Cruz's Simple Flat Tax Plan

Basically, we today have a tax structure chock full of tax expenditures, and several tax rates which depend on your income.

With the current system, we have managed to run up an 18 trillion dollar debt, give or take.

With Ted Cruz's tax plan, you still have those tax expenditures (itemized deductions, plus tax credits), and a LOWER tax rate for everyone.

Gee, will that increase or decrease deficits?


It obviously keeps the mortgage interest deduction, the not-poor man's welfare.
Basically, we today have a tax structure chock full of tax expenditures, and several tax rates which depend on your income.

With the current system, we have managed to run up an 18 trillion dollar debt, give or take.

With Ted Cruz's tax plan, you still have those tax expenditures (itemized deductions, plus tax credits), and a LOWER tax rate for everyone.

Gee, will that increase or decrease deficits?


It obviously keeps the mortgage interest deduction, the not-poor man's welfare.
Yep. That is an annual $80 billion transfer of wealth from the pockets of homeowners into the pockets of bankers, realtors, and home builders.
Deductions, credits, and exemptions are one of the two most important tools in the Incumbency Re-Election Toolchest.

The other being regulatory control over the marketplace.

If you take away the ability for a Congressman to put an exemption, credit, or deduction in the tax code which benefits special interests, then you take away the whole point of the special interests in giving money to Congressmen.

This is the only kind of campaign finance reform which would actually work.

If you go back over the past 50 years and examine all the Supreme Court decisions, and all the Congressional Acts which have been handed down to "reform" campaign finance, you find none of them have affected the incumbent re-election rate in the slightest. Not one iota.

This is because Congress simply will not ever pass anything that will jeopardize their re-election. Ever.


Unless the blinders are removed from the eyes of the rubes who have been tricked into believing deductions are, "I get to keep more of my own money".

Incumbents absolutely depend upon the rubes bleeving this lie. As do their special interest lobbyists and donors.
I like it if everyone is paying the same 10%.
Every American has a vested interest in America equally, so we should all pay.

I think we should all split the federal tax bill equally. That's the only fair method. Take the total required tax amount, divide it by the number of adult citizens, and that's the amount that everyone pays.
I like it if everyone is paying the same 10%.
Every American has a vested interest in America equally, so we should all pay.

I think we should all split the federal tax bill equally. That's the only fair method. Take the total required tax amount, divide it by the number of adult citizens, and that's the amount that everyone pays.

That's because you're mentally retarded.
You want to charge Americans a tax amount that exceeds the amount of income they actually have.

Perhaps the federal government could offer loans to those who don't have the ability to pay their fair share. Or concerned citizens like yourself could form charitable foundations that could pay the taxes of those who can't pay their fair share.

That makes you a retard.

Again with the ad hominem. Weak sauce.
You want to charge Americans a tax amount that exceeds the amount of income they actually have.

Perhaps the federal government could offer loans to those who don't have the ability to pay their fair share. Or concerned citizens like yourself could form charitable foundations that could pay the taxes of those who can't pay their fair share.

That makes you a retard.

Again with the ad hominem. Weak sauce.

You're the idiot who proposed a tax system that would take ALL of the income of many low income people and additionally would leave some owing money.
“Imagine 4.9 million new jobs. Instead of Obama’s income stagnation, imagine average wages rising 12.2 percent over the next decade. Capital investment rising 43.9 percent. And every income-level seeing double-digit increases in after-tax income. Imagine exports and manufacturing jobs booming. Our trade deficit falling as the tax bias against American made goods is eliminated. Imagine a 10 percent income tax, with every American filling out his or her taxes on a postcard or iPhone app. And abolishing the IRS as we know it.” – Ted Cruz


The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
We hear that every four years and it never happens. This is why the voters are fed up and want an outsider. Nobody seems to get that.
The thing is an outsider doesn't have the ability to force congress to do anything anymore than an insider does.
Sure they do. When Congress refused to pass Reagan's tax cuts, he went to the people and told them to call their Congressman and tell them to vote for it. They did, and Congress passed the tax cuts. Tip O'neill was livid but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. The people have the final say (so far).
You're the idiot who proposed a tax system that would take ALL of the income of many low income people and additionally would leave some owing money.

I'm laying out the fairest way of dividing the cost of the federal government, namely splitting the cost equally among all adult citizens. If the federal tax burden is too much for some, it seems reasonable that those who can't pay their share might be subsidized in some way, either by the federal government or by private organizations.
You're the idiot who proposed a tax system that would take ALL of the income of many low income people and additionally would leave some owing money.

I'm laying out the fairest way of dividing the cost of the federal government, namely splitting the cost equally among all adult citizens. If the federal tax burden is too much for some, it seems reasonable that those who can't pay their share might be subsidized in some way, either by the federal government or by private organizations.

I think you're describing what we have now.
I like it if everyone is paying the same 10%.
Every American has a vested interest in America equally, so we should all pay.

I think we should all split the federal tax bill equally. That's the only fair method. Take the total required tax amount, divide it by the number of adult citizens, and that's the amount that everyone pays.
What are you, ten years old?

If that's fair, then shouldn't we all have equal say in how the money is spent?
You want to charge Americans a tax amount that exceeds the amount of income they actually have.

In light of your critique, I'll offer a change to my proposal. Rather than bill each individual for their fair share, we should still calculate each person's equal share, but then bill each of the states based upon population.

This offers a couple of advantages over my initial proposal. First, if a person in a state can't pay his fair share, the state can tax make up the difference out of its general revenues. A second advantage is that it would allow the federal tax collection agency (the IRS) to be massively downsized, as it would simply need to collect 50 payments, one from each of the states.
Or concerned citizens like yourself could form charitable foundations that could pay the taxes of those who can't pay their fair share.

thats funny. this was your idea but you want others to pay for it?

thats weird. YOU pay for your own idea.

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