#CruzSexScandal Trending

BREAKING: 3 new women involved in #CruzSexScandal, total women now 8!

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes
According to an update by the National Enquirer, three new Ted Cruz lovers have spoken out, bringing the total to 8. This confirms earlier rumors that much more was to come

MicroChip on Twitter

At least we know that he isn't a fag...But he is a cheat!

Interview with Ted Cruz's paid escort.
Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

I wonder if these women now appearing on the television as frequently as Gennifer Flowers was?
I say, "Go for it Cruz! If you can find someone other than your wife who would sleep with you, then there is hope for us all!

Ain't it the truth.

And if Trumpery wasn't rich, no one would get in bed with him either.

Trailer trash gutter snipes.
Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
So much for his pledge........huh.....

If he wanted his support trump shouldn't have betrayed his trust. No one who falsely attacks my family would ever have my support. Marital goes trump politics
They tried the Ivana ad first................you know damn well Cruz has access to these PAC's that they later deny using............They drew first blood.

You know very well he doesn't have access to any PACs. If he had he would be facing criminal charges right now.
Only if they get caught.........and that isn't often.
BREAKING: 3 new women involved in #CruzSexScandal, total women now 8!

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes
According to an update by the National Enquirer, three new Ted Cruz lovers have spoken out, bringing the total to 8. This confirms earlier rumors that much more was to come

MicroChip on Twitter

At least we know that he isn't a fag...But he is a cheat!

Is Ted Cruz attempting to beat Bill Clinton for "Bimbo Eruptions"?


If the gop base votes cruz on the 5th then they need to say they're sorry to old Bill Clinton.

I agree, because otherwise it's very hypocritical.
New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment
Movement Conservatives, Cruz's Base, Are Less Than 40% of the GOP; Establishment Conservatives Will Decide Who Wins

January 21, 2016 07:41 ET | Source: Henry Olsen and Dante Scala
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sen. Ted Cruz has rocketed to the top of the Iowa polls, and to second in national polls, on the strength of backing from religious and Tea Party "very conservative" voters. But a new book shows that won't be enough to elect the brilliant but controversial first term lawmaker. According to co-authors Henry Olsen and Dante Scala, Cruz can win only by winning over the very establishment conservatives he has built his career by antagonizing.

Olsen and Scala's new book, Four Faces of the Republican Party: The Fight for the 2016 Presidential Nomination, uses twenty years of exit poll data to break the GOP into four ideological factions. "Very conservative evangelicals," who are 20-25 percent of the party, and "very conservative seculars," who are 10-15 percent of the party, are Cruz's base. Polls show that Cruz leads the field, even Donald Trump, among these two groups. But together these factions are 35-40 percent of the Party. To win, Cruz needs to capture at least one of the other factions.

Moderates, who are 25-30 percent of the GOP, are the group least likely to back the vociferously conservative Texas Senator. So to win, the authors conclude, Cruz must turn to the group he has criticized the most: the establishment "somewhat conservative".

"'Somewhat conservatives' are the most powerful and the least understood of the GOP's four factions," says co-author Henry Olsen, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. "These voters are conservative in both senses of the word: they favor movement conservative ideals but are also classically cautious and suspicious of rapid change. These are the voters who prefer John Boehner or Mitch McConnell to the Tea Party - and they are the largest faction in the GOP."

Olsen and Scala show that "somewhat conservatives" are about 35-40 percent of the GOP, and they are the only faction that has backed every GOP nominee in the last four election cycles. When they allied with moderates, they nominated Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. When they allied with the two "very" conservative factions, they nominated George W. Bush.

"The path to the nomination runs through the 'Boehner conservatives'," Olsen said. "That will be a very tough challenge for Sen. Cruz to meet."

New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.

I still have to cling to the hope that someone will wave smelling salts under the noses of the GOPe and wake them the fuck up, so that they do the smart thing and nominate Cruz.

Well Cruz is pulling ahead in Wisconsin so we may see that
Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
So much for his pledge........huh.....

If he wanted his support trump shouldn't have betrayed his trust. No one who falsely attacks my family would ever have my support. Marital goes trump politics
They tried the Ivana ad first................you know damn well Cruz has access to these PAC's that they later deny using............They drew first blood.

You know very well he doesn't have access to any PACs. If he had he would be facing criminal charges right now.

You know very well that Trumpettes aren't interested in proving anything. They just want to make the allegations, and then back down.
BREAKING: 3 new women involved in #CruzSexScandal, total women now 8!

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes
According to an update by the National Enquirer, three new Ted Cruz lovers have spoken out, bringing the total to 8. This confirms earlier rumors that much more was to come

MicroChip on Twitter

At least we know that he isn't a fag...But he is a cheat!

The Enquirer?.....
BREAKING: 3 new women involved in #CruzSexScandal, total women now 8!

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes
According to an update by the National Enquirer, three new Ted Cruz lovers have spoken out, bringing the total to 8. This confirms earlier rumors that much more was to come

MicroChip on Twitter

At least we know that he isn't a fag...But he is a cheat!

