Cruz surges in Iowa

2. Cruz is a much bigger threat to win the Presidency than Trump is. Why? Because A. He will embarrass Hilly in the debates,

YOu know, not seeing it. Hillary is a much more seasoned debater than you all give her credit for. Just ask Rick Lazio.

B. He will carry far more LEGAL Hispanic votes than Trump will,

Probably. But this is a "Leper with the most fingers" distinction. Cruz will do as badly as Romney did.

C. every legal Cuban in America will vote for him,

Cubans are less than 10% of the Hispanics in the United States, mostly concentrated in Florida. They won't be that big of a factor.

D. he is proclaimed by every CONSERVATIVE outlet across the spectrum to be the staunchest conservative in the race,

Again, you guys work on the delusion there are conservatives out there that Romney and McCain didn't get, or that there are enough of them to tip the scales in your favor. The fact is, Romney, McCain and Bush all got between 59-61 million votes. That's your range. unless you expand that base, you aren't going to improve your vote total.

And you run the risk that moderates who were fine with McCain or Romney and their relatively vanilla, corporate personalities are going to really want a loose cannon like Trump in charge.

E. Trump votes will migrate to Cruz, much easier than Cruz votes migrate to Trump,

Not necessarily. Trump actually attracts people outside the GOP base, like my brother the Union Thug.

F. Cruz is actually a politician, and KNOWS the constitution better than any candidate from either side,

He's a politician who is universally disliked in Washington.

G. he is seen as the modern Reagan, which is why the left fear him so much........along with the Republican establishment.

Reagan was likable, even when he was saying hateful stuff. Cruz just comes off as hateful.
How many vanilla generic moderate independent non political women are going to vote for the first time ever because they want to see a woman president.

Republican guys better get absentee ballots and fill them out for your wives or even they will secretly vote for hillary and never tell you.
Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

I knew you would abandon Trump in the name of winning.

It has nothing to with your political principles, you have none.

I have always been moderate, mainstream Republican.

You are the hidden Progressive Statist, backing Trump.

Now you are the hidden conservative, backing Cruz.

You are opportunistic, sir.

You JakeAss IF you ever were a Republican, is what's the matter with today's REPUBLICAN PARTY!
Lets ask fake, if it were a choice between Trump or Hillary, who would he vote for?:eusa_think:

the majority voted against Bill Clinton fakely...Both times
Only 1992 when Ross Perot ran 3rd party.
Five of six times the dems have topped the pubs. Meaning five of six times the pubs were way down the % chart, because it was catering to money and religion instead of the needs of Americans.

The coming pub beating should make the party wake up this time.
Based on the GOP debate their hoping to convince America that the dems aren't keeping us safe and they will. Too funny.

They can't really trash the economy because its better. Except for the poorest Americans of course but we all know the GOP don't give a damn about them.

the rich are doing great under Obama the "middle class" is shrinking
Radical leftists don't win, running as radical leftist. Which is why idiots like Obama and Hillary use to be against two men getting married. Should I post vids for you?

point was, they were for reasonable comprimises like "Civil Unions". It wasn't just that the left shifted on this issue, it was that the whole country shifted.

Because when the issue was actually discussed, the best arguments your side could come up with were "I think it's icky" and "My Magic Pixie in the Sky says it's wrong".

I'm actually kinda fond of separate restrooms for boys and girls, also Bruce Jenner is a man.... You people are whacked:cuckoo:

the majority voted against Bill Clinton fakely...Both times
Only 1992 when Ross Perot ran 3rd party.
Five of six times the dems have topped the pubs. Meaning five of six times the pubs were way down the % chart, because it was catering to money and religion instead of the needs of Americans.

The coming pub beating should make the party wake up this time.
Based on the GOP debate their hoping to convince America that the dems aren't keeping us safe and they will. Too funny.

They can't really trash the economy because its better. Except for the poorest Americans of course but we all know the GOP don't give a damn about them.

the rich are doing great under Obama the "middle class" is shrinking
Then Obama is a Republican and the rich should love him.
I'm actually kinda fond of separate restrooms for boys and girls, also Bruce Jenner is a man.... You people are whacked

neither of those things have anything to do with gay marriage.

