Cruz surges in Iowa

Jroc, you are a spec ed Jew, particularly if you are an Orthodox rabbi or teacher.
Let me tell ya what is going on here..........

1. Democrats always had trouble in national elections. The last time they won the majority of white vote was 1948. Soooooo, to win, they had to change the electorate, and now you have open borders.

2. Cruz is a much bigger threat to win the Presidency than Trump is. Why? Because A. He will embarrass Hilly in the debates, B. He will carry far more LEGAL Hispanic votes than Trump will, C. every legal Cuban in America will vote for him, D. he is proclaimed by every CONSERVATIVE outlet across the spectrum to be the staunchest conservative in the race, E. Trump votes will migrate to Cruz, much easier than Cruz votes migrate to Trump, F. Cruz is actually a politician, and KNOWS the constitution better than any candidate from either side, G. he is seen as the modern Reagan, which is why the left fear him so much........along with the Republican establishment.

IF YOU want Washington defanged, declawed, out of your business, and useless departments full of lefty libs dismantled sending them back to the private sector, Cruz is no doubt, your best choice!
Cruz is canadian and ineligible to be POTUS
That's ok because Cruz is just the latest crazy/flavor of the month. First Fiorino, Carson, Trump now Cruz, the least electable but most popular with the right wing nuts, will take his turn in the spotlight.

But ultimately it will be Rubio. If he flops like he did then it might be Kasich, Jeb or Christie but right now Rubio is the most electable of the GOP candidates.

Cruz is just here now to make the crazy evangelicals happy. The tea baggers. He's a huge star with them. No chance of being POTUS.

South Carolina evangelicals coalescing around Cruz

Cruz is canadian and ineligible to be POTUS
That's ok because Cruz is just the latest crazy/flavor of the month. First Fiorino, Carson, Trump now Cruz, the least electable but most popular with the right wing nuts, will take his turn in the spotlight.

But ultimately it will be Rubio. If he flops like he did then it might be Kasich, Jeb or Christie but right now Rubio is the most electable of the GOP candidates.

Cruz is just here now to make the crazy evangelicals happy. The tea baggers. He's a huge star with them. No chance of being POTUS.

South Carolina evangelicals coalescing around Cruz

We'll see silly boobie . Why do you support a women who along with her husband launderd tens of millions of dollars? i thought you people hated the rich? People who get rich off of government are the worst kind of scum
Cruz is canadian and ineligible to be POTUS
That's ok because Cruz is just the latest crazy/flavor of the month. First Fiorino, Carson, Trump now Cruz, the least electable but most popular with the right wing nuts, will take his turn in the spotlight.

But ultimately it will be Rubio. If he flops like he did then it might be Kasich, Jeb or Christie but right now Rubio is the most electable of the GOP candidates.

Cruz is just here now to make the crazy evangelicals happy. The tea baggers. He's a huge star with them. No chance of being POTUS.

South Carolina evangelicals coalescing around Cruz

We'll see silly boobie . Why do you support a women who along with her husband launderd tens of millions of dollars? i thought you people hated the rich? People who get rich off of government are the worst kind of scum
Go after Haloburton and all the defense contractors then.

I don't hate all rich people, just the greedy ones.
Let me try this again...........the Democrats have NOT WON THE MAJORITY OF THE WHITE VOTE IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION SINCE 1948. Got it!
This is why they want to change the electorate so badly. Now do we all understand, lol!

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