Culture, not guns. Sweden shows that criminals drive gun crime, not law abiding gun owners.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When you focus laws to target law abiding gun owners, you do nothing to stop gun crime. Criminals using illegal guns drive the gun murder and crime rates.....

For example...Sweden....

Why are there so many explosions in Sweden?

"We've seen, over the last couple of years, that the amount of explosions in Sweden have risen to a level not seen anywhere else in Europe. The reasons, or underlying cause, are criminals clashing.

"They range from conflicts of a rational character, like market shares for the illegal narcotics trade, or more personal, such as provocations or insults, old conflicts with causes long-forgotten. Nevertheless, the explosions are an expression of clashes between criminal elements.

"These criminal elements are in large part comprised of street gangs from 'vulnerable areas' in the suburbs but also what we sometimes refer to as 'biker gangs'. There is, however, a lot of overlap between these two groups so as a whole this is about conflicts between different criminal networks."

How do your colleagues abroad view this development in Sweden?

"They are astonished. The prevailing picture of Sweden is that it is a calm and stable country and these expressions of violence, which are without equal, at least in Europe, is a surprise to our neighbouring countries.

"We have ongoing collaboration with many of the European countries, especially with the Nordic countries, and no one has the same kind of problems which is why this is a perplexing and possibly even frightening issue. But they are actively seeking more knowledge and are discussing these issues with us in order to share experiences and trying to understand this phenomenon."

Of course, the preffered weapon of European criminals? The fully automatic military rifle....

You talked about seizures of other weapons, beside explosives. Recently a Bosnian man in the US got sentenced to prison for smuggling weapon parts to, among others, Swedish neo-nazis. How common are criminal international networks when it comes to Swedish gunrunning?

"From what I've seen, one of the most common guns in criminal clashes in Sweden is the AK 47, and they aren't manufactured here. Which means that it needs to be smuggled into the country, so in that sense international players are contributing to shootings in Sweden. These kinds of guns usually come from the Balkans, as they have a surplus of weapons from past decades of conflict."

Are those the kind of weapons you usually seize or are, for example, Swedish hunting weapons also confiscated?

"No. Swedish hunting rifles are extremely rare in these kinds of contexts, it's usually assault rifles such as the AK 47, pistols or submachine guns. It is very, very rare that we see hunting weapons as a part of our work with Operation Hoarfrost."

Sweden has apparently passed the point of no return in regard to the crime problem.

I can only hope that Finland and Norway are able to hold the line against the policies that have undone the once peaceful and happy nation of Sweden.
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent.
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent.

The problem is not guns, but bad guys. Kill the bad guys. Kill them. There is no logical reason to collect trash in boxes and pay for its storage.
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent.

Yeah keep violent criminals in prison forever. Most "gun crime" disappears.
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent. does. You deal with gun violence by arresting and locking up actual gun criminals, the ones who are actually committing crimes with is my solution, and it has the benefit of leaving normal gun owning Americans alone and unmolested....

All the other proposals by the democrat party have nothing to do with stopping gun crime.....they don't care about gun crime and they show this with their policies that allow violent, repeat gun offenders out on bond and out of prison with revolving door justice.....

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent.

Yeah keep violent criminals in prison forever. Most "gun crime" disappears.

That is exactly how the Japanese reduce gun violence in their country..........they lock up the Yakuza who use guns for long prison sentences and now Yakuza gun crime is reduced to assassinations committed by guys who know they are going to prison for life.
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent. does. You deal with gun violence by arresting and locking up actual gun criminals, the ones who are actually committing crimes with is my solution, and it has the benefit of leaving normal gun owning Americans alone and unmolested....

All the other proposals by the democrat party have nothing to do with stopping gun crime.....they don't care about gun crime and they show this with their policies that allow violent, repeat gun offenders out on bond and out of prison with revolving door justice.....

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..

So Amber Guyger should have gotten a life sentence instead of 10 years? Right?
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent. does. You deal with gun violence by arresting and locking up actual gun criminals, the ones who are actually committing crimes with is my solution, and it has the benefit of leaving normal gun owning Americans alone and unmolested....

