Cuomo calls out McConnell on Kentucky's federal freeloading

That in no way makes me or them responsible for the mismanaged, taker states.

It absolutely does because it's your elected reps who are allowing them to be dependent on the money being redistributed from your state to theirs.

Honestly, a third grader can understand this. Maybe that's why you're having problems grasping it.
They're assisting the victims of those failed states. It's the sentimentalism for outdated traditional livlihoods and resistance to change that has them mired. Both conservative traits. It's not surprising really that those most struggling are red states.
It's no coincidence because the federal government laid waste to the red states that were formerly in the Confederacy. Waging unlimited war on a people tends to make them poorer, especially when destroying their property is one of your main objectives. How many times did the Confederacy burn New York or Boston to the ground?

All you're proving is that you're an ignorant callous asshole.
You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat?
You're the one who seems confused.
There is a global pandemic, dope.
There is a declared national emergency.
There is a declared state emergency in NY.
NY is the national epicenter of this pandemic.

It's disaster relief, dope.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat.

Why should my tax money be used to subisize the welfare queens, illegals and greedy union assholes in the fiscally iresponbile Democrat controlled shithoe of New York? They have some of the highest taxes in the country. They can pay their own damn bills.
Its not, dope.
It's to refund the budget shortfall created by fighting the virus.
Maybe Cuomo should have been prepared. Maybe he shouldn’t have ignored or for a month.
You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat?
You're the one who seems confused.
There is a global pandemic, dope.
There is a declared national emergency.
There is a declared state emergency in NY.
NY is the national epicenter of this pandemic.

It's disaster relief, dope.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat.

Why should my tax money be used to subisize the welfare queens, illegals and greedy union assholes in the fiscally iresponbile Democrat controlled shithoe of New York? They have some of the highest taxes in the country. They can pay their own damn bills.
Its not, dope.
It's to refund the budget shortfall created by fighting the virus.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The city of New York and the state of New York was up shit's creek before the virus hit because of massive government spending by the Democrats. Money going to the welfare queens, Illegals (that were invited because of the morally reprehensible sanctuary status) and the greedy unions.

How about "you pay your bills and I'll pay mine"? Ever thought of that Moon Bat?

It is morally wrong to require fiscally responsible Americans in Heartland America to pay the bills of the fiscally irresponsible assholes of the Democrat controlled big city shitholes, isn't it?
That in no way makes me or them responsible for the mismanaged, taker states.

It absolutely does because it's your elected reps who are allowing them to be dependent on the money being redistributed from your state to theirs.

Honestly, a third grader can understand this. Maybe that's why you're having problems grasping it.
They're assisting the victims of those failed states. It's the sentimentalism for outdated traditional livlihoods and resistance to change that has them mired. Both conservative traits. It's not surprising really that those most struggling are red states.

You are confused about this Moon Bat.

The Federal money that flows into Red States mostly goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Like Atlanta in Georgia and Houston in Texas and Birmingham in Alabama and Memphis in Tennessee. Here in Florida it goes down to the Democrat shithole of the Miami metroplex. There are big bucks available to those that vote Democrat, no matter what state you are in.
But you love wealth redistribution, so what's the problem?
Do I?

Yes, you do, so you really have nobody but yourself to blame. You're the one who elects these politicians who want more centralized control in D.C. so they can divvy up slices of the pie based on who lobbies them the most or which Congressman has the most seniority. Then you come here and bellyache about "taker states." As I said initially, maybe the moral of the story here is that bigger, centralized government isn't the answer. Would California and New York be better off if most of their tax dollars never left their states in the first place so they can spend their own money on themselves instead of having to beg for it back?
This is a fact that so many who make the "taker state" argument fail to grasp.

But, then, the SALT tax exclusion had these fuckers screaming like stuck pigs.

So, really, what was happening was these "donor" states were getting all sorts of exemptions for their state income taxes and other local taxes and paying less in Fed income tax. When they were forced to pay the local taxes (California) AND not take the exclusion on the Fed income taxes, it became clear that these "donor" states were nothing more than areas with a higher cost of living which required higher incomes resulting in more tax revenue. It became obvious that a lowly unskilled worker had to make $100,000 a year just to afford basic living expenses.

FUNNY AS HELL to watch. It exposed the fuck out of these "donor" states.


But, then, the SALT tax exclusion had these fuckers screaming like stuck pigs.

That was AWESOME!
They are still freeloaders, moron.
Yes. Kentucky is.
So here is a little bit of fact.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

The national deficit is 22 trillion...Do you see a correlation? This war the LBJ started can never be won, so lets abolish this war, stop paying people to sit on their lazy liberal asses, put the people to work, and soon there is no debt, because the holes in the United States have now been put to work, thus more taxes to pay down the debt and no free money for those not willing to work, along with the government agency that is no longer needed....
Irrelevant nonsense.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaa,,you have nothing against people who game the system, keep paying people like you to do nothing they will continue to do nothing, like you..
Kentucky receives 148 billion more fed money than they put in.
New York puts in $116 billion more than they receive.
Yet Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wants no more federal aide for New York.

