Cruz, Rubio, Kasich should do a joint press conference with Trump

And you think the Donald does any of that?

Do you know what builders do?..Come on man work with me here. What do builders do?

Who told you Donald was a "builder"?

Developer builder same difference..what the hell's wrong with you?
Developer builder same difference

You can shut up now.....

You don't know, do you? how old are you again?

Let me explain something to you......I deal with these people all the time......I was working in Manhattan when the Donald first spiraled down the toilet in the late 80s.....
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:

Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump. 54% of the Republican party voted for other candidates.
Trump got the most GOP votes ever — both for and against him — and other fun facts

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need--to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


Consider the Trump Soho...

The project is a collaboration between Trump, the Bayrock Group and Tamir Sapir.[3] The building is being overseen by Donald Trump, his children Donald Trump, Jr., and Ivanka Trump, and Sean Yazbeck. The Trumps have not invested their own capital in the project.[3]

True story.......several months ago I attended a meeting in NYC, and participants were booked at the Trump, you have to understand that this crowd leans quite conservative......I was shocked to learn that some in the group had REFUSED to stay at a property associated with Trump.....they had to be relocated....

Boy you're weak. Do you know anything about business? look up investors when you got time :eusa_wall:


Even sponsors of publicly traded REITS put a token amount of their own skin in the game........

You're gonna want to take time to figure out what you've just been told.....

I'm sure the Trump organization puts money up if need be, but if you have people willing to invest, to make money, whats wrong with that again?

You're "sure"?

You're a nitwit.....a perfect representative of the Legions of the Donald.......

Here let me help you dumb-ass

Construction Developer's Responsibilities - FindLaw
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:

Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report
Developer builder same difference

Around the country, buyers were led to believe they were purchasing apartments in buildings overseen by Trump, although his only involvement in many cases was getting paid for the use of his brand. For example, in 2009, Trump and a developer named Jorge Pérez unveiled plans for Trump Hollywood, a 40-story oceanfront condominium that they boasted would sell at premium prices and feature such luxuries as Italian cabinetry. But with the entire real estate market imploding, condo buyers were looking for bargains, and sales were minuscule. In 2010, lenders foreclosed on the $355 million project. Even though Trump’s name was listed on the condominium’s website as the developer, he immediately distanced himself from the project, saying he had only licensed his name.

A similarly sordid tale unfolded for Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico, a 525-unit luxury vacation home complex that Trump proclaimed was going to be “very, very special.” His name and image were all over the property, and he even personally appeared in the marketing video discussing how investors would be “following” him if they bought into the building. Scores of buyers ponied up deposits in 2006, but by 2009 the project was still just a hole in the ground. That year, the developers notified condo buyers their $32 million in deposits had been spent, no bank financing could be obtained, and they were walking away from the project. Scores of lawsuits claimed the buyers were deceived into believing Trump was the developer. Trump walked away from the deal, saying that if the condo buyers had any questions, they needed to contact the developer—and that wasn’t him, contrary to what the marketing material implied.

The same story has played out again and again. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, people who thought they were buying into a Trump property lost their deposits of at least $100,000, with Trump saying it was not his responsibility because he had only licensed his name.

Investors in another failed Floridian property, Trump Tower Tampa, put up millions in the project in 2005 believing the building was being constructed by him. Instead, they discovered it was all a sham in 2007, inadvertently from Trump, when he sued the builder for failing to pay his license fees. The investors lost their money, and finally got to hear Trump respond to allegations that he had defrauded them when they sued him. In a deposition, lawyers for the Tampa buyers asked him if he would be responsible for any shoddy construction; Trump responded that he had “no liability” because it was only a name-licensing deal. As for the investors, some of whom surrendered their life savings for what they thought was a chance to live in a Trump property, Trump said they at least dodged the collapse of the real estate market by not buying the apartments earlier.

Donald Trump's business failures: a comprehensive guide
Developer builder same difference

Around the country, buyers were led to believe they were purchasing apartments in buildings overseen by Trump, although his only involvement in many cases was getting paid for the use of his brand. For example, in 2009, Trump and a developer named Jorge Pérez unveiled plans for Trump Hollywood, a 40-story oceanfront condominium that they boasted would sell at premium prices and feature such luxuries as Italian cabinetry. But with the entire real estate market imploding, condo buyers were looking for bargains, and sales were minuscule. In 2010, lenders foreclosed on the $355 million project. Even though Trump’s name was listed on the condominium’s website as the developer, he immediately distanced himself from the project, saying he had only licensed his name.

A similarly sordid tale unfolded for Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico, a 525-unit luxury vacation home complex that Trump proclaimed was going to be “very, very special.” His name and image were all over the property, and he even personally appeared in the marketing video discussing how investors would be “following” him if they bought into the building. Scores of buyers ponied up deposits in 2006, but by 2009 the project was still just a hole in the ground. That year, the developers notified condo buyers their $32 million in deposits had been spent, no bank financing could be obtained, and they were walking away from the project. Scores of lawsuits claimed the buyers were deceived into believing Trump was the developer. Trump walked away from the deal, saying that if the condo buyers had any questions, they needed to contact the developer—and that wasn’t him, contrary to what the marketing material implied.

