I disagree. I think Kasich and Cruz both expect Trump to get to 1237 if they continue on the same path. They have to do something different and running together is their best chance of energizing either of their campaigns. They may not do it but it's their best shot at stopping Donald.Kasich will NEVER EVER run as a Cruz Veep...lol... Why should he? Kasich has seen the Canadian birth certificate and the belated renunciation of Cruz's Canadian birthright citizenship only in 2014... Kasich knows Cruz's chances of sitting in the Oval Office are zip. He won't commit political suicide like that..Probably planning to name Kasich as his running mate. It's his hail Mary pass to try and save his failing campaign. The man is desperate.
But agreed. Cruz has to be a very desperate man right now. Imagine taking all those campaign funds under fraudulent terms? Yikes...