Cruz surges in Iowa

Jews vote for their best interest. They voted in droves for hard right Reagan (39%!) and 11 % for liberal squish Bush because of safety. Carter was dangerous for the Jews, as was Bush.
He'll make a great Pastor.

Conservative here. I admit that I have been put off by Cruz' mannerisms...these overshadowed or obscured his message points for me. And ... I agree that, having suffered through 2 terms of the Shrub and now nearly 2 terms of Barry, I should be able to handle anyone. Cruz' "preaching" manner was apparently learned from a young age from his evangelist father. OK. Fine.

I promise to get into the substantive issues for which this candidate stands as a conservative. More to come...
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So Jroc, an orthodox far right Jew, votes far right. Big surprise.

I know synagogue attending Jews who vote right, left, and center.

The Jews in America as a group favor the Democratic Party.

Why do you keep repeating? a leftist synagogue is leftist. Women rabbis, women dressing like men. Conversions in those type of places aren't even recognized. I talk about real Synagogues. You talk about leftist, you're partial to leftist because you are a leftist.and none of those leftist Jews would support what you say you support on Israel:slap:
You don't what is real Judaism is for Jews, any more than does Jeremiah for Christians. I mainstream and you are a far right cultural, political, religious out of the mainstream weirdo.
Romney was a poor candidate, he didn't go after Obama like he should have.

No, Romney was a poor candidate because he was WRONG. He took the same rat-poison for the Middle Class Bush peddled and tried to put it in shiny new packaging.

No more Obama, and nobody really likes that witch ..not even Bill.

You work on the assumption it is about candidates and not policies. Point is, the GOP lost FIVE of the last six presidential popular votes. If they hadn't stolen 2000, they wouldn't have won in 2004. It's not the candidates, guy, it's the horrible ideas.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say Republicans brought us recessions and Democrats brought us Wars... Which was probably an accurate description of history between Wilson and Ford.

Now Republicans bring us both, and blame us for them.

Liberals are liberals doesn't really matter if they are Jews does it.

Well, does it? Frankly, when I was conservative, I had lots of liberal friends, and now that i am more liberal, I still have a lot of conservative friends. (Some of whom are shocked I've changed so much, others realize what I went through in the last decade.)

It seems to me that if you are picking your friends based on their political beliefs, you must have a pretty empty life.

Religious Jews vote Republican better than 70% that's just the way it is. Over time they'll out number the leftist anyway. They have many more kids

If that was the case, i'd be a very devout Catholic today. Having kids in a silly faith doesn't mean they'll always go along with the silliness. Eventually, your kid is gonna wanna eat a pork chop.
Conservatives win elections Romney was not, neither was Bush for that matter. Reagan won two landslide victories. Although, Romney was far more right than Obama that's obvious. Conservative Jews breed conservative kids.That's a fact. Just like liberals breed liberals for the most part...You? have obvious psychological issues. You shouldn't be used as an example of anything, other than as an example of those who need mental help:thup:

If "conservatives win elections," why can't they win the Republican nomination, which is, you know, "an election," and more conservative than the electorate?

Also, if "conservatives win elections," why did Barry Goldwater get crushed in one of the worst Republican defeats in history?

And finally, if "conservatives win elections," why did conservatives lose very winnable Senate races on 2010 and 2012 in DE, IN, NV and MO, when Tea Party favorites ousted establishment candidates?
Fighting establishment money isn't that easy is it? and Goldwater was never going to beat Johnson after the assassination of Kennedy, also you have to have good candidates

So blanket statements such as "conservatives win elections" are a myth then. It has no basis in fact. Sometimes conservatives win and sometimes they lose. The idea that conservative Presidential candidates lose because they aren't conservative enough is nonsense.

It's a narrative conservatives like to comfort themselves when they lose. They like to think "If only the candidate was more like me and believed what I believe, then he would have win."

A candidate has to appeal to more people, not less. Having a candidate that is less appealing to more people is a poor election strategy. And having a candidate whose ideology is less appealing to more people - whether that's strident liberalism or conservatism - makes it difficult for the party.
This is getting to be very predictable. Every time there is a debate coming suddenly 1 or 2 polls show someone taking the lead from Trump.
Like I said, your post proves you delusional. Reagan cut taxes drastically, and closing loopholes isn't raising taxes.

Uh, yeah, when you cut taxes for the rich and close tax deductions for the middle class, that's RAISING TAXES on the Middle Class. What Reagan did was shift the tax burden away from the Rich (where it belongs) and onto the backs of the middle class.

Agreements came from our strength not weakness.

We made agreements because we were going bankrupt! We couldn't sustain Reagan's military build-up and everyone knew it.

Thank G-d for Reagan. He set the ground work that freed 10s of millions of people in eastern Europe.

He did nothing of the sort. Nothing he did had anything to do with the fall of the USSR, and when it did fall on Bush's watch, everyone was taken by surprise. But you must be some kind of mutant who thinks the USSR Fell because Reagan said, "Tear down this wall" and the Russians all slapped their foreheads and said, "Yeah, What were we thinking".

Of course, Reagan' obsession with Communism DID lead him to arm drug dealers in Central America and Jihadists in the Middle East. That worked out well.

i wont address the rest of your stupidity, because we are getting off topic..Sickly boy, don't hate because you're sickly and I'm not. G-d has plans for us all. Yours may not be a long life

I know you want to run away when you are getting your snivelly little ass kicked.. You can't spin the amnesty or tripling the debt no matter how hard you try.

But I've already lived a long life, thanks.
More of Cruz and less of everyone else in the GOP primary is a great thing for Hillary err, I mean America.
Yeah...we certainly would not want a POTUS who believes in the rule of law, limited government, individual liberty, separation of would we?

