Cuba now in Syria... Shades of the Angola proxy war... but White House DENIES IT!!!

A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.

All I can say is that I respectfully disagree.... And so do a lot of people in dark and miserable places whose lives have been made better because of Castro.
Well your life has never been affected by Castro. Maybe people who were oppressed under even worse regime's than his can appreciate him, but only because they don't know any better.

Castro is a monster. Learn what's actually happening in Cuba. Not the Michael Moore fantasy.

I haven't seen the Michael Moore fantasy. I simply did my own research from a variety of sources pro and con. It seems to me the good outweighs the bad. Spys and traitors are dealt with severely by any government... Castro did what he had to do just as we have done in times of war and national emergencies.

What were the things Castro did? Please tell us.
I already did... but no response....
I think they will see a dime of that and more. Castro loves his people..... That is something American "conservatives" will never understand.
Castro is an evil man and a murderer. The Cuban people deserve better.
A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?
Castro is an evil man and a murderer. The Cuban people deserve better.
A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?

So raising the embargo means more money for Cuba to spend on military involvement in Syria.
It is obvious. Tell me otherwise because even now with the embargo, Cuba is in Syria.
Cuban Forces Helping Russia in Syria?

An Arab military officer at the Damascus airport reportedly witnessed two Russian planes arrive there with Cuban military personnel on board. When the officer questioned the Cubans, they told him they were there to assist Assad because they are experts at operating Russian tanks, according to Jaime Suchlicki, the institute's executive director.

Putin's no dummy. He's calling in favors and is building his own coalition to support Assad and establish a firm base in the eastern Med.

Kind of ironic isn't it? Out Bumbler-in-Chief normalizes relations with Cuba and Raul turns around and sends his military to Putin's aid.

Read more @ Top Cuban General, Forces in Syria to Aid Assad, Russia, Sources Say |
Good for Cuba. Now can we get the hell outta there? We've spent enough blood & treasure in the Middle East. Let's come home.
And we just opened the embassy in Cuba!
Now if we can only lift the embargo, the Americanization of Cuba will begin.
You mean the further enrichment of the murderous Castro gang will continue.


Those poor poor Indians. They are the only people to ever get invaded right? They bitch about that almost as much as American blacks and slavery. You guys are NOT special!
Cuban Forces Helping Russia in Syria?

An Arab military officer at the Damascus airport reportedly witnessed two Russian planes arrive there with Cuban military personnel on board. When the officer questioned the Cubans, they told him they were there to assist Assad because they are experts at operating Russian tanks, according to Jaime Suchlicki, the institute's executive director.

Putin's no dummy. He's calling in favors and is building his own coalition to support Assad and establish a firm base in the eastern Med.

Kind of ironic isn't it? Out Bumbler-in-Chief normalizes relations with Cuba and Raul turns around and sends his military to Putin's aid.

Read more @ Top Cuban General, Forces in Syria to Aid Assad, Russia, Sources Say |
Holy Toledo! Cuba????? Oh no we are DOOOOMED!
A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?

So raising the embargo means more money for Cuba to spend on military involvement in Syria.
It is obvious. Tell me otherwise because even now with the embargo, Cuba is in Syria.

Raising the embargo would mean more money for Cuba to do things like this:

o the Cuban doctors

With admiration, profound love and respect for the Cuban doctors

and all those others who still carry and maintain the code of honor of serving others. It is the true gain that can never be devalued


CUBAN doctors and their humanitarian work in Haiti have demonstrated to the world a worthy example of fraternal dedication, humane generosity, elevated professionalism, skilled medical experience, and pure love for other people, and action that should be admired and broadcast by all the media outlets on the planet. Although, of course, its more important for these doctors that every human being that they treat feels grateful; that is their reward.

The donated service that these medical angels are offering the Haitian people and which the international media is trying to hide, has so much spiritual and humane dignity that it cannot remain hidden behind the avarice and morbid egotism of the international corporations or the media networks that are serving this evil policy. The smile of a child, a thankful mother, a tormented people that knows that a sincere friend is extending an open hand, is like a humane sun that comes to their aid with the energy of true sentiments of love and respect. This act exceeds any torpedoing of indifference on the part of the media, because their action of purity is over and above evil and demolishes it with the highly powerful charge of love that it bears and the joy and gratefulness of those who receive it.

