#CruzSexScandal Trending

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
So much for his pledge........huh.....

If he wanted his support trump shouldn't have betrayed his trust. No one who falsely attacks my family would ever have my support. Marital goes trump politics
They tried the Ivana ad first................you know damn well Cruz has access to these PAC's that they later deny using............They drew first blood.

You know very well he doesn't have access to any PACs. If he had he would be facing criminal charges right now.

Yeah that's It. That's the ticket! (wink, nod, guffaw)....


Don't like the truth then don't make it your enemy
...sleep with...

what is so wrong with sleeping with someone? i once slept with 3 other people.., there was no sexual playing around, we were all about 4, 5, and 6 year olds. if you (or anyone) mean screwing, fuck, copulate, intercourse or what ever, use that word.., sleeping with someone does not always mean fucking!! :lmao:

Actually, you're probably right that any/all women who were in Ted's bed slept right through it.

And Trumpery behaves like he's 6 years old so you're right there as well.
Amanda Carpenter is supposedly one of his mistresses. She's a regular on CNN. Hates Trump, bashes him constantly and surprisingly loves loves Ted Cruz.

She didn't deny it on CNN when she was called out. She said angrily that people can talk to her lawyer about the nonsense. Host on CNN quickly changed the topic on them. No surprise there. They don't want Cruz taken down.

Real life House of Cards folks.

In closing we all know that if the tables were turned and Trump was being accused, this scandel would be all over every News station and online publication.

This is an outright lie. She denied it in no uncertain terms.
If he wanted his support trump shouldn't have betrayed his trust. No one who falsely attacks my family would ever have my support. Marital goes trump politics
They tried the Ivana ad first................you know damn well Cruz has access to these PAC's that they later deny using............They drew first blood.

You know very well he doesn't have access to any PACs. If he had he would be facing criminal charges right now.
Only if they get caught.........and that isn't often.

You mean because there is no evidence. Can't imagine why we don't fine and prosecute people without evidence.
I've been around long enough to know how the games are played..............Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Politics have been a blood sport for a while now.........They get ugly..............I don't like how they played Carson and even little Rubio in their robo calls.

You're supporting the guy who played Carson!
It is news because Cruz cares about his reputation. If you say Cruz is a cheater, well, trump is a horrible goat of cheeter. Lets us assume both of them cheat. There, we are done. That still leaves Trump as a scammer with trump U, a bankrupt, a failure in a dozen enterprises, a general sleaze, a coward, a misogynist, a general disgusting creep.
They tried the Ivana ad first................you know damn well Cruz has access to these PAC's that they later deny using............They drew first blood.

You know very well he doesn't have access to any PACs. If he had he would be facing criminal charges right now.
Only if they get caught.........and that isn't often.

You mean because there is no evidence. Can't imagine why we don't fine and prosecute people without evidence.
I've been around long enough to know how the games are played..............Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Politics have been a blood sport for a while now.........They get ugly..............I don't like how they played Carson and even little Rubio in their robo calls.

You're supporting the guy who played Carson!
You forget Carson endorsed Trump didn't you. Carson's belief is that Trump was the better chance of winning against Hillary......but only if the other supporters don't jump ship............

Unlike you............I'd vote for Cruz in the General if he had won........you on the other hand Not so much.............

Again, so much for the pledges of unity. That they fought tooth and nail to get Trump to do...............Now they have short memories.
You know very well he doesn't have access to any PACs. If he had he would be facing criminal charges right now.
Only if they get caught.........and that isn't often.

You mean because there is no evidence. Can't imagine why we don't fine and prosecute people without evidence.
I've been around long enough to know how the games are played..............Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Politics have been a blood sport for a while now.........They get ugly..............I don't like how they played Carson and even little Rubio in their robo calls.

You're supporting the guy who played Carson!
You forget Carson endorsed Trump didn't you. Carson's belief is that Trump was the better chance of winning against Hillary......but only if the other supporters don't jump ship............

Unlike you............I'd vote for Cruz in the General if he had won........you on the other hand Not so much.............

Again, so much for the pledges of unity. That they fought tooth and nail to get Trump to do...............Now they have short memories.
Amanda Carpenter is supposedly one of his mistresses. She's a regular on CNN. Hates Trump, bashes him constantly and surprisingly loves loves Ted Cruz.

