Cruz surges in Iowa


the majority voted against Bill Clinton fakely...Both times
Only 1992 when Ross Perot ran 3rd party.
Clinton never got 50% Silly boobie:slap:
I don't believe Dole got 51% in 96. LOL. No way.
He didn't Perot was in the race again Clinton got 49% in that one
I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)
Let me tell ya what is going on here..........

1. Democrats always had trouble in national elections. The last time they won the majority of white vote was 1948. Soooooo, to win, they had to change the electorate, and now you have open borders.

The Left gave up the majority white vote when they passed the Civil Rights Act and handed the South to the right.

They also lost a number of whites in the Bible Belt when they decided to err on the side of science and women's rights and gay rights.

Your conspiracy about votes/open borders is straight outta talk radio, which makes me think you are a LIAWM (low income angry white male).

And besides, if you knew anything about history, you'd know that Reagan passed the largest amnesty bill in our nation's history. He did this for many reasons, one of which was to prevent union control of food service, construction and agriculture in the Southwest (by flooding it with cheap labor).
I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

Let me tell ya what is going on here..........

1. Democrats always had trouble in national elections. The last time they won the majority of white vote was 1948. Soooooo, to win, they had to change the electorate, and now you have open borders.

The Left gave up the majority white vote when they passed the Civil Rights Act and handed the South to the right.

They also lost a number of whites in the Bible Belt when they decided to err on the side of science and women's rights and gay rights.

Your conspiracy about votes/open borders is straight outta talk radio, which makes me think you are a LIAWM (low income angry white male).

And besides, if you knew anything about history, you'd know that Reagan passed the largest amnesty bill in our nation's history. He did this for many reasons, one of which was to prevent union control of food service, construction and agriculture in the Southwest (by flooding it with cheap labor).

LOL, I see just like all lefties, you want to label me.

The civil rights act? Really? Is that the one that LBJ sponsored, or are you talking about a different one? If I remember correctly, it only passed because Republicans supported it as the Democrats were against it! See, Democrats never did like them there uppity black folk!

As far as my conspiracy, it is actually YOUR CONSPIRACY because the borders are open, lol. Any deflection you can come up with is good though, but the law says, CLOSED BORDER. Do you AGREE, or DISAGREE? Then, we shall talk of conspiracy-)

If I knew anything about history-) Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! I won't debate that with you, I will just laugh at you on that one, lololol!
I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

I knew you would abandon Trump in the name of winning.

It has nothing to with your political principles, you have none.
I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

I knew you would abandon Trump in the name of winning.

It has nothing to with your political principles, you have none.

I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

I knew you would abandon Trump in the name of winning.

It has nothing to with your political principles, you have none.

How long you been an ASTRO TURFER Starkey? 109 THOUSAND posts, lol. What, do you only get paid if someone responds? LOLOLOL, you are a funny guy/gal. Why don't you, RIGHTWINGER, PaintmyPatootie, and the former PITA Dadof42 or whatever his name was, get together and respond stupidly to each other to get paid, lolol.

Or is it true! Is it true that all of you are over 25, sitting in your parents basement in your underwear posting lefty nonsense because you don't want to work and need lefty freebies, hehehehehehe!

I believe either scenario, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
imawhosure, you label yourself with all of your nonsense.

Get over yourself, son.
I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

I knew you would abandon Trump in the name of winning.

It has nothing to with your political principles, you have none.

I have always been moderate, mainstream Republican.

You are the hidden Progressive Statist, backing Trump.

Now you are the hidden conservative, backing Cruz.

You are opportunistic, sir.
imawhosure, you label yourself with all of your nonsense.

Get over yourself, son.

Get over MYSELF, lol. I am not the incompetent, to much time on my hands fool, who posted 109 thousand posts, lololol. Get over MYSELF? You need a shrink their dude-)
I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

I knew you would abandon Trump in the name of winning.

It has nothing to with your political principles, you have none.

I have always been moderate, mainstream Republican.

You are the hidden Progressive Statist, backing Trump.

Now you are the hidden conservative, backing Cruz.

You are opportunistic, sir.

You JakeAss IF you ever were a Republican, is what's the matter with today's REPUBLICAN PARTY!
I just LOVE BURSTING BUBBLES of the low IQ'd type...


PPP Trump edges Cruz 28% to 25% NEWEST POLL!

Vigilante, nobody is suggesting that Trump won't win. We are just debating (the reasonable people like us anyway) who would be the better candidate. Both Trump and Cruz have strengths, and weaknesses.

