#CruzSexScandal Trending

Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.


The Trump Apologists are always quick to make this argument.

My shoes are made in America.

So are several of my suits. The rest of my suits are made in Europe and Canada.

My shirts are made in Europe.

They are all high quality and high cost.

This isn't stuff you buy at Wal-Mart.

The "Donald J. Trump Signature Line" is supposed to be high-end brand. People who buy high-end stuff buy quality over cost.

He could have made his stuff here, employing Americans. But he chose not to.

Not that any of this matters to Trump's supporters.

Trump is their messiah. Only other candidates are hypocrites.
When you go around preaching, holding up bibles, quoting scripture and presenting yourself as a man of god then go fuck around on your wife with 5 women you kind of have it coming to you.

I'll wait for your condemnation of the hypocrisy of your candidate who has made bringing back jobs to America the cornerstone of his campaign while having his clothing line made in China.


I imagine I'll be waiting for awhile.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.

Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.


The Trump Apologists are always quick to make this argument.

My shoes are made in America.

So are several of my suits. The rest of my suits are made in Europe and Canada.

My shirts are made in Europe.

They are all high quality and high cost.

This isn't stuff you buy at Wal-Mart.

The "Donald J. Trump Signature Line" is supposed to be high-end brand. People who buy high-end stuff buy quality over cost.

He could have made his stuff here, employing Americans. But he chose not to.

Not that any of this matters to Trump's supporters.

Trump is their messiah. Only other candidates are hypocrites.
So the problem is the Peons need to boycott China goods and go to the high dollar stores and buy as you do...........While working at McDonalds...................the New Great Jobs under Obama and after 60,000 manufacturers have left this country since Free Trade..............

Back to Cruz's VAT............Yeah it's a VAT..............adding 16% to the price of everything..........and the shit will still be made in China and Mexico........with the TPP from Vietnam...................

No thanks.................Fair Trade versus Free Trade...........Fair Trade wins every time............
When you go around preaching, holding up bibles, quoting scripture and presenting yourself as a man of god then go fuck around on your wife with 5 women you kind of have it coming to you.

I'll wait for your condemnation of the hypocrisy of your candidate who has made bringing back jobs to America the cornerstone of his campaign while having his clothing line made in China.


I imagine I'll be waiting for awhile.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.

Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.

You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.
When you go around preaching, holding up bibles, quoting scripture and presenting yourself as a man of god then go fuck around on your wife with 5 women you kind of have it coming to you.

I'll wait for your condemnation of the hypocrisy of your candidate who has made bringing back jobs to America the cornerstone of his campaign while having his clothing line made in China.


I imagine I'll be waiting for awhile.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.

Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.

You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
When you go around preaching, holding up bibles, quoting scripture and presenting yourself as a man of god then go fuck around on your wife with 5 women you kind of have it coming to you.

I'll wait for your condemnation of the hypocrisy of your candidate who has made bringing back jobs to America the cornerstone of his campaign while having his clothing line made in China.


I imagine I'll be waiting for awhile.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.

Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.

You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.

I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.

Ted Cruz Wife CFR & Goldman Sachs | Alternative

The faux government shutdown with its intense partisan squabbling and meticulously orchestrated theatrics provided Cruz and the reformulated Tea Party Republicans with a stage to present themselves as the answer to politics as usual. According to the script, a staid GOP dominated by the likes of old guard John McCain and John Boehner is afraid of Cruz and the supposedly renegade faction of Tea Party activists in the House. But it’s all show business.

Cruz’s insider connection is a family affair. His wife, Heidi, is a Goldman Sachs vice president in Houston, Texas, according to her LinkedIn profile. She also served as an economic advisor for the Bush administration. In 2011, a Cruz campaign spokesman portrayed Heidi as “an expert on North American trade,” in other words she is savvy when it comes to globalist transnational trade deals like NAFTA, the single most destructive government move against the American worker in history.

She was also a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations (see her bio at Claremont McKenna College), a position that expired prior to her husband’s attack on the globalist organization. In October, 2011, Ted Cruz reportedly characterized the CFR as “a pernicious nest of snakes” that is “working to undermine our sovereignty.” He previously called the CFR “a pit of vipers” during a speech delivered on October 13, 2011, to a Republican women’s group in Sugarland, Texas. Ben Smith, writing for Politico, attempted to associate Cruz with Texas residents Ron Paul and Alex Jones in order to pass him off as a rightwing conspiracy theorist on the same page as fringe libertarians and starry-eyed constitutionalists. He is, of course, nothing of the sort.

Pit of Vipers................Yet his wife worked for them.............He has tried to side step those issues............He's a fraud......
I'll wait for your condemnation of the hypocrisy of your candidate who has made bringing back jobs to America the cornerstone of his campaign while having his clothing line made in China.


I imagine I'll be waiting for awhile.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.

Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.

You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.

I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.

Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.

You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.

I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.

Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................
Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.
You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................

Yes. I will vote for Hillary if she is the nominee. I think she's qualified and capable.

Bulshit on taxes driving business out of the country. You say that.....but thats where you end. You've never been able to prove it. It's just a simple talking point that sounds great. Businesses have left the nation while taxes have been lowered since the 1980's. Why is that?
You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................

Yes. I will vote for Hillary if she is the nominee. I think she's qualified and capable.

Bulshit on taxes driving business out of the country. You say that.....but thats where you end. You've never been able to prove it. It's just a simple talking point that sounds great. Businesses have left the nation while taxes have been lowered since the 1980's. Why is that?
Increased profits unless you live under a rock.........

Low wages and no regulations............Maximize profits.............The side you refuse to address is the job killing regulations and taxes..................Your views make more leave.............Hillary is more of the same.................

