Cruz to make major announcement

Probably planning to name Kasich as his running mate. It's his hail Mary pass to try and save his failing campaign. The man is desperate.
Kasich will NEVER EVER run as a Cruz Why should he? Kasich has seen the Canadian birth certificate and the belated renunciation of Cruz's Canadian birthright citizenship only in 2014... Kasich knows Cruz's chances of sitting in the Oval Office are zip. He won't commit political suicide like that..

But agreed. Cruz has to be a very desperate man right now. Imagine taking all those campaign funds under fraudulent terms? Yikes...


I think that the Republican voters have shown quite clearly to Cruz that no announcement from his is a "major" announcement. It's over, he's done. His fighting only helps Mrs. Tuzla Clinton.
Don't candidates wait until much later to pick their VP? If this is his announcement it would be pretty ballsy for someone who isn't even close to winning the nomination yet.
ballsy? How about fucking stupid ;)

A guy that cannot under any circumstances win the nomination (not enough delegates being available) announces his VP choice. Well THAT just makes total sense!! On second thought, I gotta run and go announce my VP choice. BRB!

Any more stupid than a guy who cannot win a general election under any circumstances (not enough idiots in the country being available) is rabble rousing the peasants for the GOP primary?
:lol: Still buying the false narrative that he can't win the General? Too funny ;)

Do you feel Cruz and Kasich have a chance of ruining Trumps delegates? Wondering about Indiana?

Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
And then...Hillary wins the general!!

...unless the RNC wises up and puts Hillary-beating Kasich in at the last minute... You understand that the main objective of the primary situation, convention included & delegates is so that the party puts out a candidate most likely to win in the general....right? They have a legal obligation to their party to not nominate a statistical loser for the general. There's that little snag..
Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
And then...Hillary wins the general!!

...unless the RNC wises up and puts Hillary-beating Kasich in at the last minute... You understand that the main objective of the primary situation, convention included & delegates is so that the party puts out a candidate most likely to win in the general....right? They have a legal obligation to their party to not nominate a statistical loser for the general. There's that little snag..
If you really believe Hillary is going to walk right into the General and handily defeat Trump you are in for a big surprise.
Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
And then...Hillary wins the general!!

...unless the RNC wises up and puts Hillary-beating Kasich in at the last minute... You understand that the main objective of the primary situation, convention included & delegates is so that the party puts out a candidate most likely to win in the general....right? They have a legal obligation to their party to not nominate a statistical loser for the general. There's that little snag..
If you really believe Hillary is going to walk right into the General and handily defeat Trump you are in for a big surprise.
Oh, I'm sorry...I was under the impression that women and Hispanics would be voting this Fall. My bad!
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Must be Cruz dropping out...
Can't see it being a VP pick...

Will this clear the way for Kasich to win the nomination on the second ballot?....
Trump just said that he will be tough on China. Not only has he been tough on a female debate commentator, but he will be tough on the country making most of his goods.

Trump's supporters refuse to see his dualities.

Trump is for Trump.
Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
And then...Hillary wins the general!!

...unless the RNC wises up and puts Hillary-beating Kasich in at the last minute... You understand that the main objective of the primary situation, convention included & delegates is so that the party puts out a candidate most likely to win in the general....right? They have a legal obligation to their party to not nominate a statistical loser for the general. There's that little snag..
If you really believe Hillary is going to walk right into the General and handily defeat Trump you are in for a big surprise.
Oh, I'm sorry...I was under the impression that women and hispanics would be voting this Fall. My bad!
Keep hanging your hat on that one. Drink that kool-aid son
Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
And then...Hillary wins the general!!

...unless the RNC wises up and puts Hillary-beating Kasich in at the last minute... You understand that the main objective of the primary situation, convention included & delegates is so that the party puts out a candidate most likely to win in the general....right? They have a legal obligation to their party to not nominate a statistical loser for the general. There's that little snag..
If you really believe Hillary is going to walk right into the General and handily defeat Trump you are in for a big surprise.
I've always thought Hillary is a terrible candidate, but she's actually gotten better stumping against Bernie. I don't discount Trump, although I have no idea what he actually supports beyond being against amnesty, but I just don't see where his votes come from. His chance seems to depend on very low general turnout, but there Hillary has by far the strongest ground game, and that's Trump's greatest weakness.
Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
And then...Hillary wins the general!!

...unless the RNC wises up and puts Hillary-beating Kasich in at the last minute... You understand that the main objective of the primary situation, convention included & delegates is so that the party puts out a candidate most likely to win in the general....right? They have a legal obligation to their party to not nominate a statistical loser for the general. There's that little snag..
If you really believe Hillary is going to walk right into the General and handily defeat Trump you are in for a big surprise.
Oh, I'm sorry...I was under the impression that women and hispanics would be voting this Fall. My bad!
Keep hanging your hat on that one. Drink that kool-aid son

That in no way addresses the reality of women and Hispanics voting in the Fall and the trouble that would bring if Trump faced off with Hillary. Nice dodge though. Trump will l lose to Hillary and it's this you are trying to shroud with your vague comeback. Which is a red flag. Especially because you're a moderator here at a very high-traveled political website..
Probably planning to name Kasich as his running mate. It's his hail Mary pass to try and save his failing campaign. The man is desperate.

