Cruz shouted down by GOPers

yes, the establishment Gop are afraid that a government shutdown will get them even more senate and house seats in the next election...considering they shut the government down, and Ted Cruz filibustered...and we voted them a majority for it....and the Washington GOP are afraid to do the right thing....
Rafael (Ted) Cruz is leading the Right down the road to destruction, like his idol McCarthy.

You mean the way he filbustered last year....and the Republicans won a majority in both houses and the democrats lost their mean like that....
Stop Obama from doing what? Low turnout in a mid-term election shouldn't be taken as a mandate, let alone a huge mandate. Obama had his mandate two years ago, and he's got two years to go. The ISIS EBOLA PUTIN sky is falling hysteria is over. Some Republicans must realize they can't count on timely beheadings and normal midterm low turn out and stacked in GOP favor US Senate elections for long. They need to govern and governing is not stopping Obama for the sake of stopping Obama.

Why is it that when the republicans win in a landslide they have to "work with democrats" while when the democrats win, like obama, they simply inform the Republicans..."WE WON" now get out of the matter how slim the victory...

You lefties are nuts....
Nope, we would have done better if Cruz had not acted like a subversive thug. His actions hurt us. The reaching our by the mainstream to women and minorities gave us a solid victory. We will toss the far right over board if it comes to a choice. We will not let the TP trash and thugs disturb the GOP building of confidence with women and minorities.
bigreb, you are not a Republican, so who cares what you think?
You say I'm not a Republican? Why do I defend Republicans and you don't?
Why can't you answer a simple question?
is there any current Republicans that you agree with
And what Republican in this forum do you agree with?

Are you are a Republican, bigreb? Yes or no.

Which Republicans do you support? Tell us.
It doesn't work that way, you don't get a pass to ask anything when you can't answer a question.
is there any current Republicans that you agree with
And what Republican in this forum do you agree with?

Umm . . . yeah, it does.

If you are not a Republican, fuck off.

Answer the questions, and we will proceed.
When did you ask a question was that before or after I asked you
is there any current Republicans that you agree with
And what Republican in this forum do you agree with?
bigreb is not a Republican, so he can fuck off.

The way it is.
Why are these two questions so hard for you to answer?
Is it because you're just a troll

is there any current Republicans that you agree with
And what Republican in this forum do you agree with?
Actually, they have no mandate. None.

That's silly.

In a representative democracy, the people in the districts who elect their representatives have a mandate to represent them. The Republicans won the House by the widest margin in decades, and won most of the Senate seats up for election.

Of course they have a mandate.
STOP the madness, of course it's a wait and see if they try.
And the far right pretend RINOs will give the mandate back to the Dems if they keep up the horse shit.

With no relevant, on-topic replies, I wonder sometimes why you even bother to post on this site.

Are you enjoying yourself? We aren't.

Cruz was the biggest and most vocal antagonist of the last shut down, he is the consummate obstructionist; if it weren't for his own "imagined" enemies, Cruz would have no platform on which to run and no recognizable agenda.

People rooting for Cruz hate not only due process, but America itself; hardly surprising considering how many of his "fans" who are more than happy to secede.

Cruz is keeping his campaign promises and doing what he was sent to DC to do.

The asshole!

The second part is correct. The great majority obviously despise him, as the GOP was blamed the most for the shut down of the government. Obama's dog would beat Cruz by 15%.
Ted Cruz doesn't give a triple flying Fahrvergnügen what you think of him. He works for his constituents and they're mighty proud of him.
That will change when he sees his buddy Lee go down to a moderate Republican in the 2016 primaries.

The Texas GOP hopefuls for 2018 understand Cruz's weaknesses. He will be just another McCarthy, pulled down by his own party.

With no relevant, on-topic replies, I wonder sometimes why you even bother to post on this site.

Are you enjoying yourself? We aren't.

Cruz was the biggest and most vocal antagonist of the last shut down, he is the consummate obstructionist; if it weren't for his own "imagined" enemies, Cruz would have no platform on which to run and no recognizable agenda.

People rooting for Cruz hate not only due process, but America itself; hardly surprising considering how many of his "fans" who are more than happy to secede.

Cruz is keeping his campaign promises and doing what he was sent to DC to do.

The asshole!

The second part is correct. The great majority obviously despise him, as the GOP was blamed the most for the shut down of the government. Obama's dog would beat Cruz by 15%.
Ted Cruz doesn't give a triple flying Fahrvergnügen what you think of him. He works for his constituents and they're mighty proud of him.
Ted Cruz is only concerned with himself
Of course Teddy the Loser was shouted down by real Republicans.

So are the mentally ill birfers.
If you took your boyfriends BALL SACK out of your mouth, you might be able to say BIRTHER, you creepy little fucker.

Go slap your pud, nipple face.

Birfer Boy 007 is a drool fool. Carson has announced his candidacy, and the froot loop follies ar on.

Finish your gay fellatio then speak. Nobody can understand your posts.
Where are all the RW posters who show up and cry if someone uses the gay pejorative?
Of course Teddy the Loser was shouted down by real Republicans.

So are the mentally ill birfers.
If you took your boyfriends BALL SACK out of your mouth, you might be able to say BIRTHER, you creepy little fucker.

Go slap your pud, nipple face.

Birfer Boy 007 is a drool fool. Carson has announced his candidacy, and the froot loop follies ar on.

Finish your gay fellatio then speak. Nobody can understand your posts.
Where are all the RW posters who show up and cry if someone uses the gay pejorative?
The only thing to protest is his fagotty posts.

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