I'm for attacking both sides of the equation..........you.........not so much.
Oops! You fucked up there, nutbag. You were SUPPOSED to say that he has to make his shit in China because our taxes are too high.

You just complained that American workers are overpaid. That's not going to cut it with Trump's populist message.

You'd better get your nutter talking points updated.
You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................
To be fair there are people like me that will vote Sanders, Johnson, Stein; and won't vote for hillary.
You need a Reality check..............You know damn well what my point was...........and to regards to taxation our Rates are the highest in the world with only 2 higher................Your side will Detroit us all.............Toro will make sure the rest of our industry leaves for slave labor..........Yeah that will really help out the jobs in this country.....

2 dumb ass positions both destroying the middle class............both for their own self interest............One for causing dependence on government..........other for personal gain............

Another thing...........it was the QE's that roared the markets back up.............directly by the Fed where people like Toro can brag about how much he makes on stocks.......

Fuck all of that.

You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................
To be fair there are people like me that will vote Sanders, Johnson, Stein; and won't vote for hillary.
Most say that......but when it comes time to pull the lever for the lesser of evils it changes often.
You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................
To be fair there are people like me that will vote Sanders, Johnson, Stein; and won't vote for hillary.
Most say that......but when it comes time to pull the lever for the lesser of evils it changes often.
You have my word whether you believe me or not.
You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................

Yes. I will vote for Hillary if she is the nominee. I think she's qualified and capable.

Bulshit on taxes driving business out of the country. You say that.....but thats where you end. You've never been able to prove it. It's just a simple talking point that sounds great. Businesses have left the nation while taxes have been lowered since the 1980's. Why is that?
Increased profits unless you live under a rock.........

Low wages and no regulations............Maximize profits.............The side you refuse to address is the job killing regulations and taxes..................Your views make more leave.............Hillary is more of the same.................

I'm for attacking both sides of the equation..........you.........not so much.

You are for attacking. That I get.

I am for solving. Since we know what policies caused the problems and that one of the two parties wants to continue those policies, we should be able to eliminate one of the two parties from consideration. That's what I've done.

Regulations? Please. That is so tired. Name the regulations that you say caused job losses and draw a direct link to the job loss. You can't.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................
To be fair there are people like me that will vote Sanders, Johnson, Stein; and won't vote for hillary.
Most say that......but when it comes time to pull the lever for the lesser of evils it changes often.
You have my word whether you believe me or not.
Hope so...........I will never vote for Hillary.......ever...........

Yet there are those who claim to be conservatives that have already stated they will now vote for her........

How the world has changed.
You are rambling. At question is why Trump chose to make his shit in China. That's a guy who knows how to create jobs and loves America. What gives?

And....you seem concerned with the declining middle class and are looking for where to lay blame. I'm willing to help you in that regard. Just let me know when you are serious about the issue and I'll oblige.

Hint: It has to do more with domestic policy than trade deals.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................
To be fair there are people like me that will vote Sanders, Johnson, Stein; and won't vote for hillary.
Most say that......but when it comes time to pull the lever for the lesser of evils it changes often.

You are for Trump.....right?
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................

Yes. I will vote for Hillary if she is the nominee. I think she's qualified and capable.

Bulshit on taxes driving business out of the country. You say that.....but thats where you end. You've never been able to prove it. It's just a simple talking point that sounds great. Businesses have left the nation while taxes have been lowered since the 1980's. Why is that?
Increased profits unless you live under a rock.........

Low wages and no regulations............Maximize profits.............The side you refuse to address is the job killing regulations and taxes..................Your views make more leave.............Hillary is more of the same.................

I'm for attacking both sides of the equation..........you.........not so much.

You are for attacking. That I get.

I am for solving. Since we know what policies caused the problems and that one of the two parties wants to continue those policies, we should be able to eliminate one of the two parties from consideration. That's what I've done.

Regulations? Please. That is so tired. Name the regulations that you say caused job losses and draw a direct link to the job loss. You can't.
Ten Thousand Commandments

To the party issue.........there is only one party......it is the establishment.
I'm well aware of the CFR's that strangle business.........well aware of the Crony Capitalism that comes from both parties.........and you will pull the lever for one of the biggest Crony's in November in November...................Do you like the TPP..........she will get it.........just as Obama is pushing it....................

You are voting for the same assholes that are pushing it..............Now back to pissing off Toro............Cruz's wife is a shrill for the Goldman Sachs who are masters at what we are talking about.


I don't love TPP.....but it's not the bogey man that you make it out to be.

I'm a Bernie supporter, by the way. You seem to think otherwise. I wonder why?

I don't buy the "both sides do it" argument that nutbags use when they are embarrassed about their own house. One of the two parties is less likely to fuck over poor people and continue policies that have crushed the middle class. One of the two parties has a desire to employ the power of us.....to raise the standard of living for the most people.

Yes......there are inside deals and some of those same people betray us in favor of lining their own pockets. That's going to be the case regardless of whether or not we clean house. That's a human thing....not a party thing. Thankfully, we still have some free press working to uncover that shit. Your guy wants to handcuff them further, by the way.
Sanders was beaten from the gate.............His added taxes would drive the rest of the business out of country................buy that is how your side Detroit's us all............

Which is why I said you need a Reality check. Another reality is that Hillary is your nominee..........and you will vote for her regardless........so spare me you are a Bernie Fan Rhetoric.................
To be fair there are people like me that will vote Sanders, Johnson, Stein; and won't vote for hillary.
Most say that......but when it comes time to pull the lever for the lesser of evils it changes often.

You are for Trump.....right?
I was for Carson.............I now have 2 options..........Cruz or Trump..........so yeah I chose Trump..............I'm not so stupid that I know it is a Pandora's box scenario......but am willing to risk that against the establishment.............

It's still possible the whole damn thing is nothing more than a show............but it is what it is.

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