The Enquirer?.....

Oj, Clintons cheating, Edwards, Tigerwoods. Need anymore?
New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment
Movement Conservatives, Cruz's Base, Are Less Than 40% of the GOP; Establishment Conservatives Will Decide Who Wins

January 21, 2016 07:41 ET | Source: Henry Olsen and Dante Scala
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sen. Ted Cruz has rocketed to the top of the Iowa polls, and to second in national polls, on the strength of backing from religious and Tea Party "very conservative" voters. But a new book shows that won't be enough to elect the brilliant but controversial first term lawmaker. According to co-authors Henry Olsen and Dante Scala, Cruz can win only by winning over the very establishment conservatives he has built his career by antagonizing.

Olsen and Scala's new book, Four Faces of the Republican Party: The Fight for the 2016 Presidential Nomination, uses twenty years of exit poll data to break the GOP into four ideological factions. "Very conservative evangelicals," who are 20-25 percent of the party, and "very conservative seculars," who are 10-15 percent of the party, are Cruz's base. Polls show that Cruz leads the field, even Donald Trump, among these two groups. But together these factions are 35-40 percent of the Party. To win, Cruz needs to capture at least one of the other factions.

Moderates, who are 25-30 percent of the GOP, are the group least likely to back the vociferously conservative Texas Senator. So to win, the authors conclude, Cruz must turn to the group he has criticized the most: the establishment "somewhat conservative".

"'Somewhat conservatives' are the most powerful and the least understood of the GOP's four factions," says co-author Henry Olsen, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. "These voters are conservative in both senses of the word: they favor movement conservative ideals but are also classically cautious and suspicious of rapid change. These are the voters who prefer John Boehner or Mitch McConnell to the Tea Party - and they are the largest faction in the GOP."

Olsen and Scala show that "somewhat conservatives" are about 35-40 percent of the GOP, and they are the only faction that has backed every GOP nominee in the last four election cycles. When they allied with moderates, they nominated Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. When they allied with the two "very" conservative factions, they nominated George W. Bush.

"The path to the nomination runs through the 'Boehner conservatives'," Olsen said. "That will be a very tough challenge for Sen. Cruz to meet."

New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment

I'm sorry, are you thinking that you're making some sort of brilliant point? Because if you're going for, "We have to vote for Trump to WIN!" you can shove that right up your ass. If God Almighty Himself came down and told me to vote for Donald Trump, I'd choose to go to Hell first.
Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
Oh no!


Do you seriously not see how it is literally impossible for Donald Trump to unify the party?

I don't think he WANTS to. I think it's impossible to believe he could be this divisive by accident.

It's quite possible. But I think it's also just as likely he thinks if he wins he can just bully the rest of us into supporting him. He cant
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.

I still have to cling to the hope that someone will wave smelling salts under the noses of the GOPe and wake them the fuck up, so that they do the smart thing and nominate Cruz.

Well Cruz is pulling ahead in Wisconsin so we may see that

I'm actually very curious to see how this smear campaign by Trump and the Trumpettes affects the polls over the next week.
New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment
Movement Conservatives, Cruz's Base, Are Less Than 40% of the GOP; Establishment Conservatives Will Decide Who Wins

January 21, 2016 07:41 ET | Source: Henry Olsen and Dante Scala
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sen. Ted Cruz has rocketed to the top of the Iowa polls, and to second in national polls, on the strength of backing from religious and Tea Party "very conservative" voters. But a new book shows that won't be enough to elect the brilliant but controversial first term lawmaker. According to co-authors Henry Olsen and Dante Scala, Cruz can win only by winning over the very establishment conservatives he has built his career by antagonizing.

Olsen and Scala's new book, Four Faces of the Republican Party: The Fight for the 2016 Presidential Nomination, uses twenty years of exit poll data to break the GOP into four ideological factions. "Very conservative evangelicals," who are 20-25 percent of the party, and "very conservative seculars," who are 10-15 percent of the party, are Cruz's base. Polls show that Cruz leads the field, even Donald Trump, among these two groups. But together these factions are 35-40 percent of the Party. To win, Cruz needs to capture at least one of the other factions.

Moderates, who are 25-30 percent of the GOP, are the group least likely to back the vociferously conservative Texas Senator. So to win, the authors conclude, Cruz must turn to the group he has criticized the most: the establishment "somewhat conservative".

"'Somewhat conservatives' are the most powerful and the least understood of the GOP's four factions," says co-author Henry Olsen, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. "These voters are conservative in both senses of the word: they favor movement conservative ideals but are also classically cautious and suspicious of rapid change. These are the voters who prefer John Boehner or Mitch McConnell to the Tea Party - and they are the largest faction in the GOP."

Olsen and Scala show that "somewhat conservatives" are about 35-40 percent of the GOP, and they are the only faction that has backed every GOP nominee in the last four election cycles. When they allied with moderates, they nominated Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. When they allied with the two "very" conservative factions, they nominated George W. Bush.

"The path to the nomination runs through the 'Boehner conservatives'," Olsen said. "That will be a very tough challenge for Sen. Cruz to meet."