She didn't deny it on CNN when she was called out. She said angrily that people can talk to her lawyer about the nonsense. Host on CNN quickly changed the topic on them. No surprise there. They don't want Cruz taken down.

Real life House of Cards folks.

In closing we all know that if the tables were turned and Trump was being accused, this scandel would be all over every News station and online publication.

because they got the same tattoo on the same day?
Katrina Pierson has already come out and said that the allegations concerning her being 1 of the 5 women are 100% false. The rest of the scandal she didn't want to comment on (with a wink wink)

This scandal has been known about since February and quite a few publications were sitting on it probably afraid to break it in case it wasn't true. Huge lawsuit anyone? The National Inquirer surely was privy to it in February as well, so what happens? They thoroughly vet the story, find its factual and beat everyone to the punch.

Here's the thing. Cruz is a sitting Senator and Lawyer. The National Enquirer knows full damn well if they got this wrong it could cost them millions, so I'm assuming they have all their ducks in a row and know its an airtight story. Not to mention a Washington Times Writer? Editor? said on Twitter that they can verify 2 of the 5 alleged mistresses can be verified.

Lets go one step further. Cruz is blaming Trump for this (no surprise there) and said he will not get dragged into the false allegations. Now maybe I'm right, but if you are being accused of having 5 mistresses and its untrue wouldn't you be lawyering up and going after them? I wouldn't make an announcement that I'm going to ignore it and blame Trump, hell no, I'd send out a warning shot that people are going to be sued for defamation. Strangely Cruz just wants to ignore it and call it Trumps shenanigans. To me that wreaks of guilt. This isn't going to go away and he will have to face it head on. This could be Cruz's "John Edwards moment" and wipe him out.

Remember folks NE broke the John Edwards and Tiger Woods scandals (along with a host of other scandals) that turned out to be true. I think Cruz is finished, its just a matter of time. He won't be able to run away from this no matter how hard he tries.
I'd like to see a reputable source actually provide some information on the topic. Saying that NE broke those stories is misleading...as they tend to publish much more misleading or false information than they do true stories (just because you hit the mark 5% of the time doesn't mean you are a good news source...in fact, it probably means you are a horrible one). I'm not saying that this story is untrue. What I am saying is that only an idiot would believe it to be true (at this point) until better sources delve into the topic and provide us with better, more verifiable, information on the matter.
Cruz did not coordinate with that Super PAC that ran the anti Trump ad featuring Melania. Here is a transcript of the conversation that occurred at a coffee shop. It proves that there was absolutely no coordination whatsoever!! TrusTed!!

Super PAC: Hey teddy!! Great to see ya? How's the whorin' going? Still seeing that one from the trailer park? (lifts eyebrows) Anyways, we wanted to let you know that we are going to run a vicious attack ad in Utah featuring Melania Trump nude on a couch!! Yep it hits way below the belt. But since it's us (wink) and not you (nod), it will never come to bite you (guffaw). Ain't that great!
Lyin Ted: You have a nude photo of Melania? C-C-Can I see that? (licks his lips) Ex-ex-excuse me I'll be right back, I've got to run to the bathroom for a moment or two. (grabs a napkin and his crotch, and heads for the toilet)

2 minutes later:

Super PAC: So Ted, thanks for allowing us to use that image that your campaign purchased the rights to use from GQ UK. We appreciate it. It is making the ad possible.
Lyin Ted:
Uh, please don't mention that part to anyone! If that gets out we could be in bit trouble! Is there a cum stain on my pants? Over here, near my crotch? (rubs furiously at the stain with a napkin)
Super PAC: Anyway Ted, we wanted to remind you that we are not (wink) in any way (nod) coordinating (guffaw) with you or your campaign!
Lyin Ted: Of course not!! (wink) We're just two old friends (nod) having a cup of coffee (guffaw). Can I keep that photo?

Cruz did not coordinate with that Super PAC that ran the anti Trump ad featuring Melania. Here is a transcript of the conversation that occurred at a coffee shop. It proves that there was absolutely no coordination whatsoever!! TrusTed!!