The Haitians see, with deeds to prove it, how the Cuban doctors arrived to treat them and rescue them from the calamities that they are suffering, without weapons to kill but with instruments of fraternal love and sufficient knowledge to restore to them the faith, smiles, and hope in that the brigade of doctors came to cure their physical and spiritual wounds. The impressive work of the Cuban doctors in Haiti has been carried out for decades in that country and throughout the world, wherever it is requested. This priesthood of medicine re-vindicates the medical profession which, these days, is practiced solely for economic gain, supplanting a service for a medical business in which patients are treated as figures and numbers, thus usurping the essence of service for which the medical profession exists and what it should offer.

With these heroic gestures on the part of Cuban doctors, they are saving and elevating their profession to the pedestal of a truly Christian service and, at the same time, their accomplishments of love highlight the false humanism of those who arrived in Haiti with arms and tanks, as if the Haitian people had declared war on them. Looking at scenes of the arrival of marines armed to the teeth with the arsenal of the U.S. military, coming to a country destroyed by an earthquake with a military approach, and seeing blue UN helmets charging the disorientated population only seeking support, aid, and comprehension, is in contrast to the agenda of immediate unhesitating action of Venezuelan, Chilean, Cuban, Nicaraguan and other rescue workers to work to save lives. These scenes are very confusing; where is the love and the mental and persuasive strength to dare to confront the people with the skills of mental power, the spirit of love, and relevant and convincing words to control a population that is suffering and living in this state of shock after being stripped of everything and enveloped in misery? Of course they are despairing, but nothing will be solved with weapons; nobody will recover or be convinced that the military arrived in this devastated territory with honest, good and humanitarian intentions.

The sincere hands of friends, of Cuban doctors and physicians from other countries who arrived the day after the disaster and who, shoulder to shoulder, without any desire for a leading role, have given services to fellow human beings. These doctors will receive many generations of humane love because, as the phrase goes, love is paid with love.

Poor are those who with their military "goodness" want and seek to be recognized. They will be repaid in the manner and form in which they gave it. How good it is that the forgotten and rejected by the corrupt media in favor of ignoble interests are remembered: the Cuban doctors and the others from different nations who came together with the shared intention of putting into practice the sacred love for others, as protagonists of an epic of world medicine unprecedented in human history. We will remember them as the extension and the science of the power of generous love; physicians who represent humanist science in the service of the displaced and poor of the earth; they are practicing the Christian verse that the last shall be the first.

A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.

All I can say is that I respectfully disagree.... And so do a lot of people in dark and miserable places whose lives have been made better because of Castro.
Well your life has never been affected by Castro. Maybe people who were oppressed under even worse regime's than his can appreciate him, but only because they don't know any better.

Castro is a monster. Learn what's actually happening in Cuba. Not the Michael Moore fantasy.

I haven't seen the Michael Moore fantasy. I simply did my own research from a variety of sources pro and con. It seems to me the good outweighs the bad. Spys and traitors are dealt with severely by any government... Castro did what he had to do just as we have done in times of war and national emergencies.

What were the things Castro did? Please tell us.

By now you've seen post #68 and some of the wonderful things Castors' Cuba has done.
Here is another example of Communist Cuba's Christian creed.. Jesus would be proud:

If you are objective you can find the truth if you look for it. I told you why I believe Cuba is doing something positive to make the world a better place for the poor and developing nations of the world. Many of those positive things are occurring outside of Cuba where any person interested can observe it.

Cuba sends thousands of doctors to third world countries without any expectations of compensation to combat illnesses that might eventually threaten us all. Google that for the details if you wish. There ought to be references that lead you to the details and sources of that input.

The Cuban medical school trains medical students from 110 countries to be doctors with no apparent strings attached except the student must promise to serve in poor communities for a specific time.

That quest for a medical doctorate includes tuition free education, shelter and sustenance plus a small stipend. Search for Americans who graduated from that school and see what they say about that!

The CIA world fact book is another excellent source for comparing Cuba's mortality rates with other countries. Google it!