It is utterly amazing and terribly disheartening that millions of Americans "think" this way.

When did so many Americans become totalitarians?
"The idea that conservative Presidential candidates lose because they aren't conservative enough is nonsense."

The fact is that conservative presidential candidates need the center. Always true.
Jews voted heavily in favor of the Dems, and the really don't like far right Republicans.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections | Jewish Virtual Library

View attachment 56896

that was a useless post and has nothing to do with my point. but you're a leftist sympathizer and not too bright...Religious orthodox Jews vote 70% Republican
You were talking stupidly, and I corrected it. I always will. Most Jews don't like the Far Right.
JROC must have been in the special ed class in yeshiva

Seventy percent of all American Jews voted for Barack Obama. The result is in line with the 74 percent support he received in 2008, and the 70 percent average support Democratic presidential candidates have received since exit polling began in 1972
"The idea that conservative Presidential candidates lose because they aren't conservative enough is nonsense."

The fact is that conservative presidential candidates need the center. Always true.
See there it is.

To you conservative means anyone who believes in the rule of law, limited gov, individual liberty, etc. These things I list use to be considered by all Americans as AMERICAN.

Today...leftism has perverted our heritage. They appear to want totalitarianism.
"The idea that conservative Presidential candidates lose because they aren't conservative enough is nonsense."

The fact is that conservative presidential candidates need the center. Always true.
See there it is. To you conservative means anyone who believes in the rule of law, limited gov, individual liberty, etc. These things I list use to be considered by all Americans as AMERICAN. Today...leftism has perverted our heritage. They appear to want totalitarianism.
We are talking about conservatism, not your loony libertarianism. Wanting you to pay your fair share if you are to partake in modern America is Americanism.
Jews voted heavily in favor of the Dems, and the really don't like far right Republicans.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections | Jewish Virtual Library

View attachment 56896

that was a useless post and has nothing to do with my point. but you're a leftist sympathizer and not too bright...Religious orthodox Jews vote 70% Republican
You were talking stupidly, and I corrected it. I always will. Most Jews don't like the Far Right.
JROC must have been in the special ed class in yeshiva

Seventy percent of all American Jews voted for Barack Obama. The result is in line with the 74 percent support he received in 2008, and the 70 percent average support Democratic presidential candidates have received since exit polling began in 1972

You don't learn that in a Yeshiva you moron. this is why I say you're no Jew, because you're too stupid to actually be a Jew. Most Religious Jews don't vote for leftist, only atheist and secular Jews
Romney was a poor candidate, he didn't go after Obama like he should have.

No, Romney was a poor candidate because he was WRONG. He took the same rat-poison for the Middle Class Bush peddled and tried to put it in shiny new packaging.

No more Obama, and nobody really likes that witch ..not even Bill.

You work on the assumption it is about candidates and not policies. Point is, the GOP lost FIVE of the last six presidential popular votes. If they hadn't stolen 2000, they wouldn't have won in 2004. It's not the candidates, guy, it's the horrible ideas.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say Republicans brought us recessions and Democrats brought us Wars... Which was probably an accurate description of history between Wilson and Ford.

Now Republicans bring us both, and blame us for them.

Liberals are liberals doesn't really matter if they are Jews does it.

Well, does it? Frankly, when I was conservative, I had lots of liberal friends, and now that i am more liberal, I still have a lot of conservative friends. (Some of whom are shocked I've changed so much, others realize what I went through in the last decade.)

It seems to me that if you are picking your friends based on their political beliefs, you must have a pretty empty life.

Religious Jews vote Republican better than 70% that's just the way it is. Over time they'll out number the leftist anyway. They have many more kids

If that was the case, i'd be a very devout Catholic today. Having kids in a silly faith doesn't mean they'll always go along with the silliness. Eventually, your kid is gonna wanna eat a pork chop.
Conservatives win elections Romney was not, neither was Bush for that matter. Reagan won two landslide victories. Although, Romney was far more right than Obama that's obvious. Conservative Jews breed conservative kids.That's a fact. Just like liberals breed liberals for the most part...You? have obvious psychological issues. You shouldn't be used as an example of anything, other than as an example of those who need mental help:thup:

If "conservatives win elections," why can't they win the Republican nomination, which is, you know, "an election," and more conservative than the electorate?

Also, if "conservatives win elections," why did Barry Goldwater get crushed in one of the worst Republican defeats in history?

And finally, if "conservatives win elections," why did conservatives lose very winnable Senate races on 2010 and 2012 in DE, IN, NV and MO, when Tea Party favorites ousted establishment candidates?
Fighting establishment money isn't that easy is it? and Goldwater was never going to beat Johnson after the assassination of Kennedy, also you have to have good candidates

So blanket statements such as "conservatives win elections" are a myth then. It has no basis in fact. Sometimes conservatives win and sometimes they lose. The idea that conservative Presidential candidates lose because they aren't conservative enough is nonsense.

It's a narrative conservatives like to comfort themselves when they lose. They like to think "If only the candidate was more like me and believed what I believe, then he would have win."

A candidate has to appeal to more people, not less. Having a candidate that is less appealing to more people is a poor election strategy. And having a candidate whose ideology is less appealing to more people - whether that's strident liberalism or conservatism - makes it difficult for the party.
Radical leftists don't win, running as radical leftist. Which is why idiots like Obama and Hillary use to be against two men getting married. Should I post vids for you?
Jroc has no authority to say who is a Jew or not.

What a stupid ass assumption on his part.

And the stats are clear that Jewish mothers are accepting non Orthodox men more and more.

Smart ladies.

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