New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment

I'm sorry, are you thinking that you're making some sort of brilliant point? Because if you're going for, "We have to vote for Trump to WIN!" you can shove that right up your ass. If God Almighty Himself came down and told me to vote for Donald Trump, I'd choose to go to Hell first.
Well you need to get your bumper sticker then and join the Dems and the establishment there..............
Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
Oh no!


Do you seriously not see how it is literally impossible for Donald Trump to unify the party?

I don't think he WANTS to. I think it's impossible to believe he could be this divisive by accident.

It's quite possible. But I think it's also just as likely he thinks if he wins he can just bully the rest of us into supporting him. He cant

No, his bullying is having the opposite effect.
New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment
Movement Conservatives, Cruz's Base, Are Less Than 40% of the GOP; Establishment Conservatives Will Decide Who Wins

January 21, 2016 07:41 ET | Source: Henry Olsen and Dante Scala
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sen. Ted Cruz has rocketed to the top of the Iowa polls, and to second in national polls, on the strength of backing from religious and Tea Party "very conservative" voters. But a new book shows that won't be enough to elect the brilliant but controversial first term lawmaker. According to co-authors Henry Olsen and Dante Scala, Cruz can win only by winning over the very establishment conservatives he has built his career by antagonizing.

Olsen and Scala's new book, Four Faces of the Republican Party: The Fight for the 2016 Presidential Nomination, uses twenty years of exit poll data to break the GOP into four ideological factions. "Very conservative evangelicals," who are 20-25 percent of the party, and "very conservative seculars," who are 10-15 percent of the party, are Cruz's base. Polls show that Cruz leads the field, even Donald Trump, among these two groups. But together these factions are 35-40 percent of the Party. To win, Cruz needs to capture at least one of the other factions.

Moderates, who are 25-30 percent of the GOP, are the group least likely to back the vociferously conservative Texas Senator. So to win, the authors conclude, Cruz must turn to the group he has criticized the most: the establishment "somewhat conservative".

"'Somewhat conservatives' are the most powerful and the least understood of the GOP's four factions," says co-author Henry Olsen, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. "These voters are conservative in both senses of the word: they favor movement conservative ideals but are also classically cautious and suspicious of rapid change. These are the voters who prefer John Boehner or Mitch McConnell to the Tea Party - and they are the largest faction in the GOP."

Olsen and Scala show that "somewhat conservatives" are about 35-40 percent of the GOP, and they are the only faction that has backed every GOP nominee in the last four election cycles. When they allied with moderates, they nominated Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. When they allied with the two "very" conservative factions, they nominated George W. Bush.

"The path to the nomination runs through the 'Boehner conservatives'," Olsen said. "That will be a very tough challenge for Sen. Cruz to meet."

New Book Explains Why Ted Cruz Can't Win Without Winning Over GOP Establishment

I'm sorry, are you thinking that you're making some sort of brilliant point? Because if you're going for, "We have to vote for Trump to WIN!" you can shove that right up your ass. If God Almighty Himself came down and told me to vote for Donald Trump, I'd choose to go to Hell first.
Well you need to get your bumper sticker then and join the Dems and the establishment there..............

Right after you get your horns and pitchfork and go stand where you belong.
BREAKING: 3 new women involved in #CruzSexScandal, total women now 8!

Still Report # 736 - Enquirer: 3 More Cruz Babes
According to an update by the National Enquirer, three new Ted Cruz lovers have spoken out, bringing the total to 8. This confirms earlier rumors that much more was to come

MicroChip on Twitter

At least we know that he isn't a fag...But he is a cheat!

I hope it's true.
Why do Trump supporters care?

The man has lied and cheated on multiple wives. Why do they give a shit what others do?

Was just thinking the same thing.

Trumpery cheated on wives and had bastard kids.
Cruz thumps his bible, threatens sharia law and sleeps around.

RWNJs continue to twist themselves into pretzels to support either of these jerks or, for that matter, almost all of the rest of the Do Nothings.

They wouldn't care if one of them were caught in the bathroom with an eight year old.

Lie, cheat, steal - its all SSDD for the GOP
Wow, as a Clinton supporter, you have got a lot of gall posting such a thing. . .

Democrats don't hold themselves out to be the defenders of family values and the sanctity of the traditional family.
True, but I was just pointing out that he is a Clinton supporter, yet claims it's "Lie, cheat, steal - its all SSDD for the GOP" when it's the same for the Dems as well. To think things are any different for the party of Clinton, Hart, Kennedy, Weiner, Spitzer, Wu, Kilpatrick, Edwards, Paterson, Villaraigosa, McGreevey, etc, etc. is fantasy.

Make no mistake.

I really don't care who is screwing whooom. What I care about is the job they do. Clinton created jobs and left a fat surplus which W blew on an illegal war.

Cruz preaches his wacko version of Kris-shun Krap and wants sharia law in the US.

Trumpery is trailer trash with money.

And the GOP lies, cheats and steals to win elections and then screws over the US.

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