor has it any reserves. It's a parasitic entity that has been sucking this nation dry since it was put in place. I don't give a flying fuck on what you want to "hear"...don't read what I post but others will and they can do their own research. An unappropriated tax on the bartering of ones labor for something of value is unconstitutional and the SCOTUS has ruled 4 different times that it was unconstitutional. I know more than you.,...infinitely more and I will be posting more about this. You are a political infant....nothing more.
I'm certainly brilliant compared to you....tariffs are all that has worked over the years and we're the only country without any to speak of. Everybody cheats us and you're following 80's thinking that we're big enough to put up with it....Well guess what? we're $20T in debt and have an unemployment rate of 18-20% and it's all happened since we bought into the "free trade" bullshit.

Congrats, are one of those rare people that are "awake". Until the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment , government was funded by tariffs and profits made by businesses.

Of course you can provide a LINK to that claim--LOL

So, explain to me how "da gubermint" paid for infrastructure, standing army BEFORE the income tax amendment that was never ratified by enough states and according to the SCOTUS, gave "da gubermint" no new taxing powers? I don't have to give you a link. The 16th amendment was passed in 1913. BTW, the Federal Reserve Act was passed right after that...coincidence? Not hardly......

Use your little fingers, go to "Google" and type in "How the government funded the nation before 1913) will have a plethora of links by accredited researchers to "school" you, ya little commie fuck.

I really don't want to hear your conspiracy theories. The Federal Reserve banks operate separately and are independent of the Federal Government. IOW The Federal Government has no authority over the Federal Reserve banks. The 16th amendment is about income tax, (separate from state taxes) which is why is was never ratified by the states, as it is a Federal Government income tax. Regardless, it is here to stay.

It's a private entity that isn't "federal" nor has it any reserves. It's a parasitic entity that has been sucking this nation dry since it was put in place. I don't give a flying fuck on what you want to "hear"...don't read what I post but others will and they can do their own research. An unappropriated tax on the bartering of ones labor for something of value is unconstitutional and the SCOTUS has ruled 4 different times that it was unconstitutional. I know more than you.,...infinitely more and I will be posting more about this. You are a political infant....nothing more.

Well--write a letter to Trump and see if he can get rid of Federal Income Taxes once and for all--LOL
Congrats, are one of those rare people that are "awake". Until the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment , government was funded by tariffs and profits made by businesses.

Of course you can provide a LINK to that claim--LOL

So, explain to me how "da gubermint" paid for infrastructure, standing army BEFORE the income tax amendment that was never ratified by enough states and according to the SCOTUS, gave "da gubermint" no new taxing powers? I don't have to give you a link. The 16th amendment was passed in 1913. BTW, the Federal Reserve Act was passed right after that...coincidence? Not hardly......

Use your little fingers, go to "Google" and type in "How the government funded the nation before 1913) will have a plethora of links by accredited researchers to "school" you, ya little commie fuck.

I really don't want to hear your conspiracy theories. The Federal Reserve banks operate separately and are independent of the Federal Government. IOW The Federal Government has no authority over the Federal Reserve banks. The 16th amendment is about income tax, (separate from state taxes) which is why is was never ratified by the states, as it is a Federal Government income tax. Regardless, it is here to stay.

It's a private entity that isn't "federal" nor has it any reserves. It's a parasitic entity that has been sucking this nation dry since it was put in place. I don't give a flying fuck on what you want to "hear"...don't read what I post but others will and they can do their own research. An unappropriated tax on the bartering of ones labor for something of value is unconstitutional and the SCOTUS has ruled 4 different times that it was unconstitutional. I know more than you.,...infinitely more and I will be posting more about this. You are a political infant....nothing more.

Write a letter to Trump and see if he can get rid of Federal Income Tax once and for all--LOL

Get rid of the Federal Reserve bank that is owned by international bankers and have interest free currency circulated like JFK tried to do and we could do away with the income tax because the income tax does not fund any faction of USA.INC. You really don't have a fucking clue about how the system really works...that much is obvious...but I'm gonna school ya.
Truth is often stranger than fiction. It was very uncomfortable to find the things that I did. I was a Bush sycophant back in the day and I doubt I will ever be able to take enough showers to wash that stench off of me. Do you know why JFK Jr named his magazine "George"? Because The biggest conspirator behind the murder of his father was George Herbert Walker Bush. It was a "dig" at him and he was looking forward to the day that he could expose the entire sorry business. They had to take him out because he would have been president. He had the looks, the charisma and he was a "stand-up" guy.

I agree....Bush41 was the worst president in my lifetime...ever worse than the POS's Clinton and Obwana for the simple fact he's a lying coward. The Glaspie memo is what suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait so Georgie's oil buddies could grab the Iraqi crude. All of this....from al-Qaida and 9/11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq lay at his door. I knew what he was when I heard the story of him bailing out of his bomber with 3 crewmen still in the rear of the plane in Japanese waters....Oh, and he and Barbara consider Willy Jeff to be a "member of the family"..... :puke:
Truth is often stranger than fiction. It was very uncomfortable to find the things that I did. I was a Bush sycophant back in the day and I doubt I will ever be able to take enough showers to wash that stench off of me. Do you know why JFK Jr named his magazine "George"? Because The biggest conspirator behind the murder of his father was George Herbert Walker Bush. It was a "dig" at him and he was looking forward to the day that he could expose the entire sorry business. They had to take him out because he would have been president. He had the looks, the charisma and he was a "stand-up" guy.

I agree....Bush41 was the worst president in my lifetime...ever worse than the POS's Clinton and Obwana for the simple fact he's a lying coward. The Glaspie memo is what suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait so Georgie's oil buddies could grab the Iraqi crude. All of this....from al-Qaida and 9/11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq lay at his door. I knew what he was when I heard the story of him bailing out of his bomber with 3 crewmen still in the rear of the plane in Japanese waters....Oh, and he and Barbara consider Willy Jeff to be a "member of the family"..... :puke:

Dude, the Clintons and Bush crime family are thicker than proverbial thieves. They ran the cocaine trade coming into Mena via Iran/Contra. There is a phone conversation between Clinton and George H Bush because it appeared there was some skimming of cash going on. I will see if I can find it. I found it three years ago and had it saved on my old laptop before it crashed.
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:

Why would Cruz and Rubio and Kasich support a man that has insulted them- and in the case of Cruz- insulted his wife?

Why would they support a man who would be a total disaster for the United States- and that the GOP spends most of its time apologizing for?
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:
I agree but all 3 are self serving narcissists who only care about themselves and not about the country.

LOL- that describes Donald Trump for certain.

The others? I don't know- but Trump certainly.
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:
I agree but all 3 are self serving narcissists who only care about themselves and not about the country.

Trumps the "deal maker" lets make a deal
That's what he claims.....the record?

Not so much...

Donald Trump's business failures: a comprehensive guide

Look around hater. Trumps accomplishments are all around the country and the world. Hillary accomplishments are making 200million dollars off of "serving the public" and idiots like you love her..WTF?:slap:
Serving the public vs. Serving himself.

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