All the other proposals by the democrat party have nothing to do with stopping gun crime.....they don't care about gun crime and they show this with their policies that allow violent, repeat gun offenders out on bond and out of prison with revolving door justice.....

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..

So Amber Guyger should have gotten a life sentence instead of 10 years? Right?

The OP is putting on his tap shoes at this point to make exceptions for white cops who kill in cold blood using a gun.

just a reminder, his position was...

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.”
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent. does. You deal with gun violence by arresting and locking up actual gun criminals, the ones who are actually committing crimes with is my solution, and it has the benefit of leaving normal gun owning Americans alone and unmolested....

All the other proposals by the democrat party have nothing to do with stopping gun crime.....they don't care about gun crime and they show this with their policies that allow violent, repeat gun offenders out on bond and out of prison with revolving door justice.....

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..
I Don't know if they still have this. They should. Conviction of any crime in Ohio where a gun is used gets an automatic 8 more years.
I’m stunned that other developed nations haven’t looked at the 2nd Amendment and said, “Damn...we need one of those”.


Other countries have not had a multi million strong population of violent third worlders living within their borders driving up violent crime stats like we have.

Now that they have imported a couple of million of them into Europe all of a sudden their gun crime rates are skyrocketing.

A thinking person, unlike you, would be able to add 2+2 to figure it out.

Gun control laws have nothing to do with crime. But everything you do with keeping billionaires in power.

That's why billionaires are pushing gun control laws.
I’m stunned that other developed nations haven’t looked at the 2nd Amendment and said, “Damn...we need one of those”.


Other countries have not had a multi million strong population of violent third worlders living within their borders driving up violent crime stats like we have.

Now that they have imported a couple of million of them into Europe all of a sudden their gun crime rates are skyrocketing.

A thinking person, unlike you, would be able to add 2+2 to figure it out.

Gun control laws have nothing to do with crime. But everything you do with keeping billionaires in power.

That's why billionaires are pushing gun control laws.

Strange...when the 2nd Amendment was written, there was almost no third worlders living in the US. Try again loser
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent. does. You deal with gun violence by arresting and locking up actual gun criminals, the ones who are actually committing crimes with is my solution, and it has the benefit of leaving normal gun owning Americans alone and unmolested....

All the other proposals by the democrat party have nothing to do with stopping gun crime.....they don't care about gun crime and they show this with their policies that allow violent, repeat gun offenders out on bond and out of prison with revolving door justice.....

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..

So Amber Guyger should have gotten a life sentence instead of 10 years? Right?

Nope...that was manslaughter, not murder. That was an accident, not premeditated crime.
I’m stunned that other developed nations haven’t looked at the 2nd Amendment and said, “Damn...we need one of those”.


Yeah....about 12 million more Europeans would be alive, 25 million Russians, over 70 million Chinese....and so many others murdered by their governments....after they gave up their guns because their governments told the people they didn't need them........
Certainly, willy-nilly firearms laws such as simple confiscation are ridiculous.
Nevertheless, the concerns of such a vast number of Americans concerning the disquieting problems with 'guns' has to be addressed somehow and to some extent. does. You deal with gun violence by arresting and locking up actual gun criminals, the ones who are actually committing crimes with is my solution, and it has the benefit of leaving normal gun owning Americans alone and unmolested....

All the other proposals by the democrat party have nothing to do with stopping gun crime.....they don't care about gun crime and they show this with their policies that allow violent, repeat gun offenders out on bond and out of prison with revolving door justice.....

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..

So Amber Guyger should have gotten a life sentence instead of 10 years? Right?

The OP is putting on his tap shoes at this point to make exceptions for white cops who kill in cold blood using a gun.

just a reminder, his position was...

My plan actually works.....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.” compare a police officer who accidentally shoots the wrong person to a criminal who murders another criminal or an innocent person? Are you really that stupid? Yes...yes you are.
criminals drive gun crime, not law abiding gun owners.

Well duh! :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

For anti-gun extremists this basic truth is beyond their ability to reason....
If we take away all the guns there will be no more violent crime just like there was no violence before guns were invented. The serfs of the middle ages were very safe.

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