Cruz's Texas doesn't want Obamacare because gubmint already paying.



Quick Statistics on the Uninsured in Texas and the U.S.

Employer - 45%
Individual - 4%
Medicaid - 16%
Medicare - 9%
Other public - 1%
Uninsured - 25%

Only a measly 45% are insured by companies.

Individuals pay another 4%.

A whopping 51% get either Medicare, Medicaid or use Emergency Rooms paid for by the public for their health care.

Nine individuals responsible for nearly 2700 emergency room visits in Austin, Texas - NY Daily News

The average emergency room visit costs $1,000.

You do the math.

An average ER visit costs more than an average month's rent


Texas has an unemployment rate of just over 6%. But when more than half of healthcare is paid for by gubmint, is that something they can be proud of?

Calling Ted Cruz. What are you doing for the people of your state? You're afraid business won't pay for health care? Why, when more than half is paid by the gubmint?

Quick Statistics on the Uninsured in Texas and the U.S.

Employer - 45%
Individual - 4%
Medicaid - 16%
Medicare - 9%
Other public - 1%
Uninsured - 25%

Only a measly 45% are insured by companies.

Individuals pay another 4%.

A whopping 51% get either Medicare, Medicaid or use Emergency Rooms paid for by the public for their health care.

Nine individuals responsible for nearly 2700 emergency room visits in Austin, Texas - NY Daily News

The average emergency room visit costs $1,000.

You do the math.

An average ER visit costs more than an average month's rent


Texas has an unemployment rate of just over 6%. But when more than half of healthcare is paid for by gubmint, is that something they can be proud of?

Calling Ted Cruz. What are you doing for the people of your state? You're afraid business won't pay for health care? Why, when more than half is paid by the gubmint?

the avg rent in the US is $871.00? cant get a studio apt in the barrio for that out here.....
Does the left think all of these people are going to become insured for nothing? Somebody has to pick up the tab and it will be the middle class and small business owners. Wait until the thousands of armed IRS agents come knocking and demand payment.
Does the left think all of these people are going to become insured for nothing? Somebody has to pick up the tab and it will be the middle class and small business owners. Wait until the thousands of armed IRS agents come knocking and demand payment.

Who picks up payment for emergency room care?
Does the left think all of these people are going to become insured for nothing? Somebody has to pick up the tab and it will be the middle class and small business owners. Wait until the thousands of armed IRS agents come knocking and demand payment.

Who picks up payment for emergency room care?

And, er care is ore expensive and you get less for it.

rw's don't mind that WalMart teaches their employees how to scam the system for food stamps. Where is their outrage over that?
Does the left think all of these people are going to become insured for nothing? Somebody has to pick up the tab and it will be the middle class and small business owners. Wait until the thousands of armed IRS agents come knocking and demand payment.

Who picks up payment for emergency room care?

And, er care is ore expensive and you get less for it.

rw's don't mind that WalMart teaches their employees how to scam the system for food stamps. Where is their outrage over that?

they should make non emergency people go to an Urgent Care Center...

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