Cuba now in Syria... Shades of the Angola proxy war... but White House DENIES IT!!!

Why don't you move to Cuba since you think it's so awesome. And while you're there, show your displeasure with Castro.

Because I am 100% American;.born and bred here. But Cuba does seem like a good place to retire to if we normalize relations with them. At least the meidcal care will be free!

I am American and am expressing my right to free speech. When I see people doing good things in the world I have the courage to speak out and give credit where it is due regardless of what my fellow Americans think about it. I am just a free thinker and my political vision is not clouded by partisan or group labels. Try it sometimes, it makes you feel better.
Medical care is free, eh? That speaks for itself. It also explains why you think Castro is a good guy and why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Indeed, I believe as Bernie sanders does, that education and medical care should be free to all American citizens.

If you believe people who think like I do should NOT be allowed to vote, you are a hypocrite who spits on the US Constitution. I guess you will be miserable for the rest of your life because we will vote.
Give me a million dollars while you're at it. Oh, wait. I don't need a million dollars because everything is free. It just all grows on trees.
So we have Russia, Cuba, China, Iran, and Hezbollah.

WOW the far left religion is truly a danger to the world..
HOW f...king PIOUS!!! YOU really a hypocrite!
YOU think the embargo was JUST because of material wealth and property?

Are you talking to me or to the guy who started talking about how much Cuba owes the US for nationalizing privately owned American citizens' property.He is the one who thinks the embargo was JUST because of material wealth and property... perhaps you should direct your animus at him.

These "exiles" WERE NOT doing it for wealth or property! Geez you have no respect for people that wanted to get rid of Castro.
Again, I think you are misdirecting your vitriol. Give it to the guy who actually said what you think I said.

So tell me if Castro's Cuba was such a great place why did this happen?
From 1959 through 1993, some 1.2 million Cubans (about 10% of the current population) left the island for the United States,[24] often by sea in small boats and fragile rafts. In the early years, a number of those who could claim dual Spanish-Cuban citizenship left for Spain

If Cuba was so great during the Batiste era, why did the revolution occur. Consider too that Castro had to have the a lot of Cubans behind him to pull it off.

You speak of a measly 10% of Cubans who became refugees fleeing their homeland. The 90% who stayed loyal to their evolutionary hero are invisible, eh?

Do you remember when Castro flung open the cell doors of his prisons and let all the criminals and undesirables as well as those who just wanted to go make their way to America or wherever? These are the people seen in photos floating precariously in rickety boats and on fragile rafts.

And while some here speak of Cuba being an Island prison, the hard evidence doesn't really support that premise.

1. soldiers and doctors are sent all over the third world to fight or treat vulnerable populations.
Some have defected but most have not! Why don't they all defect?

2. There is no wall around Cuba to keep people in. Relatives have been allowed to come to Cuba from mainland USA and are free to travel unmolested and return to the USA.

Hey I apologize if YOU weren't the one critical of my adding the FACTS regarding the $7 billion in property seized by Castro. I am sorry if you weren't the one.

I truly believed Castro as a young American in 1959 when Castro really fooled me and other naive people.
We had no idea that making Cuba a Communist satellite was Castro's intention.
By the time Castro formally declared Cuba a socialist state on May 1, 1961(24) and proclaimed himself a "Marxist-Leninist" in a televised speech on December 2, 1961,(25) communist power in Cuba had been consolidated.(26) Cuba would not only provide a base for anti-American activities in the Western Hemisphere but the island would also serve to project Moscow's influence throughout the Third World further exacerbating Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In a 1987 book review entitled "Cuba and Its Critics," Saul Landau(27) referred to an interview he had had with Castro revealing his early dedication to communism. According to Landau, "Fidel Castro in 1968 explained to me that he had become a Marxist from the very time that he read the Communist Manifesto in his student days, (emphasis added) and a Leninist from the period when he read Lenin while in prison on the Isle of Pines in 1954."(28) This account coincides with Diaz-Verson's iteration of the destruction of the archival proof "of Fidel's disloyalty from his schooldays (emphasis added) onward."(29)

Scholars throughout the years unceasingly have debated Castro's communism;(30) the question of when Castro became a communist;(31) or, for that matter, if he ever truly was a committed communist suggesting Castro became a communist only out of pragmatism. Arguments have been presented contending that the United States forced Castro into the arms of the Soviet Union(32) and onto the path of international communism. Now, with the collapse of the Soviet system and the end of the Cold War, comes the opening of the archives of the former Soviet Union.(33)
When Castro Became a Communist

But at 18 years old I didn't have the tools, i.e. the Internet, nor the inclination but the naive belief that this was not the intent of Castro.

Since that time I've become aware that people like Castro and Obama will TELL those of us that pay attention their intentions.
Obama like Castro used tricks and tactics to convince fools like those a guy Obama hired Gruber who said ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voter"!
Here is Obama's telling Fools For Obama that he was an angry black man but he FOOLED them!
"Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
So we have Russia, Cuba, China, Iran, and Hezbollah.

WOW the far left religion is truly a danger to the world..
China is not in Syria or even announced an endorsement or Russian involvement there. Hezbollah is an Iranian sponsored terrorist group, not a nation.
Like most countries brought into the Spanish empire, Cuba has always been a nation without a future. It will always have a major class divide and therefore remain as it is today.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you think it's so awesome. And while you're there, show your displeasure with Castro.

Because I am 100% American;.born and bred here. But Cuba does seem like a good place to retire to if we normalize relations with them. At least the meidcal care will be free!

I am American and am expressing my right to free speech. When I see people doing good things in the world I have the courage to speak out and give credit where it is due regardless of what my fellow Americans think about it. I am just a free thinker and my political vision is not clouded by partisan or group labels. Try it sometimes, it makes you feel better.
Medical care is free, eh? That speaks for itself. It also explains why you think Castro is a good guy and why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Indeed, I believe as Bernie sanders does, that education and medical care should be free to all American citizens.

If you believe people who think like I do should NOT be allowed to vote, you are a hypocrite who spits on the US Constitution. I guess you will be miserable for the rest of your life because we will vote.
Give me a million dollars while you're at it. Oh, wait. I don't need a million dollars because everything is free. It just all grows on trees.

Education and medical care should be universal rights for every American. For one thing the money saved by individuals on those two items would be better spent on other necessities of life and consumer items. The tax revenue generated by the increased flow of market capital
would help to reduce the national debt considerably and would also bolster Social Security and
other social programs. Teachers, doctors and associated personnel would be assigned to paramilitary medical divisions and matriculation units to be given a rank commensurate with their skill or education level. Like other federal agencies the pay of these employees will be limited to a rigid pay scale similar to other civil servants.
Face it, medical costs have been spiraling out of control for decades and 90,0000 o more people a year DIE from medical error. We aren't getting our moneys worth... Lets bring it back under control and make those who want to practice medicine responsible for their mistakes.
Moderation Message:

I think it's getting hard to read thru this thread because there are several UNRELATED conversations going on.

If you want to cheer for Castro's big heart or discuss normalization.. Open another thread. They are FREE to every customer that can write a rule-compliant Opening Post. :eusa_dance:

Stay on the NEWS related topic here please.. Off-topic posts always subject to deletion in Zone2, but the discussion has good -- just too many loose strings in the thread..

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