The same story has played out again and again. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, people who thought they were buying into a Trump property lost their deposits of at least $100,000, with Trump saying it was not his responsibility because he had only licensed his name.

Investors in another failed Floridian property, Trump Tower Tampa, put up millions in the project in 2005 believing the building was being constructed by him. Instead, they discovered it was all a sham in 2007, inadvertently from Trump, when he sued the builder for failing to pay his license fees. The investors lost their money, and finally got to hear Trump respond to allegations that he had defrauded them when they sued him. In a deposition, lawyers for the Tampa buyers asked him if he would be responsible for any shoddy construction; Trump responded that he had “no liability” because it was only a name-licensing deal. As for the investors, some of whom surrendered their life savings for what they thought was a chance to live in a Trump property, Trump said they at least dodged the collapse of the real estate market by not buying the apartments earlier.

Donald Trump's business failures: a comprehensive guide

Yes licenses his name as well..I'm shocked
What's the real world? Sticking your thumb up your ass and eating whatever is spoon fed to you? I think not, this country is built on revolution, progression and change. It doesn't happen over night but I see the end of this two party monopoly on the horizon. Just gonna take people with some guts to act on it.

The revolution is over sparky...You're living in
I'm sure that's what the jackasses told Dr King and LGBTs seeking the right to get married...

Equating the rights of blacks to those of queers is beyond disgusting. Like one black man said concerning gay marriage. Your sin doesn't equal the tint of my skin"
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
The Trump Organization LLC is engaged in global real estate development and global licensing, sales and marketing, property management, golf course development, entertainment, entertainment and product licensing, brand development, and restaurants and event planning businesses. The company is engaged in real estate development, sales and marketing, and property management for projects ranging from residential to resort, hotel to golf, and commercial office to retail in Istanbul, Turkey; Panama City, Panama; Seoul, South Korea; Toronto, Canada; Chicago, Illinois; Jersey City, New Jersey; Las Vegas, Nevada; Los Angeles, California; Rio Grande, Puerto Rico; Stamford, Connecticut; Waikiki, Hawaii..

The Trump Organization LLC: Private Company Information - Businessweek
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:

Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report

Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite. George P. Bush is a land commissioner, not either one of the former Bush President's LOL. Nice try anyway.

Look you're done you really couldn't have found a more incompetent, unqualified candidate if you had gone out and done a scavenger hunt. You wanted a non establishment candidate so live with it.

Last edited:
The revolution is over sparky...You're living in
I'm sure that's what the jackasses told Dr King and LGBTs seeking the right to get married...

Equating the rights of blacks to those of queers is beyond disgusting. Like one black man said concerning gay marriage. Your sin doesn't equal the tint of my skin"
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess

You support corruption in government. Hillary Clinton is the worst that this country has to offer.. a selfish, evil, women, who made a career out of destroying people, and selling out the country for cash... you're pathetic
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:

Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report

Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite.

Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:

Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report

Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite.

Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?

They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.

I'm sure that's what the jackasses told Dr King and LGBTs seeking the right to get married...

Equating the rights of blacks to those of queers is beyond disgusting. Like one black man said concerning gay marriage. Your sin doesn't equal the tint of my skin"
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess

You support corruption in government. Hillary Clinton is the worst that this country has to offer.. a selfish, evil, women, who made a career out of destroying people, and selling out the country for cash... you're pathetic
Why am I pathetic? Because you made up that I was a Hillary supporter????
The revolution is over sparky...You're living in
I'm sure that's what the jackasses told Dr King and LGBTs seeking the right to get married...

Equating the rights of blacks to those of queers is beyond disgusting. Like one black man said concerning gay marriage. Your sin doesn't equal the tint of my skin"
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:

Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report

Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite.

Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?

They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.


Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.
I'm sure that's what the jackasses told Dr King and LGBTs seeking the right to get married...

Equating the rights of blacks to those of queers is beyond disgusting. Like one black man said concerning gay marriage. Your sin doesn't equal the tint of my skin"
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report

Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite.

Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?

They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.


Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right out of the White House, the Senate and tons of seats in the house. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the nominee--you have some very serious issues.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

I'm sure that's what the jackasses told Dr King and LGBTs seeking the right to get married...

Equating the rights of blacks to those of queers is beyond disgusting. Like one black man said concerning gay marriage. Your sin doesn't equal the tint of my skin"
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
Look you made your bed with this Chimpanzee nominee--now you OWN it. These guys along with many other Republicans refused to go to the RNC Convention--John Kasich is the former governor of Ohio and he wouldn't even show up. You have 4 GOP Governors that went, meaning another 34 stayed home. None of the former Bush Presidents showed up, Mitt Romney and former candidates didn't show up much less Republican Senators and House members. Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

How much of the middle finger do you Trump supporters need to get a clue. You were warned time and time again, you ignored it all, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

They are not going to endorse Donald Trump, and many other Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him, especially GOP candidates that are running for reelection or new seats.

