Cuba now in Syria... Shades of the Angola proxy war... but White House DENIES IT!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Gen. Leopoldo Cintra Frias, head of Cuba's Armed Forces, recently visited Syria to lead a group of Cuban military personnel joining forces with Russia in their support of Assad, according to information received by the University of Miami's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies.

On Wednesday, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News that Cuban paramilitary and special forces units are on the ground in Syria, citing evidence from intelligence reports.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Cuban troops may have been training in Russia and may have arrived in Syria on Russian planes.
Top Cuban general, key forces in Syria to aid Assad, Russia, sources say

Since many of you are too young to understand...
In November 1975, on the eve of Angola's independence, Cuba launched a large-scale military intervention in support of the leftist People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) against United States-backed interventions by South Africa and Zaire in support of two other liberation movements competing for power in the country, the National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).[1][2] By the end of 1975 the Cuban military in Angola numbered more than 25,000 troops.[3] Following the retreat of Zaire and South Africa, Cuban forces remained in Angola to support the MPLA government against UNITA in the continuing Angolan Civil War.
Cuban intervention in Angola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The White House denies this though...
Q: I wanted to ask you about Syria. How fearful is the White House that the conflict there is turning into some sort of a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia, given that both sides are providing different rebel groups with weapons, and a lot of these groups are on different sides of the conflict?

MR. EARNEST: Darlene, I think the President was fairly definitive in the news conference that he did 10 or 12 days ago in which he made clear that the conflict in Syria would not turn into a proxy war between the United States and Russia.
That is a firm commitment that the President has made, and that’s something that we will abide by.

The reason for that -- there are a couple of reasons for that.
The first is that we would welcome Russia’s constructive contribution to the broader international coalition that’s been formed to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.
Russia has declined to make that constructive contribution thus far.
But that continues to be something that we’re open to.

Secondly, the efforts of our international coalition that was built and led by the United States is one that is focused on ISIL. This is a multi-pronged strategy focused on degrading and ultimately destroying ISIL. Russia claims to share that goal. Thus far, we believe that they’ve pursued a strategy that actually undermines the effective pursuit of that goal. But we would welcome a change in their strategy to more effectively accomplish that goal that they have claimed to set out for themselves.

The final thing is that the President’s top priority when it comes to confronting a very difficult situation in Syria is the safety and security of the American people. And that is why there are any number of military strikes that the President has ordered against extremists operating inside of Syria. In some cases, these are ISIL extremists. In some cases, these are extremists not affiliated with ISIL but yet leading extremist organizations, trying to capitalize on the chaos in Syria to plan and execute terror attacks against the United States and our interests around the world.

And that is the focus of our efforts there, and there certainly is ample rhetoric that we see from Republican critics essentially goading the President to try to engage in a proxy war with Russia. They say that ostensibly because they think maybe that it makes them look tough, but I think they would have a very difficult time articulating why that would be in the clear national security interest of the United States of America.

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 10/13/2015

This admin doesn't want to be bothered by its own failures. Too much golf to be played.
Welcome back to October, 1962. Now it's a little tougher to watch the movie 13 Days.
Both Nazis and Communists have a VERY PROMINENT alliance with the filth of Baathism ---historically. The commonality is that ------COMMUNISM, NAZISM and BAATHISM-----are totalitarian, nationalist, utopian,
genocidal ideologies
And we just opened the embassy in Cuba!
Now if we can only lift the embargo, the Americanization of Cuba will begin.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.
Oh ya? We should keep the embargo and leave the Casto's in power for another 50 years? And continue to let our greatest enemies woo them over while we twiddle our fingers?
You think rewarding that scenario is somehow better?
And we just opened the embassy in Cuba!
Now if we can only lift the embargo, the Americanization of Cuba will begin.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.
Oh ya? We should keep the embargo and leave the Casto's in power for another 50 years? And continue to let our greatest enemies woo them over while we twiddle our fingers?
You think rewarding that scenario is somehow better?
I think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Just wait until a Wal Mart opens up in Havana.
And we just opened the embassy in Cuba!
Now if we can only lift the embargo, the Americanization of Cuba will begin.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.
Oh ya? We should keep the embargo and leave the Casto's in power for another 50 years? And continue to let our greatest enemies woo them over while we twiddle our fingers?
You think rewarding that scenario is somehow better?
I think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Just wait until a Wal Mart opens up in Havana.
And abject stupidity is in rewarding that insanity.
Just think how much money the Castro's would make from that Walmart. Meanwhile, same result for the Cubans.
And we just opened the embassy in Cuba!
Now if we can only lift the embargo, the Americanization of Cuba will begin.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.


Now if we can only lift the embargo, the Americanization of Cuba will begin.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.
Oh ya? We should keep the embargo and leave the Casto's in power for another 50 years? And continue to let our greatest enemies woo them over while we twiddle our fingers?
You think rewarding that scenario is somehow better?
I think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Just wait until a Wal Mart opens up in Havana.
And abject stupidity is in rewarding that insanity.
Just think how much money the Castro's would make from that Walmart. Meanwhile, same result for the Cubans.
No, same results for the Cubans would be sitting on our asses and keeping the same failed policy we've had in place for 50+ years.

The worst thing for the Castro regime would be for their people to glimpse prosperity and to want more of it.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.
Oh ya? We should keep the embargo and leave the Casto's in power for another 50 years? And continue to let our greatest enemies woo them over while we twiddle our fingers?
You think rewarding that scenario is somehow better?
I think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Just wait until a Wal Mart opens up in Havana.
And abject stupidity is in rewarding that insanity.
Just think how much money the Castro's would make from that Walmart. Meanwhile, same result for the Cubans.
No, same results for the Cubans would be sitting on our asses and keeping the same failed policy we've had in place for 50+ years.

The worst thing for the Castro regime would be for their people to glimpse prosperity and to want more of it.
You don't seem to get it. The cuban people won't see a dime of that. They are a totalitarian regime. Most countries in the world aren't like the US. You take your freedom for granted.
Oh ya? We should keep the embargo and leave the Casto's in power for another 50 years? And continue to let our greatest enemies woo them over while we twiddle our fingers?
You think rewarding that scenario is somehow better?
I think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Just wait until a Wal Mart opens up in Havana.
And abject stupidity is in rewarding that insanity.
Just think how much money the Castro's would make from that Walmart. Meanwhile, same result for the Cubans.
No, same results for the Cubans would be sitting on our asses and keeping the same failed policy we've had in place for 50+ years.

The worst thing for the Castro regime would be for their people to glimpse prosperity and to want more of it.
You don't seem to get it. The cuban people won't see a dime of that. They are a totalitarian regime. Most countries in the world aren't like the US. You take your freedom for granted.
I think it's you who doesn't seem to get it. You want Cuba to stay the same. I want Cuba to change. You want Cuba to remain an enemy and an ally of our worst enemies, a staging area they can use that's just miles from our mainland. I want Cuba to be an ally, and for our culture to be exposed to their people. Castro will die eventually, sooner rather than later, and the Cuban people will be able to move on.
And we just opened the embassy in Cuba!
Now if we can only lift the embargo, the Americanization of Cuba will begin.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.


Since we're on the subject, you owem me for all them buffalo...
Stone-age Europeans 'were the first to set foot on North America'
Obama couldn't find his butt with both hands in broad daylight! ..

Didn't the halfwit in the White House removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, seeking to normalize relations between the two countries?

Ok then...I don't understand why everybody is so surprised, it's just a logical sequence of things for Cuba to start acting in the world stage!

Yay! another victory for Barracuda Obama!

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