#CruzSexScandal Trending

You say that like you think your utter lack of shame is some sort of surprise. I'm not pointing out what a pile of shit you are because I think YOU give a damn how low you've sunk. I'm doing it for anyone who's still on the fence and afraid to call out your Bedlam Brigade for what it is.

Levin- is that you? Medved? Beck? lmfao.

Bozo, is that you? Ronald? Clarabelle?


No, sweetie, even if you "win", I still win, because you're going to have Donald Trump hung around your neck like a rotting bag of shit for the next four years . . . unless you take a page out of his book and run away crying.
The only way that happens is if people like you vote for the Hildabeast or stay home............

It will be on you................Go get your Hillary bumper sticker.

Yeah, we've been through that. Who owns a Hillary win? Fuckstains who supported a fuckstain no matter what he did.

You bought him, you own him, you own the consequences.
Try to put one on me........and you'll see how quick we don't give a fuck what you think..........Your side is LOSING.............PERIOD.......and you don't like it.........cry me a river.

Your side is winning, and the country is losing. Could you show any more pride in fucking over America for your own lack of self-esteem?

"I don't care if we get a good President. I just want to WIN!"

Again, a matter of opinion............which clearly doesn't resonate with the voters..

Uh-huh. Might want to check the Vegas oddsmakers. The betting on Trump is dropping.
Because of people like you and the attack campaign from both sides.........LOL

They all said he wouldn't get this far..........They have all been wrong.

Yeah, yeah, been there, heard that. Trump is perfect and innocent, and he's JUST defending himself against the unprecedented abuse.

For an alleged tough guy, he sure does whine and cry a lot. Probably the only Presidential campaign ever where the staff included an Official Tissue Carrier.
They spent 100's of millions against him already.........and they have lost............establishment candidates scatter the political landscape...............The one needing a tissue is you.............
Levin- is that you? Medved? Beck? lmfao.

Bozo, is that you? Ronald? Clarabelle?


No, sweetie, even if you "win", I still win, because you're going to have Donald Trump hung around your neck like a rotting bag of shit for the next four years . . . unless you take a page out of his book and run away crying.
The only way that happens is if people like you vote for the Hildabeast or stay home............

It will be on you................Go get your Hillary bumper sticker.

Yeah, we've been through that. Who owns a Hillary win? Fuckstains who supported a fuckstain no matter what he did.

You bought him, you own him, you own the consequences.
You vote for Hillary..........you own it.
Your side is winning, and the country is losing. Could you show any more pride in fucking over America for your own lack of self-esteem?

"I don't care if we get a good President. I just want to WIN!"

Again, a matter of opinion............which clearly doesn't resonate with the voters..

Uh-huh. Might want to check the Vegas oddsmakers. The betting on Trump is dropping.
Because of people like you and the attack campaign from both sides.........LOL

They all said he wouldn't get this far..........They have all been wrong.

Yeah, yeah, been there, heard that. Trump is perfect and innocent, and he's JUST defending himself against the unprecedented abuse.

For an alleged tough guy, he sure does whine and cry a lot. Probably the only Presidential campaign ever where the staff included an Official Tissue Carrier.
They spent 100's of millions against him already.........and they have lost............establishment candidates scatter the political landscape...............The one needing a tissue is you.............

Well, admittedly, I'm more likely to cry over the devastation you're proudly wreaking to the nation than you are, because unlike you, I actually love my country.

Just remember that the people who started the French and Bolshevik Revolutions weren't expecting the result, either. Didn't stop history from blaming them.
hey Cecile- how is Cruz going to bring in any moderates or liberals?

Lyin' Teddy has a plan for that!

He'll read his bible to the evangelicals, a Dr Seuss book to the mushy moderates, and Das Kaptial to the liberals!!

BREAKING: 3 new women involved in #CruzSexScandal, total women now 8!

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes
According to an update by the National Enquirer, three new Ted Cruz lovers have spoken out, bringing the total to 8. This confirms earlier rumors that much more was to come

MicroChip on Twitter

At least we know that he isn't a fag...But he is a cheat!