Of course, most of us have unisex bathrooms in our homes. Civilization does not come to an end.

So essentially, we need to make laws because you have a bunch of sexual hangups?

the majority voted against Bill Clinton fakely...Both times
Only 1992 when Ross Perot ran 3rd party.
Five of six times the dems have topped the pubs. Meaning five of six times the pubs were way down the % chart, because it was catering to money and religion instead of the needs of Americans.

The coming pub beating should make the party wake up this time.
Based on the GOP debate their hoping to convince America that the dems aren't keeping us safe and they will. Too funny.

They can't really trash the economy because its better. Except for the poorest Americans of course but we all know the GOP don't give a damn about them.

the rich are doing great under Obama the "middle class" is shrinking
Then why did bill O'Reilly just say voters are angry but Republican voters are most angry?

The middle class hurting most are the uneducated ones. We all know the GOP got no love for them.

What I think is bushanomics worked according to plan. They wanted to lower wages on the uneducated. Sending their jobs overseas, remember?

And what you are banking on is those uneducated people believe you when you say its Obama's fault.
the majority voted against Bill Clinton fakely...Both times
Only 1992 when Ross Perot ran 3rd party.
Five of six times the dems have topped the pubs. Meaning five of six times the pubs were way down the % chart, because it was catering to money and religion instead of the needs of Americans.

The coming pub beating should make the party wake up this time.
Based on the GOP debate their hoping to convince America that the dems aren't keeping us safe and they will. Too funny.

They can't really trash the economy because its better. Except for the poorest Americans of course but we all know the GOP don't give a damn about them.

the rich are doing great under Obama the "middle class" is shrinking
Then why did bill O'Reilly just say voters are angry but Republican voters are most angry?

The middle class hurting most are the uneducated ones. We all know the GOP got no love for them.

What I think is bushanomics worked according to plan. They wanted to lower wages on the uneducated. Sending their jobs overseas, remember?

And what you are banking on is those uneducated people believe you when you say its Obama's fault.
Too funny:slap: Obama shipping in illegals who are illiterate in their own native language. He wants poor muslim refugees all these people take American jobs, lower wages, and take benefits meant for Americans, but you love them. As far as Jobs going over seas ..Global warming!!...Global Warming!!.... more regulations!..more taxes!!... You're not too bright are you? Silly boobie
Last edited:
I'm actually kinda fond of separate restrooms for boys and girls, also Bruce Jenner is a man.... You people are whacked

neither of those things have anything to do with gay marriage.

Of course, most of us have unisex bathrooms in our homes. Civilization does not come to an end.

So essentially, we need to make laws because you have a bunch of sexual hangups?
How many sexes are there? you leftist idiots cant even figure that out. Excuse me if people don't want men in the same restroom, at the same time, as their teenage girls:eusa_wall:
Many, many of these refugees are more literate and cultured than Jroc.
only to a senile old man like yourself
:lol: FlakeyRoc, the fact remains that you can competently defend your positions; the fact remains I am more pro-Israel than you; the fact remains that the US will not commit large ground combat units in Syria and Iraq, because we failed.
Many, many of these refugees are more literate and cultured than Jroc.
only to a senile old man like yourself
:lol: FlakeyRoc, the fact remains that you can competently defend your positions; the fact remains I am more pro-Israel than you; the fact remains that the US will not commit large ground combat units in Syria and Iraq, because we failed.

