Cruz shouted down by GOPers

The GOP leaders are weaklings and cowards. The American people gave them a huge mandate to do everything in their power to stop Obama, and they're wasting it.
Ted can handle it, he can handle it all! :biggrin:

From link:
Republicans shout down Ted Cruz

12/3/14 10:29 AM EST

Updated 12/4/14 7:19 PM EST

Republican senators panned Ted Cruz and his conservative colleagues Wednesday as they picked up traction on their push to derail the House GOP’s plan to keep the government funded.

The high-profile Texas conservative made a splash on Wednesday in announcing his opposition to House leaders’ plans to pass an omnibus spending bill to keep the government funded through September, revisit Department of Homeland Security funding early next year and pass a proposal disapproving of Obama’s immigration policy — which the Democrat-controlled Senate will not take up.

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First he joined colleagues from the Senate’s right flank and demanded both chambers take a harder line against Obama than proposed by GOP leaders. Then he joined House hard-liners at a news conference and urged Republicans to “do what you promised” in pushing back against Obama’s executive order shielding millions from deportation.

(Also on POLITICO: Container-in-chief)

“We should pass a short-term continuing resolution that includes language defunding the implementation of the president’s executive action on amnesty,” Cruz said on Wednesday.

But Cruz’s push, which is backed by a number of GOP senators and House members from the GOP’s right flank, is beginning to irk colleagues who still smart when reminded of last year’s government shutdown over Obamacare funding — a drama in which Cruz was a central player. And though Cruz insists he does not want a government shutdown, some of his Senate colleagues say that’s where his plan would end up.

Asked whether some Republicans are advocating a strategy that ultimately would result in a government shutdown due to Democratic opposition to any GOP bill that eliminates funding to DHS, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said “just a few are.”

“I hope everybody learned the lesson of the last time we shut down the government. If it hadn’t been for the crisis of Obamacare, it would have done much more damage than it did,” McCain said. “The overwhelming majority of us are against shutting down the government.”

(Also on POLITICO: The other Republican budget battle)

Read more: Republicans shout down Ted Cruz - Burgess Everett - POLITICO
Ted can handle it, he can handle it all! :biggrin:


Would you prefer McRomney, or Jeb Bush?
Neither. John kasich WI'll win it all and is by far the best candatate even over walker and the ones you mentioned.

I'm not against Kasich, just have seen little about him, as I have with Walker!
Kasich created the federal surplus in 90s. Major federal accomplishments as well as state governor and personal business owner. No one come close.
The last time Cruz had a temper tantrum it cost us $26 billion
Did I miss something? I didn't see the "shouted down" part in the article submitted in the post. Does the delusional left rely on wishful thinking instead of facts these days?
Obama shut down a few national parks. Who cares? All essential functions of government kept going.

So why do we need "non-essential functions" to continue?
The GOP leaders are weaklings and cowards. The American people gave them a huge mandate to do everything in their power to stop Obama, and they're wasting it.
In your dreams.

Red states rehired Red Senators. That's all.

Is that why the Republicans picked up 8, about to be 9 Senators when Mary gets her ass kicked by an unknown currently LEADING her by 23% in the latest poll?

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