#CruzSexScandal Trending

Cruz did not coordinate with that Super PAC that ran the anti Trump ad featuring Melania. Here is a transcript of the conversation that occurred at a coffee shop. It proves that there was absolutely no coordination whatsoever!! TrusTed!!

Super PAC: Hey teddy!! Great to see ya? How's the whorin' going? Still seeing that one from the trailer park? (lifts eyebrows) Anyways, we wanted to let you know that we are going to run a vicious attack ad in Utah featuring Melania Trump nude on a couch!! Yep it hits way below the belt. But since it's us (wink) and not you (nod), it will never come to bite you (guffaw). Ain't that great!
Lyin Ted: You have a nude photo of Melania? C-C-Can I see that? (licks his lips) Ex-ex-excuse me I'll be right back, I've got to run to the bathroom for a moment or two. (grabs a napkin and his crotch, and heads for the toilet)

2 minutes later:

Super PAC: So Ted, thanks for allowing us to use that image that your campaign purchased the rights to use from GQ UK. We appreciate it. It is making the ad possible.
Lyin Ted: Uh, please don't mention that part to anyone! If that gets out we could be in bit trouble! Is there a cum stain on my pants? Over here, near my crotch? (rubs furiously at the stain with a napkin)
Super PAC: Anyway Ted, we wanted to remind you that we are not (wink) in any way (nod) coordinating (guffaw) with you or your campaign!
Lyin Ted: Of course not!! (wink) We're just two old friends (nod) having a cup of coffee (guffaw). Can I keep that photo?

Why didn't he denounce them?

Lyin' Ted was too busy masturbating to the image of Melania to denounce the attack ad. How could he coordinate when he was jerking off?

Cruz did not coordinate with that Super PAC that ran the anti Trump ad featuring Melania. Here is a transcript of the conversation that occurred at a coffee shop. It proves that there was absolutely no coordination whatsoever!! TrusTed!!

Super PAC: Hey teddy!! Great to see ya? How's the whorin' going? Still seeing that one from the trailer park? (lifts eyebrows) Anyways, we wanted to let you know that we are going to run a vicious attack ad in Utah featuring Melania Trump nude on a couch!! Yep it hits way below the belt. But since it's us (wink) and not you (nod), it will never come to bite you (guffaw). Ain't that great!
Lyin Ted: You have a nude photo of Melania? C-C-Can I see that? (licks his lips) Ex-ex-excuse me I'll be right back, I've got to run to the bathroom for a moment or two. (grabs a napkin and his crotch, and heads for the toilet)

2 minutes later:

Super PAC: So Ted, thanks for allowing us to use that image that your campaign purchased the rights to use from GQ UK. We appreciate it. It is making the ad possible.
Lyin Ted: Uh, please don't mention that part to anyone! If that gets out we could be in bit trouble! Is there a cum stain on my pants? Over here, near my crotch? (rubs furiously at the stain with a napkin)
Super PAC: Anyway Ted, we wanted to remind you that we are not (wink) in any way (nod) coordinating (guffaw) with you or your campaign!
Lyin Ted: Of course not!! (wink) We're just two old friends (nod) having a cup of coffee (guffaw). Can I keep that photo?

Why didn't he denounce them?

he never did answer that so far
Just when it seemed republicans couldn’t get any more ridiculous…

Yeah, like Obama going to the church of Reverend Wright, or Clinton walking to church with a huge Bible under his arm.

This isn't new. Cruz was always dirty. Just like nearly all the people in he Democrat party. It's not like Cruz was committing felonies in the office, or collection millions in illegal donations at a Buddhist temple, or driving an under age intern into a lake mudering her....

Politicians and sex scandals. Very normal. Cruz will be done away with very fast.

Unlike the left, we don't defend creeps. We don't allow Republican politicians to stand up on national TV and say "I didn't have sex with that women", and then defend him until the end, making us the butt of jokes around the world.


That will never be Cruz, because unlike you, we don't defend scum.
Funny Ted Cruz isn't demanding the National Inquire to retract the story.

He's figuring out a way to pin it on Trump.

he is blaming Trump


at least he was this morning

Oh.oops..I have been away a bit. Looks like I missed a lot..

i have been out most of the day myself

it looks like lyin Ted can not get a lid on this thing


That pleasures me. Hope there's a big melt from him.
Unfortunately , you left/dems can't use this against anyone else. not after you stood by and watched, the man Billy Clinton (democrat), a serial adulterer, accused rapist be impeached and not demand he leave office. and then stood by and watched while they (he and Hillary) tried to DESTROY a young woman's life to save their political lives. You gave up your moral authority that you might have had
what i cannot fathom is any so called gop'er or moderate or even a hard core right winger voting for Hillary instead of Trump.
they need someone to bash for 4 years on the other side of the aisle, in order for them to keep their seats...they disagree with Trump's positions, but can't scream and yell ''liberal'' ''leftist'' ''commie'' ''socialist'' at him, to keep their constituents voting for them out of ''fear'' of the evil left, because Trump will have a big fat capital R next to his name....
Since I am not a D or R...= not a Party person, I can yell at any of them, if I choose. But, overall I don't do that so much. Guess I have talked more about Cruz than anyone.
hey Cecile- how is Cruz going to bring in any moderates or liberals?

Same way he is bringing the establishment around. By standing on principles.

the est. isn't on cruz's side- you know that, right? The est. has to choose teddy because hes an insider and will not spill the beans and kick ass and change washington.
they are using cruz, they don't like him because he IS NOT part of the establishment, but they need him to help them get to a contested convention against trump, so they can then ''pick their candidate''....and it would not be cruz....
hey Cecile- how is Cruz going to bring in any moderates or liberals?

Same way he is bringing the establishment around. By standing on principles.

the est. isn't on cruz's side- you know that, right? The est. has to choose teddy because hes an insider and will not spill the beans and kick ass and change washington.
they are using cruz, they don't like him because he IS NOT part of the establishment, but they need him to help them get to a contested convention against trump, so they can then ''pick their candidate''....and it would not be cruz....

Think you hit the nail on the head there... ;)
Unfortunately , you left/dems can't use this against anyone else. not after you stood by and watched, the man Billy Clinton (democrat), a serial adulterer, accused rapist be impeached and not demand he leave office. and then stood by and watched while they (he and Hillary) tried to DESTROY a young woman's life to save their political lives. You gave up your moral authority that you might have had

Compared to the GOP campaign of 2016...the Dems have all of the moral authority necessayr. Not that they would need it. Trump is a repugnant policy zero who had a 19% favorable ranking with women before this latest episode and Cruz is unelectable by any stretch of the imagination. Watching them battle it out for the soul of the Party is like watching two crack whores fight over an alcoholic cowboy at a night club; whomever wins is probably the long-term loser in terms of permanent damage done but the aloofness of the imbecile running and idiots like you who support them prevents them from seeing the disaster.
When you go around preaching, holding up bibles, quoting scripture and presenting yourself as a man of god then go fuck around on your wife with 5 women you kind of have it coming to you.

I'll wait for your condemnation of the hypocrisy of your candidate who has made bringing back jobs to America the cornerstone of his campaign while having his clothing line made in China.


I imagine I'll be waiting for awhile.
When you go around preaching, holding up bibles, quoting scripture and presenting yourself as a man of god then go fuck around on your wife with 5 women you kind of have it coming to you.

I'll wait for your condemnation of the hypocrisy of your candidate who has made bringing back jobs to America the cornerstone of his campaign while having his clothing line made in China.


I imagine I'll be waiting for awhile.
Name the Americans that can make those while working for a few bowls of rice.

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