I can't guarantee you will find something to convince you that Cuba is a godsend for people who are exploited by western medicine facilities and pharmaceutical companies. You just have to examine the available evidence for yourself.
And abject stupidity is in rewarding that insanity.
Just think how much money the Castro's would make from that Walmart. Meanwhile, same result for the Cubans.
No, same results for the Cubans would be sitting on our asses and keeping the same failed policy we've had in place for 50+ years.

The worst thing for the Castro regime would be for their people to glimpse prosperity and to want more of it.
You don't seem to get it. The cuban people won't see a dime of that. They are a totalitarian regime. Most countries in the world aren't like the US. You take your freedom for granted.

I think they will see a dime of that and more. Castro loves his people..... That is something American "conservatives" will never understand.
Like he's been so generous to his people up to this point.
Just like a democrat; delusional.
What do you know about Castro except what a bunch of disigrutled expatriates say about him?
I think his benevolent international actions speak louder than their words.
I suppose you have nice words about Hitler, too.
Castro is an evil man and a murderer. The Cuban people deserve better.
A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?
It gains not rewarding a dictator for his crime.
Only a
No, same results for the Cubans would be sitting on our asses and keeping the same failed policy we've had in place for 50+ years.

The worst thing for the Castro regime would be for their people to glimpse prosperity and to want more of it.
You don't seem to get it. The cuban people won't see a dime of that. They are a totalitarian regime. Most countries in the world aren't like the US. You take your freedom for granted.

I think they will see a dime of that and more. Castro loves his people..... That is something American "conservatives" will never understand.
Like he's been so generous to his people up to this point.
Just like a democrat; delusional.
What do you know about Castro except what a bunch of disigrutled expatriates say about him?
I think his benevolent international actions speak louder than their words.
I suppose you have nice words about Hitler, too.
Only before he finished grade school!
A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?
It gains not rewarding a dictator for his crime.

I think Castro's reward is knowing he made the world a better place:for the 3rd world. free of charge. See post #68
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?
It gains not rewarding a dictator for his crime.

I think Castro's reward is knowing he made the world a better place:for the 3rd world. free of charge. See post #68
He turned Cuba into a third world nation. Who indoctrinated you?
A lot of world leaders disagree with you, including the late great Nelson Mandela:


But it doesn't stop there: Black Americans generally seem to love Castro too. It is hard for Blacks anywhere to hate a man who supported anti-apartheid forces. They haven't forgotten how White Americans went the other way and supported the racist SA regime.

Call him what you will but Castro has done a lot for the developing nations of the world including training doctors for free and sending Cuban doctors on humanitarian missions across the planet. I think he has paid his dues for any murder charges heaped upon him.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?
It gains not rewarding a dictator for his crime.
What crimes? Purging the traitors and backstabbers from the populace? The US has done the same. Obviously the world authority on such maters has not petitioned Castro to appear for War crimes. So, who are you?
Some would rather see the fantasy rather than the blatant truth. Sad really.

The real question though is not how terrible Castro has been - for the vast majority of people this question is rather obvious to say the least. The question is what does America gain with continuing embargoes and hostile relations with Cuba?

The answer, I think, is obvious: nothing.

I would ask anyone that does not support Obama's normalizing relations here what they expect to gain from continued hostility as it is blatantly obvious that it does nothing whatsoever for the US.
Meanwhile, catering to Castro does everything for Castro, emboldens Castro and makes the US into chumps. Simple choice.
We have not catered anything to Castro and that would be irrelevant anyway. I don't care what it 'emboldens.'

You utterly evaded the question though - what does the US gain from continued embargo on Cuba?
It gains not rewarding a dictator for his crime.

I think Castro's reward is knowing he made the world a better place:for the 3rd world. free of charge. See post #68
He turned Cuba into a third world nation. Who indoctrinated you?
Cuba was already a third world nation before Castro. Oligarchs ruled and the people were strangling in the coils of poverty. Prostitution, vice and exploitation of every kind flourished.. Castro ended that. Then he turned around and created one of the greatest gifts the world has ever known:

Since its first class of 2005, the Latin American Medical School (ELAM) has graduated over 23,000 physicians from low-income communities in Africa, Asia and the Americas (including the USA). Nearly 10,000 more are enrolled in the program, thanks to the full scholarships offered by Cuba. These new MDs make a commitment to work in underserved areas upon graduation.
Young people from over 100 ethnic groups—over half of them women—study in an environment that recognizes the right of every patient to care, and that centers learning in the community, where health promotion is as important as disease management. (See….URL of ELAM….for the full ELAM curriculum.)

