Cry Us a River, Marco

We all know why Obama didn't call Rubio. It was a deliberate attempt to manipulate minorities into believing that the Dems give a shit about them. Unlike Dems, I don't think minorities are dumb enough to see this for what it was. Blatant vote buying.
He's right.
This White House does not understand consensus-building or compromise. It proceeds to act in whatever way it wants.
Rubio is very concerned with immigration and actually passing some kind of bill would be easier with his input.
But the Obamoids don't want to pass bills. They want to rule with absolute power.

And btw, why do you hate Hispanics?
"When the junior senator from Florida heard the White House's announcement Friday, he had one question, "Why wouldn't someone [from the White House] call me?"

Why would they call his ass in the first place, who in the hell is he?

"I'm trying to find a solution here not a talking point. I'm trying to find an answer here, not a bumper-sticker slogan," Rubio told Muir in the Friday interview. "The president's is a two-year solution that expires after two years and does not really solve this in a lasting way. It just gets him through the election. ... The White House never called us about this.

Who cares if it's two years? If Obama is re-elected, he can extend it, if he's not re-elected then Rubio and the republicans can make it into law(snicker) . Or if he's re-elected they can have a bi-partisan solution to this issue. In short Rubio is being a "drama queen".
He sounds like a man who knows he's been outmaneuvered, badly.

No, he really doesn't.
He sounds like someone who thinks Obama is interested in a long term solution to a real problem, rather than just trying to buy votes. Maybe it's disillusionment?
We all know why Obama didn't call Rubio. It was a deliberate attempt to manipulate minorities into believing that the Dems give a shit about them. Unlike Dems, I don't think minorities are dumb enough to see this for what it was. Blatant vote buying.

You really don't pay much attention outside of Limbaughland, do you?
We all know why Obama didn't call Rubio. It was a deliberate attempt to manipulate minorities into believing that the Dems give a shit about them. Unlike Dems, I don't think minorities are dumb enough to see this for what it was. Blatant vote buying.

I disagree. Do republicans try to manipulate minorities and the majority of "rural" white voters as well? It's not about "minorities being dumb", it's about what they see what republicans want to do or not to do with them.
Rubio has so much time to go. He's a young blood. Oh man oh man he's got it down the road. I'm frankly thrilled at the game players on the conservative field these days.

Yowzah!! We have talent. We have inspiration! From all walks and legends! I'm excited as a conservative.
We're going to tear it up on this election.

I can't wait.
He sounds like someone who thinks Obama is interested in a long term solution to a real problem, rather than just trying to buy votes. Maybe it's disillusionment?

No, he doesn't. That's why he's abandoning his alleged attempt to give Obama's policy a statutory basis.

Empty posturing doesn't look as good next to substantive action. Thus no more need for his non-existent bill. This is the sound of a man who's been outmaneuvered.
He sounds like a man who knows he's been outmaneuvered, badly.

Actually, I think it's just a pathetic attempt to put a Hispanic conservative spin on this, which doesn't look to me like it will work for 2 reasons:

1) As a Cuban, Sen. Rubio isn't the kind of Hispanic that normally gets associate with illegal immigration (he's not a "wetback", IOW) and I wouldn't be surprised if a good many Hispanics already know this.

2) His own attempt at some kind of GOP version of the DREAM Act was a non-starter with his own party. It's pretty common knowledge at this point that the Repubs are not going to go for anything this President has to do with, so it would be fruitless to consult a Republican for input. Besides that, who's to say he wouldn't just go on FOX News and cry foul if Obama actually consulted him anyway?
He sounds like someone who thinks Obama is interested in a long term solution to a real problem, rather than just trying to buy votes. Maybe it's disillusionment?

No, he doesn't. That's why he's abandoning his alleged attempt to give Obama's policy a statutory basis.

Empty posturing doesn't look as good next to substantive action. Thus no more need for his non-existent bill. This is the sound of a man who's been outmaneuvered.

The only one empty posturing here is Obama. He has confirmed his reputation as a tyrant, and highlighted his inability to work with Congress, even one dominated by his party.
His "solution" is temporary and will be blocked by court action anyway.
He sounds like someone who thinks Obama is interested in a long term solution to a real problem, rather than just trying to buy votes. Maybe it's disillusionment?

No, he doesn't. That's why he's abandoning his alleged attempt to give Obama's policy a statutory basis.

Empty posturing doesn't look as good next to substantive action. Thus no more need for his non-existent bill. This is the sound of a man who's been outmaneuvered.

I stand corrected from my previous post, although I still think I'm right, too.

We all know why Obama didn't call Rubio. It was a deliberate attempt to manipulate minorities into believing that the Dems give a shit about them. Unlike Dems, I don't think minorities are dumb enough to see this for what it was. Blatant vote buying.

You really don't pay much attention outside of Limbaughland, do you?

As I have stated, on numerous occasions, I'm not a listener of Limbaugh, nor am I a Fox News viewer. I can form opinions from facts all by myself... you should try it sometime, it's very liberating.

Obama did this purely for political point scoring... and, frankly, I find manipulating minorities with such blatant disregard for those people you claim to care about to be racist.. political opportunism over people. Obama is a sick man... and so is anyone who agrees with him on this. Rubio was working on - and building consensus across the parties - for a LONG TERM solution for these kids... and Obama fucked them over for his own power games. You people (and by 'you people' I mean the hacks who unquestioningly follow that fucking egomanic like a fucking messiah) are sick freaks.
The left are apparently very scared of bipartisanship. Hmmm, I wonder why that would be?

Really? Really? LOL, this coming from the party who kisses the ass of the guy who saidt hat he wants Obama to fail. Thanks for the laugh!
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