culture warriors on this board

the front page to a NEWSMAX level source?

didnt we go over this yesterday?

you might as well ask a nazi his opinion of hitlers final solution and youll have about the same amount of objectivity as ANYTHING you post as "facts".

but this little schtick of yours really isnt about anything political so much as it is a cry for attention, isnt it RSR?

We were talking about the poll that proves Dems are not interested in victory in Iraq

The same thread where MM wanted to ignore the party nreakdown numbers that proved the point
Well, I saw the post that said Bush was sleeping on the job when 911 hapened. Well, I think that we all in Ameica are sleeping on the job. We refuse to put up fences to protect our boarders because they think we will be called bigots. Well, to me it is about protecting who comes into America that could hurt our people. It is not bigotry to protect the people and country you love.

If someone wants to come into our country that is fine no matter where from if they apply and are checked out then great. But, if you come illegally to me you have already disrepected the laws and traditions of America and you get enough people here illegally that do not follow the laws or customs then as it is America is being riped apart from the inside. If they did not repect us enough to come in legally no telling what could happen while they are here.
If someone wants to come into our country that is fine no matter where from if they apply and are checked out then great. But, if you come illegally to me you have already disrepected the laws and traditions of America and you get enough people here illegally that do not follow the laws or customs then as it is America is being riped apart from the inside. If they did not repect us enough to come in legally no telling what could happen while they are here.

There is a very easy way to lower illegal immigration.

Ban corporate profit from it.

If an illegal alien wasnt able to get a job here, or a cell phone, bank account or a credit card, and drivers liscence, then immigration would drop like a rock.

The fact of the matter is, big business and the economy benefits from millions of illegals coming here, and they inturn pump money back into the economy.

They take jobs from people who dont want them, and they live the American dream by shopping at Walmart and getting into debt like everyone else.

Dont build a fence, cut off the enticing benefit of immigrating here.
If that is the baseline then Clinton kicks ass all over Bush because he didnt let us get attacked at home and there were only a few outside of the country.

Bush slept on the job and let 911 happen

You can blame Bubba for cutting defense spending, not Bush.
Get your shit straight.

You sound like Jillian, you both want America reduced to ashes.
You can blame Bubba for cutting defense spending, not Bush.
Get your shit straight.

You sound like Jillian, you both want America reduced to ashes.

Cutting defense spending had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. 9/11 was a failure of intel and, at least partially, the result of Bush ignoring his own PDB's. Thinking that I would want my home "reduced to ashes" is simply ignorant.
Cutting defense spending had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. 9/11 was a failure of intel and, at least partially, the result of Bush ignoring his own PDB's.
you need to learn history. It was a major factor.

Bubba was busy getting hummers, not concerned with national security.
btw, I see I have -286 points. apparently I am seen as the enemy.
Is it because I am a well educated white male from a middle class family?
although I pos reped you for crying about rep points I have to admit.. it's not because you are white OR because you think you are well educated..

It probably has more to do with your douchebag aproach to conversation without having the slightest interesting thing to say that a thousand assholes before have already posted.

just sayin.
although I pos reped you for crying about rep points I have to admit.. it's not because you are white OR because you think you are well educated..

It probably has more to do with your douchebag aproach to conversation without having the slightest interesting thing to say that a thousand assholes before have already posted.

just sayin.
I think I'll place you on ignore seeing as how you love to throw out personal attacks instead of getting involved in healthy debate.
btw, what is "pos reped"?
I think I'll place you on ignore seeing as how you love to throw out personal attacks instead of getting involved in healthy debate.
btw, what is "pos reped"?

go for it, lil guy. I'm sure that NO one here will see the irony of your crybaby accusation while reading how you pounced on Jillian today.

I guess if your tail fit's between your legs you might as well tuck it there.
go for it, lil guy. I'm sure that NO one here will see the irony of your crybaby accusation while reading how you pounced on Jillian today.

I guess if your tail fit's between your legs you might as well tuck it there.
unlike you, a liberal, I do not tuck my tail in and run.
No, I stand my ground and debate instead of getting personal like you and jillian have done repeatedly.
Stick to topic or get ignored.
I suggest you go find the nearest dictionary and find out what the word IRONY means. Your fake ass tantrum just doesn't hold water in light of your participation in other threads.

consistency, buddy. take it for a spin and see how you like it.
I suggest you go find the nearest dictionary and find out what the word IRONY means. Your fake ass tantrum just doesn't hold water in light of your participation in other threads.

consistency, buddy. take it for a spin and see how you like it.

I would like to take my fists for a spin in your face.

Better learn to show respect and allow room for difference of opinion or this shit will be your death knell IRL.
unlike you, a liberal, I do not tuck my tail in and run.
No, I stand my ground and debate instead of getting personal like you and jillian have done repeatedly.
Stick to topic or get ignored.
Yet you want to put him on ignore. a very cowardly thing to do.
unlike you, a liberal, I do not tuck my tail in and run.
No, I stand my ground and debate instead of getting personal like you and jillian have done repeatedly.
Stick to topic or get ignored.

Oh, the irony.

I would like to take my fists for a spin in your face.

Lmao...threats now?

Better learn to show respect and allow room for difference of opinion or this shit will be your death knell IRL.

Wow...chill out.

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