Super PAC: Hey teddy!! Great to see ya? How's the whorin' going? Still seeing that one from the trailer park? (lifts eyebrows) Anyways, we wanted to let you know that we are going to run a vicious attack ad in Utah featuring Melania Trump nude on a couch!! Yep it hits way below the belt. But since it's us (wink) and not you (nod), it will never come to bite you (guffaw). Ain't that great!
Lyin Ted: You have a nude photo of Melania? C-C-Can I see that? (licks his lips) Ex-ex-excuse me I'll be right back, I've got to run to the bathroom for a moment or two. (grabs a napkin and his crotch, and heads for the toilet)

2 minutes later:

Super PAC: So Ted, thanks for allowing us to use that image that your campaign purchased the rights to use from GQ UK. We appreciate it. It is making the ad possible.
Lyin Ted: Uh, please don't mention that part to anyone! If that gets out we could be in bit trouble! Is there a cum stain on my pants? Over here, near my crotch? (rubs furiously at the stain with a napkin)
Super PAC: Anyway Ted, we wanted to remind you that we are not (wink) in any way (nod) coordinating (guffaw) with you or your campaign!
Lyin Ted: Of course not!! (wink) We're just two old friends (nod) having a cup of coffee (guffaw). Can I keep that photo?


:ack-1: Just ewwwwww...you know I can't unread that now doncha? :lol:
Cruz did not coordinate with that Super PAC that ran the anti Trump ad featuring Melania. Here is a transcript of the conversation that occurred at a coffee shop. It proves that there was absolutely no coordination whatsoever!! TrusTed!!

Super PAC: Hey teddy!! Great to see ya? How's the whorin' going? Still seeing that one from the trailer park? (lifts eyebrows) Anyways, we wanted to let you know that we are going to run a vicious attack ad in Utah featuring Melania Trump nude on a couch!! Yep it hits way below the belt. But since it's us (wink) and not you (nod), it will never come to bite you (guffaw). Ain't that great!
Lyin Ted: You have a nude photo of Melania? C-C-Can I see that? (licks his lips) Ex-ex-excuse me I'll be right back, I've got to run to the bathroom for a moment or two. (grabs a napkin and his crotch, and heads for the toilet)

2 minutes later:

Super PAC: So Ted, thanks for allowing us to use that image that your campaign purchased the rights to use from GQ UK. We appreciate it. It is making the ad possible.
Lyin Ted: Uh, please don't mention that part to anyone! If that gets out we could be in bit trouble! Is there a cum stain on my pants? Over here, near my crotch? (rubs furiously at the stain with a napkin)
Super PAC: Anyway Ted, we wanted to remind you that we are not (wink) in any way (nod) coordinating (guffaw) with you or your campaign!
Lyin Ted: Of course not!! (wink) We're just two old friends (nod) having a cup of coffee (guffaw). Can I keep that photo?


:ack-1: Just ewwwwww...you know I can't unread that now doncha? :lol:

Glad you enjoyed it. It's 100% True! TrusTed!!
Cruz did not coordinate with that Super PAC that ran the anti Trump ad featuring Melania. Here is a transcript of the conversation that occurred at a coffee shop. It proves that there was absolutely no coordination whatsoever!! TrusTed!!

Super PAC: Hey teddy!! Great to see ya? How's the whorin' going? Still seeing that one from the trailer park? (lifts eyebrows) Anyways, we wanted to let you know that we are going to run a vicious attack ad in Utah featuring Melania Trump nude on a couch!! Yep it hits way below the belt. But since it's us (wink) and not you (nod), it will never come to bite you (guffaw). Ain't that great!
Lyin Ted: You have a nude photo of Melania? C-C-Can I see that? (licks his lips) Ex-ex-excuse me I'll be right back, I've got to run to the bathroom for a moment or two. (grabs a napkin and his crotch, and heads for the toilet)

2 minutes later:

Super PAC: So Ted, thanks for allowing us to use that image that your campaign purchased the rights to use from GQ UK. We appreciate it. It is making the ad possible.
Lyin Ted: Uh, please don't mention that part to anyone! If that gets out we could be in bit trouble! Is there a cum stain on my pants? Over here, near my crotch? (rubs furiously at the stain with a napkin)
Super PAC: Anyway Ted, we wanted to remind you that we are not (wink) in any way (nod) coordinating (guffaw) with you or your campaign!
Lyin Ted: Of course not!! (wink) We're just two old friends (nod) having a cup of coffee (guffaw). Can I keep that photo?

Why didn't he denounce them?

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