I know of no other medical school with an admissions policy that gives first priority to candidates who come from poor communities and know, first-hand, what it means to live without access to essential medical care. For once, if you are poor, female, or from an indigenous population, you have a distinct advantage.

~WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan, visiting ELAM
Why don't you move to Cuba since you think it's so awesome. And while you're there, show your displeasure with Castro.
A broken clock is right twice a day.

Castro decimated his people, imprisoned them, stole their freedom... To this day they drive 1950's cars even though they were once the prize of the Caribbean. During the revolution Cubans replaced a tyrant with a monster.

Fuck Fidel Castro. My great Uncle was allowed to visit the U.S. once. He gained 30 pounds in 1 month. Fuck Castro for what he's done to Cuba.

All I can say is that I respectfully disagree.... And so do a lot of people in dark and miserable places whose lives have been made better because of Castro.
Well your life has never been affected by Castro. Maybe people who were oppressed under even worse regime's than his can appreciate him, but only because they don't know any better.

Castro is a monster. Learn what's actually happening in Cuba. Not the Michael Moore fantasy.

I haven't seen the Michael Moore fantasy. I simply did my own research from a variety of sources pro and con. It seems to me the good outweighs the bad. Spys and traitors are dealt with severely by any government... Castro did what he had to do just as we have done in times of war and national emergencies.

What were the things Castro did? Please tell us.

By now you've seen post #68 and some of the wonderful things Castors' Cuba has done.
Here is another example of Communist Cuba's Christian creed.. Jesus would be proud:

If you are objective you can find the truth if you look for it. I told you why I believe Cuba is doing something positive to make the world a better place for the poor and developing nations of the world. Many of those positive things are occurring outside of Cuba where any person interested can observe it.

Cuba sends thousands of doctors to third world countries without any expectations of compensation to combat illnesses that might eventually threaten us all. Google that for the details if you wish. There ought to be references that lead you to the details and sources of that input.

The Cuban medical school trains medical students from 110 countries to be doctors with no apparent strings attached except the student must promise to serve in poor communities for a specific time.

That quest for a medical doctorate includes tuition free education, shelter and sustenance plus a small stipend. Search for Americans who graduated from that school and see what they say about that!

The CIA world fact book is another excellent source for comparing Cuba's mortality rates with other countries. Google it!

I can't guarantee you will find something to convince you that Cuba is a godsend for people who are exploited by western medicine facilities and pharmaceutical companies. You just have to examine the available evidence for yourself.
I'm sure from the viewpoint if someone who has no idea what they're talking about, Castro must look wonderful. But if you have relatives there, if you remember the atrocities, the firing squads, the political prisoners, the people fleeing by raft, the ongoing supression of free speech, the ongoing oppression of freedom, then you think a little differently of the evil Castro.
All I can say is that I respectfully disagree.... And so do a lot of people in dark and miserable places whose lives have been made better because of Castro.
Well your life has never been affected by Castro. Maybe people who were oppressed under even worse regime's than his can appreciate him, but only because they don't know any better.

Castro is a monster. Learn what's actually happening in Cuba. Not the Michael Moore fantasy.

I haven't seen the Michael Moore fantasy. I simply did my own research from a variety of sources pro and con. It seems to me the good outweighs the bad. Spys and traitors are dealt with severely by any government... Castro did what he had to do just as we have done in times of war and national emergencies.

What were the things Castro did? Please tell us.

By now you've seen post #68 and some of the wonderful things Castors' Cuba has done.
Here is another example of Communist Cuba's Christian creed.. Jesus would be proud:

If you are objective you can find the truth if you look for it. I told you why I believe Cuba is doing something positive to make the world a better place for the poor and developing nations of the world. Many of those positive things are occurring outside of Cuba where any person interested can observe it.

Cuba sends thousands of doctors to third world countries without any expectations of compensation to combat illnesses that might eventually threaten us all. Google that for the details if you wish. There ought to be references that lead you to the details and sources of that input.