Is Ted Cruz attempting to beat Bill Clinton for "Bimbo Eruptions"?
Trump alone has caused more voting in the primaries than I think anyone in history?
Bozo, is that you? Ronald? Clarabelle?


No, sweetie, even if you "win", I still win, because you're going to have Donald Trump hung around your neck like a rotting bag of shit for the next four years . . . unless you take a page out of his book and run away crying.
The only way that happens is if people like you vote for the Hildabeast or stay home............

It will be on you................Go get your Hillary bumper sticker.

Yeah, we've been through that. Who owns a Hillary win? Fuckstains who supported a fuckstain no matter what he did.

You bought him, you own him, you own the consequences.
You vote for Hillary..........you own it.

Nope, I own voting for anyone who isn't Donald Trump. I will proudly own that.

YOU own pushing a sleazebag who has never been the LESSER of any two evils in his whole misbegotten existence.

You want to beat Hillary? Get a real candidate. Stick with the one you've got, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Whatever happens in the next four years will be your fault.

Again, a matter of opinion............which clearly doesn't resonate with the voters..

Uh-huh. Might want to check the Vegas oddsmakers. The betting on Trump is dropping.
Because of people like you and the attack campaign from both sides.........LOL

They all said he wouldn't get this far..........They have all been wrong.

Yeah, yeah, been there, heard that. Trump is perfect and innocent, and he's JUST defending himself against the unprecedented abuse.

For an alleged tough guy, he sure does whine and cry a lot. Probably the only Presidential campaign ever where the staff included an Official Tissue Carrier.
They spent 100's of millions against him already.........and they have lost............establishment candidates scatter the political landscape...............The one needing a tissue is you.............

Well, admittedly, I'm more likely to cry over the devastation you're proudly wreaking to the nation than you are, because unlike you, I actually love my country.

Just remember that the people who started the French and Bolshevik Revolutions weren't expecting the result, either. Didn't stop history from blaming them.
Yeah......so much that you vote for the same establishment assholes every time...........who fold like cheap suits..............or get bought off by banks like GOLDMAN SACHS..............who own politicians............who did Cruz's wife work for..........oh never mind.
BREAKING: 3 new women involved in #CruzSexScandal, total women now 8!

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes
According to an update by the National Enquirer, three new Ted Cruz lovers have spoken out, bringing the total to 8. This confirms earlier rumors that much more was to come

MicroChip on Twitter

At least we know that he isn't a fag...But he is a cheat!

Is Ted Cruz attempting to beat Bill Clinton for "Bimbo Eruptions"?


If the gop base votes cruz on the 5th then they need to say they're sorry to old Bill Clinton.
Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
So much for his pledge........huh.....

If he wanted his support trump shouldn't have betrayed his trust. No one who falsely attacks my family would ever have my support. Marital goes trump politics
They tried the Ivana ad first................you know damn well Cruz has access to these PAC's that they later deny using............They drew first blood.

You know very well he doesn't have access to any PACs. If he had he would be facing criminal charges right now.
Trump alone has caused more voting in the primaries than I think anyone in history?

And you think that's a positive?

One also has to wonder how much of that was excitement over Trump, and how much was antipathy toward Hillary.

No, sweetie, even if you "win", I still win, because you're going to have Donald Trump hung around your neck like a rotting bag of shit for the next four years . . . unless you take a page out of his book and run away crying.
The only way that happens is if people like you vote for the Hildabeast or stay home............

It will be on you................Go get your Hillary bumper sticker.

Yeah, we've been through that. Who owns a Hillary win? Fuckstains who supported a fuckstain no matter what he did.

You bought him, you own him, you own the consequences.
You vote for Hillary..........you own it.

Nope, I own voting for anyone who isn't Donald Trump. I will proudly own that.

YOU own pushing a sleazebag who has never been the LESSER of any two evils in his whole misbegotten existence.

You want to beat Hillary? Get a real candidate. Stick with the one you've got, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Whatever happens in the next four years will be your fault.
Get your bumper sticker.......You belong with the Dems.

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