Unlike some people, I will not try and destroy Trump to promote Cruz, nor vice-versa. Now destroy Hillary to promote either, now that is a totally different tune-)

If we can't get a NON POLITICIAN into the White House, Ted is definitely my SECOND CHOICE!

I knew you would abandon Trump in the name of winning.

It has nothing to with your political principles, you have none.

I have always been moderate, mainstream Republican.

You are the hidden Progressive Statist, backing Trump.

Now you are the hidden conservative, backing Cruz.

You are opportunistic, sir.

Whatever I am, I am sure is a whole lot better, than being someone who is sooooo focused on nonsense, he can sit and concentrate 109 thousand times, and say absolutely nothing of substance the last 3 thousand for sure, cause I read them.

In any case, carry on with your astro turfing ways-) And if you aren't a turfer, you missed an opportunity. With all those gibberish posts, you could have made some cash-)
Jeb, Kasich and Christie get >4% of the vote. Why are the dems so sure candidates who are doing so badly the ultimate victors? Bush is spending money like crazy, and he sinks every poling
Bush campaign is dead, it just refuses to lie down.
But ultimately it will be Rubio. If he flops like he did then it might be Kasich, Jeb or Christie but right now Rubio is the most electable of the GOP candidates.
imawhosure, you label yourself with all of your nonsense.

Get over yourself, son.

Get over MYSELF, lol. I am not the incompetent, to much time on my hands fool, who posted 109 thousand posts, lololol. Get over MYSELF? You need a shrink their dude-)
Get over yourself, little bear.

I am retired, very successfully. I write, and keep the Board as something to dive into daily. The use of words exercises my brain, so when you are a drain, you are so easy to unplug. :lol:
Jeb, Kasich and Christie get >4% of the vote. Why are the dems so sure candidates who are doing so badly the ultimate victors? Bush is spending money like crazy, and he sinks every poling
Bush campaign is dead, it just refuses to lie down.
But ultimately it will be Rubio. If he flops like he did then it might be Kasich, Jeb or Christie but right now Rubio is the most electable of the GOP candidates.
Just wait then bow to me forever more once you see I'm right.

Rubugs don't realize who they like best aren't electable

the majority voted against Bill Clinton fakely...Both times
Only 1992 when Ross Perot ran 3rd party.
Five of six times the dems have topped the pubs. Meaning five of six times the pubs were way down the % chart, because it was catering to money and religion instead of the needs of Americans.

The coming pub beating should make the party wake up this time.
Based on the GOP debate their hoping to convince America that the dems aren't keeping us safe and they will. Too funny.

They can't really trash the economy because its better. Except for the poorest Americans of course but we all know the GOP don't give a damn about them.
Radical leftists don't win, running as radical leftist. Which is why idiots like Obama and Hillary use to be against two men getting married. Should I post vids for you?

point was, they were for reasonable comprimises like "Civil Unions". It wasn't just that the left shifted on this issue, it was that the whole country shifted.

Because when the issue was actually discussed, the best arguments your side could come up with were "I think it's icky" and "My Magic Pixie in the Sky says it's wrong".
2. Cruz is a much bigger threat to win the Presidency than Trump is. Why? Because A. He will embarrass Hilly in the debates,

YOu know, not seeing it. Hillary is a much more seasoned debater than you all give her credit for. Just ask Rick Lazio.

B. He will carry far more LEGAL Hispanic votes than Trump will,

Probably. But this is a "Leper with the most fingers" distinction. Cruz will do as badly as Romney did.

C. every legal Cuban in America will vote for him,

Cubans are less than 10% of the Hispanics in the United States, mostly concentrated in Florida. They won't be that big of a factor.

D. he is proclaimed by every CONSERVATIVE outlet across the spectrum to be the staunchest conservative in the race,

Again, you guys work on the delusion there are conservatives out there that Romney and McCain didn't get, or that there are enough of them to tip the scales in your favor. The fact is, Romney, McCain and Bush all got between 59-61 million votes. That's your range. unless you expand that base, you aren't going to improve your vote total.

And you run the risk that moderates who were fine with McCain or Romney and their relatively vanilla, corporate personalities are going to really want a loose cannon like Trump in charge.

E. Trump votes will migrate to Cruz, much easier than Cruz votes migrate to Trump,

Not necessarily. Trump actually attracts people outside the GOP base, like my brother the Union Thug.

F. Cruz is actually a politician, and KNOWS the constitution better than any candidate from either side,

He's a politician who is universally disliked in Washington.

G. he is seen as the modern Reagan, which is why the left fear him so much........along with the Republican establishment.

Reagan was likable, even when he was saying hateful stuff. Cruz just comes off as hateful.

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