culture warriors on this board

no, why dont you place me on ignore since you dont want to engage in debate?

god damn 16 y.o. punks.

Actually I do engage in debate. However when faced with a racist, homophobic, fuckwit like you I don't feel the need to be polite to you. Me calling you a racist shithead in between arguments does not take away from th arguments. By the way, I am likely older than you if you just recieved your BA. I also don't put people on ignore. Even people who I dislike or who feel are insufferably stupid say intelligent things sometimes.
Actually I do engage in debate. However when faced with a racist, homophobic, fuckwit like you I don't feel the need to be polite to you. Me calling you a racist shithead in between arguments does not take away from th arguments. By the way, I am likely older than you if you just recieved your BA. I also don't put people on ignore. Even people who I dislike or who feel are insufferably stupid say intelligent things sometimes.

your problem is you hate those who stand firm in their beliefs.
Leftists hate those who believe that morals should exist.
your problem is you hate those who stand firm in their beliefs.

Umm, no. I hate very few people. You aren't one of them, you are just a moron.

Leftists hate those who believe that morals should exist.

And this is one of your many problems. You see a specific and you generalize to the whole. If you want to continue to debate, I suggest taking a logic class, or at least reading on the internet about logical flaws.
I dont hate you, I pity you.

Learn how to debate, you look foolish here.

Thats nice. I don't really care if you hate me.

Son, I know how to debate. I do it very well. Have you managed to win even one debate here? All I am noticing is you getting your ass handed to you in thread after thread. First whining that people are being mean to you, then insulting people. Then "putting people on ignore" because they made an assumption about you...and then making assumptions about others. By the way...really classy move "ignoring me" and then continuing to respond to all of my comments with insults.
It is a fair question. How many attacks on US soil have occurred since 9/11? How many attacks worldwide have occured on American citizens or facilities NOT in a war zone since 9/11?
Things would be much worse if Kerry was in charge.
Then again, I bet Larkinn would enjoy speaking Arabic.

Larkinn, you;re on ignore because you do NOT know how to debate.
Keep thinking you're some badass. I am sure your friends pat you on the back and lie to you to feed your ego.
Things would be much worse if Kerry was in charge.
Then again, I bet Larkinn would enjoy speaking Arabic.

Your right...AQ would have invaded and we would all be speaking Arabic. Wow...paranoid much?

Larkinn, you;re on ignore because you do NOT know how to debate.
Keep thinking you're some badass. I am sure your friends pat you on the back and lie to you to feed your ego.

Except that, as shown, I'm not even on ignore.
so, does anyone else have anything to add to the argument?

Lark, you have shown your inability to debate. When you decide to argue effectively, let me know. So far you are doing nothing but following me around to post thoughtless replies.
How old are you?
so, does anyone else have anything to add to the argument?

Lark, you have shown your inability to debate. When you decide to argue effectively, let me know. So far you are doing nothing but following me around to post thoughtless replies.
How old are you?

I am not following you around, you are posting all over the board. That and you amuse me. Although I do feel a bit bad for you. *sigh* has been pointed out (which surprise surprise, you didn't comment on) me saying you are a shithead has nothing to do with my inability to debate. It has to do with my confrontational style, and belief that you are indeed a shithead.

As for my age, I am 23. How old are you?
I am not following you around, you are posting all over the board. That and you amuse me. Although I do feel a bit bad for you. *sigh* has been pointed out (which surprise surprise, you didn't comment on) me saying you are a shithead has nothing to do with my inability to debate. It has to do with my confrontational style, and belief that you are indeed a shithead.

As for my age, I am 23. How old are you?
translated: I regurgitate everything my liberal professors teach me because I am petrified to think for myself.

Yes, you are confrontational, but without solid arguing skills, that is like fighting a war with a BB gun.

So tell me, what is it you hate about American culture?
What would you improve?
I am trying to reach out and understand your way of thinking.
translated: I regurgitate everything my liberal professors teach me because I am petrified to think for myself.

Umm, no.

Yes, you are confrontational, but without solid arguing skills, that is like fighting a war with a BB gun.

This from the person who said that morality is taught is a fact and that I should research it more...lmao you amuse me.

So tell me, what is it you hate about American culture?

What makes you think I hate American culture?

What would you improve?

Well the education system for one. It seems to have failed you spectacularly.
Well the education system for one. It seems to have failed you spectacularly.

see, this is what I meant. You cant debate without getting personal.

Permanent ignore it is for you, kid. You had a chance to wow us with all the knowledge you gained in school.
see, this is what I meant. You cant debate without getting personal.

I see no reason when confronted with assholes like you.

Permanent ignore it is for you, kid. You had a chance to wow us with all the knowledge you gained in school.

Wow, ignore again? How have I gotten so lucky to get ignored...what 5 or 6 times now by you? Its amazing...I guess the ignore feature doesn't work very well here.
Barkinn is a known terrorist lover and spouts their message on this board whenever given the chance. It is sick that we dont have prison camps for liberals.
I would like to take my fists for a spin in your face.

Better learn to show respect and allow room for difference of opinion or this shit will be your death knell IRL.

Id love for you to be near enough to my location to discover why such aggression would put a big ole smile on my face, lil guy.

also, just so you know... resorting to threats on an internet messageboard is a telltale sign of small genitalia. But hey, a smart guy like YOU shouldn't have to resort to such things, eh?


I guess, following your pattern, that you'll be the next person to cry about people using threats of violence against you....

Indeed, looks like the Troll Union just gathered another member.
why is it cowardly? He cant stick to topic, he prefers to get personal.
I dont want to waste time reading his drivel.

from the guy who just tried to debate with a physical threat...

I've seen your type on other boards, puss.. Your passive-aggressive self righteous silliness was a farce on the last board you infested and, im betting, will be no different here.



from the guy who just tried to debate with a physical threat...

I've seen your type on other boards, puss.. Your passive-aggressive self righteous silliness was a farce on the last board you infested and, im betting, will be no different here.

let me know when you grow up and want to actually debate something.

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