Every time someone says something like this it proves how much of a fucking idiot they are. Kasich would never become anyone's running mate. Kasich has no reason to be anyone's running mate. The man is not a vanity candidate. He's not angling for career ambitions, and he's too damn old to be looking for stepping stones even if he were running for mere career ambitions.
I heard that since Trump has said he will build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, Cruz decided he needed to come up with his own major plan... his first duty as POTUS will be to annex his home country of Canada. :boohoo:
I just remembered a couple months ago when a cruz/fiorina ticket came about, she said to wait until he gets nominated.. :dunno:
Probably planning to name Kasich as his running mate. It's his hail Mary pass to try and save his failing campaign. The man is desperate.

Every time someone says something like this it proves how much of a fucking idiot they are. Kasich would never become anyone's running mate. Kasich has no reason to be anyone's running mate. The man is not a vanity candidate. He's not angling for career ambitions, and he's too damn old to be looking for stepping stones even if he were running for mere career ambitions.
Though to be fair, of the two eligible GOP candidates left (Canadians don't count), Kasich is vastly the younger of the two. T.Rump turns 70 this June I believe. And on the dem side sheesh! Hillbilly turned/turns 70 this year too I think and Grandpa Sanders is already 74. Kasich is in his early 60s.
Nah. Last night results are indicative of Trumps mounting momentum and he far exceeded the polls. Thats very very telling. He'll take Indiana because the people want to get behind a winner at this time. Sure there will be some #nevertrump people lingering around, but their foolishness will finally doom them.
And then...Hillary wins the general!!

...unless the RNC wises up and puts Hillary-beating Kasich in at the last minute... You understand that the main objective of the primary situation, convention included & delegates is so that the party puts out a candidate most likely to win in the general....right? They have a legal obligation to their party to not nominate a statistical loser for the general. There's that little snag..
If you really believe Hillary is going to walk right into the General and handily defeat Trump you are in for a big surprise.
Oh, I'm sorry...I was under the impression that women and hispanics would be voting this Fall. My bad!
Keep hanging your hat on that one. Drink that kool-aid son

That in no way addresses the reality of women and Hispanics voting in the Fall and the trouble that would bring if Trump faced off with Hillary. Nice dodge though. Trump will l lose to Hillary and it's this you are trying to shroud with your vague comeback. Which is a red flag. Especially because you're a moderator here at a very high-traveled political website..
I addressed it directly. Republicans typically do not do well with the female and hispanic/minority vote. That's nothing new. However, Trump may just be able to turn that around. Will he bring them in on "record numbers"? Don't know. Could he possibly surprise every one and do better with the female/hispanic/minority vote than typical Republicans do? Absolutely. No one knows until the exit polls reveal that.

Point is, if you are going to hang your hat on Trump losing to Clinton because of the female/hispanic/minority vote good luck. All the "old" rules do not apply to Trump, this has been proven time and time again. Trumps cross over appeal is going to surprise those that fail to acknowledge it. Be it through ignorance or denial Trump has a lot of cross over appeal and if you choose to deny/ignore it then you'll find yourself very surprised come November.
Probably planning to name Kasich as his running mate. It's his hail Mary pass to try and save his failing campaign. The man is desperate.

Every time someone says something like this it proves how much of a fucking idiot they are. Kasich would never become anyone's running mate. Kasich has no reason to be anyone's running mate. The man is not a vanity candidate. He's not angling for career ambitions, and he's too damn old to be looking for stepping stones even if he were running for mere career ambitions.
Where's all that hate coming from, you on your period or something? Cruz and Kasich both know Trump is picking up steam and will most likely get to 1237 BEFORE the convention, shutting both of them out completely. Fiorina is not well liked at all and it would do nothing to help Cruz. Kasich and Cruz both see their chances of getting the nomination circling the drain and their only hope is to try to get some of the rest of the delegates to abandon Trump and help the two of them screw him over at the convention. Ok, now you can go back to calling me names and jumping up and down.
Probably planning to name Kasich as his running mate. It's his hail Mary pass to try and save his failing campaign. The man is desperate.

Every time someone says something like this it proves how much of a fucking idiot they are. Kasich would never become anyone's running mate. Kasich has no reason to be anyone's running mate. The man is not a vanity candidate. He's not angling for career ambitions, and he's too damn old to be looking for stepping stones even if he were running for mere career ambitions.
Though to be fair, of the two eligible GOP candidates left (Canadians don't count), Kasich is vastly the younger of the two. T.Rump turns 70 this June I believe. And on the dem side sheesh! Hillbilly turned/turns 70 this year too I think and Grandpa Sanders is already 74. Kasich is in his early 60s.

Who is older isn't the point. The point is that he's beyond the point in his career where he's looking for stepping stones, and he's not looking to stoke his ego. He's been a successful federal and state legislator, a successful governor, a successful author and banker in the private sector. He's an elder statesman running because of all the good he can accomplish for the country as President. He can't accomplish anything as a VP.

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