You're done.


John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report

Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite.

Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?

They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.


Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.

Great, what does this have to do with anything we are talking about? My whole point was that both 3rd party candidates are better than Trump and Clinton

Also, she won the nom by gaining the most votes, no need to lower yourself further by regurgitation the rigged DNC talking point.
Equating the rights of blacks to those of queers is beyond disgusting. Like one black man said concerning gay marriage. Your sin doesn't equal the tint of my skin"
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio..You idiot..oh look:eek: a Bush supporting Trump

George P. Bush tells GOP to support Trump: report

Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite.

Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?

They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.


Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right out of the White House, the Senate and tons of seats in the house. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the nominee--you have some very serious issues.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

She was promised the job in 2008 if she agreed to drop out of the race. The Diebold machines have backdoored software and there is no paper trail. The fix was in but the fact of the matter is that REAL Americans are waking up to the fraudulent system and the globalists are pissing themselves. Stupid asses like you will only "wake-up" when it's not a danger to do so...and then claim that you knew the whole time. It's easy to be brave when you have people to hide behind. People like me that know infinitely more than you that stand on the front lines trying to expose the lies, deceit and outright theft of the nation's wealth? Not so easy......but it's worth it.
Whatever dude, we are all people... Save your sin talk for the cult and keep it there

Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
Well Barbara Bush is NOT telling anyone to support Trump, in fact quite the opposite.

Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?

They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.


Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right out of the White House, the Senate and tons of seats in the house. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the nominee--you have some very serious issues.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

She was promised the job in 2008 if she agreed to drop out of the race. The Diebold machines have backdoored software and there is no paper trail. The fix was in but the fact of the matter is that REAL Americans are waking up to the fraudulent system and the globalists are pissing themselves. Stupid asses like you will only "wake-up" when it's not a danger to do so...and then claim that you knew the whole time. It's easy to be brave when you have people to hide behind. People like me that know infinitely more than you that stand on the front lines trying to expose the lies, deceit and outright theft of the nation's wealth? Not so easy......but it's worth it.

How do you know so much? Special access to CIA intelligence? Are you a spy?
To announce they are joining forces to defeat Hillary..Put their personal differences aside and do what's best for the country.... The race would be over if they did:cool:
What an idiot! No one gives a fuck about any of those losers.

And besides, if they were honest they'd rather hillary. Otherwise they would just shut up. But they are fueding with trump when he's not beating up babies or pissing on poor people and war heros.

Maybe you should nominate Obama's nominee to the supreme before hillary appoints a wack job tree hugger

Rubio would be 25 pts. up on the old witch by with latinos and SWF's now and in cruise-control to the WH.
Yeah and people can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home...but don't push perversity on people and then say that they must accept it. The LGBT and their offshoot group GLSEN are already infesting schools even at the grade school level touting faggotry. I bet you will also support the pedophile agenda of lowering the age of consent like thy are trying to do in the UK and will try and justify it. I will talk about sin any damn time the urge strikes me...get it?
Do whatever the hell you want, you just sound like an Isis dipshit stuck living in the past. No sweat off my brow, I see where we are at and where we are going and I can be proud of it. You and your sorry bunch get to bitch and moan and talk about how horrible our country is... That's your prerogative I guess
Who cares? Trump made her son look like the buffoon that he is..We don't need anymore Bushes or Clintons me?

They're going to get the last laugh. You've sent this 200 foot Tsunami headed right toward the Republican party--and Trump will take the Senate with him, along with tons of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. Something you all can be PROUD of.


Hitlery IS the quack.......she couldn't even beat Sanders without help from the DNC and their rigged system. People are tired of the same shit. This country needs real change. It needs to kick out the Fed bankers and it needs to rid congress of the barristers that hold office per the original 13th amendment. Washington D.C needs an enema and all the jesuits need to be sent packing alike 83 other countries did.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right out of the White House, the Senate and tons of seats in the house. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the nominee--you have some very serious issues.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

She was promised the job in 2008 if she agreed to drop out of the race. The Diebold machines have backdoored software and there is no paper trail. The fix was in but the fact of the matter is that REAL Americans are waking up to the fraudulent system and the globalists are pissing themselves. Stupid asses like you will only "wake-up" when it's not a danger to do so...and then claim that you knew the whole time. It's easy to be brave when you have people to hide behind. People like me that know infinitely more than you that stand on the front lines trying to expose the lies, deceit and outright theft of the nation's wealth? Not so easy......but it's worth it.

How do you know so much? Special access to CIA intelligence? Are you a spy?

Unlike you I have been a political junky for many years now. But through your babble, I think you're referring to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates that were added into the your so-called "Rigged election" because of this loss in 1984. Reagan V Mondale


And after this type of expected loss Republicans may decide to add in a few Super delegates of their own.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

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