The Cuban medical school trains medical students from 110 countries to be doctors with no apparent strings attached except the student must promise to serve in poor communities for a specific time.

That quest for a medical doctorate includes tuition free education, shelter and sustenance plus a small stipend. Search for Americans who graduated from that school and see what they say about that!

The CIA world fact book is another excellent source for comparing Cuba's mortality rates with other countries. Google it!

I can't guarantee you will find something to convince you that Cuba is a godsend for people who are exploited by western medicine facilities and pharmaceutical companies. You just have to examine the available evidence for yourself.
I'm sure from the viewpoint if someone who has no idea what they're talking about, Castro must look wonderful. But if you have relatives there, if you remember the atrocities, the firing squads, the political prisoners, the people fleeing by raft, the ongoing supression of free speech, the ongoing oppression of freedom, then you think a little differently of the evil Castro.
Evil Castro? Does the devil cast out devils? Do evil people create institutions of hope without expectations of material gain? Nay, I say, as does the Good Book! Given the unexpurgated history of the man and his renown benevolence around the world... even the Pope has embraced him. What manner of Communist is this? The modern world has seen none like him . Neither Communist Russian, North Korea, nor Mainland China can not lay claim to the alltrustism and concern for the down trodden of the world as shown by the island nation of Cuba under Castro! And sadly, even our USA has faltered in the face of such Christian ethics
as have been displayed by the Cubans.
Well your life has never been affected by Castro. Maybe people who were oppressed under even worse regime's than his can appreciate him, but only because they don't know any better.

Castro is a monster. Learn what's actually happening in Cuba. Not the Michael Moore fantasy.

I haven't seen the Michael Moore fantasy. I simply did my own research from a variety of sources pro and con. It seems to me the good outweighs the bad. Spys and traitors are dealt with severely by any government... Castro did what he had to do just as we have done in times of war and national emergencies.

What were the things Castro did? Please tell us.

By now you've seen post #68 and some of the wonderful things Castors' Cuba has done.
Here is another example of Communist Cuba's Christian creed.. Jesus would be proud:

If you are objective you can find the truth if you look for it. I told you why I believe Cuba is doing something positive to make the world a better place for the poor and developing nations of the world. Many of those positive things are occurring outside of Cuba where any person interested can observe it.

Cuba sends thousands of doctors to third world countries without any expectations of compensation to combat illnesses that might eventually threaten us all. Google that for the details if you wish. There ought to be references that lead you to the details and sources of that input.

The Cuban medical school trains medical students from 110 countries to be doctors with no apparent strings attached except the student must promise to serve in poor communities for a specific time.

That quest for a medical doctorate includes tuition free education, shelter and sustenance plus a small stipend. Search for Americans who graduated from that school and see what they say about that!

The CIA world fact book is another excellent source for comparing Cuba's mortality rates with other countries. Google it!

I can't guarantee you will find something to convince you that Cuba is a godsend for people who are exploited by western medicine facilities and pharmaceutical companies. You just have to examine the available evidence for yourself.
I'm sure from the viewpoint if someone who has no idea what they're talking about, Castro must look wonderful. But if you have relatives there, if you remember the atrocities, the firing squads, the political prisoners, the people fleeing by raft, the ongoing supression of free speech, the ongoing oppression of freedom, then you think a little differently of the evil Castro.
Evil Castro? Does the devil cast out devils? Do evil people create institutions of hope without expectations of material gain? Nay, I say, as does the Good Book! Given the unexpurgated history of the man and his renown benevolence around the world... even the Pope has embraced him. What manner of Communist is this? The modern world has seen none like him . Neither Communist Russian, North Korea, nor Mainland China can not lay claim to the alltrustism and concern for the down trodden of the world as shown by the island nation of Cuba under Castro! And sadly, even our USA has faltered in the face of such Christian ethics
as have been displayed by the Cubans.
Here I thought of something nice to say about Castro. Thanks to Castro, Cuba's reefs and corals are some of the best preserved in the entire world.

But of course, that's because citizens in Cuba are not allowed to own boats unless their job is as a fisherman working for the state. Because of course, there's no freedom in Cuba.

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