What are you babbling about fake? Did you forget to take your medication old man? illegal immigrants from central and south America don't help our economy or the middle class:eusa_wall: we dont neeed large ground forces that's a Rubio proposal your boy
Many, many of these refugees are more literate and cultured than Jroc.
only to a senile old man like yourself
:lol: FlakeyRoc, the fact remains that you can competently defend your positions; the fact remains I am more pro-Israel than you; the fact remains that the US will not commit large ground combat units in Syria and Iraq, because we failed.
What are you babbling about fake? Did you forget to take your medication old man? illegal immigrants from central and south America don't help our economy or the middle class:eusa_wall: we dont neeed large ground forces that's a Rubio proposal your boy
FlakeyRoc, you are into dementia already. :lol: You have nothing to show that immigrants hurt our economy or middle class. You have done nothing to show that we should put large ground units again into the ME. Thank heavens older folks are running this country. If you were, Israel would have disappeared already.
Many, many of these refugees are more literate and cultured than Jroc.
only to a senile old man like yourself
:lol: FlakeyRoc, the fact remains that you can competently defend your positions; the fact remains I am more pro-Israel than you; the fact remains that the US will not commit large ground combat units in Syria and Iraq, because we failed.
What are you babbling about fake? Did you forget to take your medication old man? illegal immigrants from central and south America don't help our economy or the middle class:eusa_wall: we dont neeed large ground forces that's a Rubio proposal your boy
FlakeyRoc, you are into dementia already. :lol: You have nothing to show that immigrants hurt our economy or middle class. You have done nothing to show that we should put large ground units again into the ME. Thank heavens older folks are running this country. If you were, Israel would have disappeared already.
More babbling old like Rubio ? did you watch the debates last night? You must have been getting your diaper changed during the Rubio parts. Maybe after you take your medication for dementia, you can tell us how all those illegals increase wages for American workers:eusa_whistle:
Many, many of these refugees are more literate and cultured than Jroc.
only to a senile old man like yourself
:lol: FlakeyRoc, the fact remains that you can competently defend your positions; the fact remains I am more pro-Israel than you; the fact remains that the US will not commit large ground combat units in Syria and Iraq, because we failed.
What are you babbling about fake? Did you forget to take your medication old man? illegal immigrants from central and south America don't help our economy or the middle class:eusa_wall: we dont neeed large ground forces that's a Rubio proposal your boy
FlakeyRoc, you are into dementia already. :lol: You have nothing to show that immigrants hurt our economy or middle class. You have done nothing to show that we should put large ground units again into the ME. Thank heavens older folks are running this country. If you were, Israel would have disappeared already.
More babbling old like Rubio ? did you watch the debates last night? You must have been getting your diaper changed during the Rubio parts. Maybe after you take your medication for dementia, you can tell us how all those illegals increase wages for American workers:eusa_whistle:
Flakey Roc is stumbling and fumbling. Personal attacks are all he has now. Greater Israel is your enemy.
Too funny:slap: Obama shipping in illegals who are illiterate in their own native language. He wants poor muslim refugees all these people take American jobs, lower wages, and take benefits meant for Americans, but you love them. As far as Jobs going over seas ..Global warming!!...Global Warming!!.... more regulations!..more taxes!!... You're not too bright are you? Silly boobie

Obama Obama Obama!!!!

There's so much fun in this comment.

So how was it that most of the shipping of jobs to other countries happened under George W. Stupid, who was supposedly friendly to business?

Why was it the number of "illegal" aliens PEAKED under George W. Stupid? (In fact, the number of illegals in this country has been in DECLINE as Obama deports record numbers of them)


Yes, Jew the American worker out of jobs and make it look like it was his own fault. That's the ticket.
How many sexes are there? you leftist idiots cant even figure that out. Excuse me if people don't want men in the same restroom, at the same time, as their teenage girls

Again, what does that have to do with gay marriage again? I think you are a little confused here.

I'm just wondering, how many cases are there of transvestites raping girls in bathrooms?

I find it hilarious that you guys ignore shit like hundreds of mass shootings every year (if it isn't a Muslim doing them) but you make up truly scary things like sex-crazed trannies in the bathroom.

Do I think Bruce Jenner looks silly when he dresses like a woman? Yup.

DO I think he's actually hurting anyone? Not really.
How many sexes are there? you leftist idiots cant even figure that out. Excuse me if people don't want men in the same restroom, at the same time, as their teenage girls

Again, what does that have to do with gay marriage again? I think you are a little confused here.

I'm just wondering, how many cases are there of transvestites raping girls in bathrooms?

I find it hilarious that you guys ignore shit like hundreds of mass shootings every year (if it isn't a Muslim doing them) but you make up truly scary things like sex-crazed trannies in the bathroom.

Do I think Bruce Jenner looks silly when he dresses like a woman? Yup.

DO I think he's actually hurting anyone? Not really.
They're not hundreds of mass shooting every year you moron. there are however thousands of black thugs shooting other blacks, who people like you don't seem to care about :slap:

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