Maybe it has something to do with Cuomo sentencing the elderly to die by forcing NY Nursing Homes to take COVID-19-positive patients...sorta like releasing a 20' great white into a pool filled with seals. Maybe Ky needs more money because they are actually TRYING TO SAVE their citizens, which costs more than body bags?!
Pretty good argument for less government, isn't it? Now you see the problem when the federal government does more than it should.
Pretty good argument for less red welfare states.
Yeah, all those blue welfare cities in the red welfare states, cut off welfare and the whole state would be red.
LOL! No not likely. Think about what you just posted.
I did, dumbass, every fucking city that is run by a liberal mayor, has welfare so much that mostly minorities live in them. NYC, Chicago, St Louis, Cincinnati, and so on, people who have no reason to work, do drugs and kill each other. I know what the fuck i am talking about, you on the other hand see the inside of your rectum.

View attachment 327066
LOL! Apparently you didn't. Carry on little Orange Soldier.
Pretty good argument for less government, isn't it? Now you see the problem when the federal government does more than it should.
Pretty good argument for less red welfare states.
Yeah, all those blue welfare cities in the red welfare states, cut off welfare and the whole state would be red.
LOL! No not likely. Think about what you just posted.
I did, dumbass, every fucking city that is run by a liberal mayor, has welfare so much that mostly minorities live in them. NYC, Chicago, St Louis, Cincinnati, and so on, people who have no reason to work, do drugs and kill each other. I know what the fuck i am talking about, you on the other hand see the inside of your rectum.

View attachment 327066
LOL! Apparently you didn't. Carry on little Orange Soldier.
Hey butt plug, you deny that liberals love to keep their welfare pukes in the inner cites, so they can be controlled?
I always get a kick out of the left when they piss and moan about Americans using the programs that they themselves create.

I've been screaming this for years, when you create social programs and entitlements, you train people to accept them, and then to glory in them.

If you don't like seeing southern states using YOUR programs, then stop creating them dumbshits !
You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat?
You're the one who seems confused.
There is a global pandemic, dope.
There is a declared national emergency.
There is a declared state emergency in NY.
NY is the national epicenter of this pandemic.

It's disaster relief, dope.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat.

Why should my tax money be used to subisize the welfare queens, illegals and greedy union assholes in the fiscally iresponbile Democrat controlled shithoe of New York? They have some of the highest taxes in the country. They can pay their own damn bills.
Its not, dope.
It's to refund the budget shortfall created by fighting the virus.
Maybe Cuomo should have been prepared. Maybe he shouldn’t have ignored or for a month.
That wouldn't have removed the expense of fighting the virus, dope.
You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat?
You're the one who seems confused.
There is a global pandemic, dope.
There is a declared national emergency.
There is a declared state emergency in NY.
NY is the national epicenter of this pandemic.

It's disaster relief, dope.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat.

Why should my tax money be used to subisize the welfare queens, illegals and greedy union assholes in the fiscally iresponbile Democrat controlled shithoe of New York? They have some of the highest taxes in the country. They can pay their own damn bills.
Its not, dope.
It's to refund the budget shortfall created by fighting the virus.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The city of New York and the state of New York was up shit's creek before the virus hit because of massive government spending by the Democrats. Money going to the welfare queens, Illegals (that were invited because of the morally reprehensible sanctuary status) and the greedy unions.

How about "you pay your bills and I'll pay mine"? Ever thought of that Moon Bat?

It is morally wrong to require fiscally responsible Americans in Heartland America to pay the bills of the fiscally irresponsible assholes of the Democrat controlled big city shitholes, isn't it?
You're confused, dope.
NY is only asking for reimbursement of the budget shortfall created by the viral crisis.
You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat?
You're the one who seems confused.
There is a global pandemic, dope.
There is a declared national emergency.
There is a declared state emergency in NY.
NY is the national epicenter of this pandemic.

It's disaster relief, dope.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat.

Why should my tax money be used to subisize the welfare queens, illegals and greedy union assholes in the fiscally iresponbile Democrat controlled shithoe of New York? They have some of the highest taxes in the country. They can pay their own damn bills.
Its not, dope.
It's to refund the budget shortfall created by fighting the virus.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The city of New York and the state of New York was up shit's creek before the virus hit because of massive government spending by the Democrats. Money going to the welfare queens, Illegals (that were invited because of the morally reprehensible sanctuary status) and the greedy unions.

How about "you pay your bills and I'll pay mine"? Ever thought of that Moon Bat?

It is morally wrong to require fiscally responsible Americans in Heartland America to pay the bills of the fiscally irresponsible assholes of the Democrat controlled big city shitholes, isn't it?
You're confused, dope.
NY is only asking for reimbursement of the budget shortfall created by the viral crisis.

Every time we are turning around the assholes are asking for something. Last I heard is they want Heartland America to subsidize their budget shortfall. Despicable, isn't it?

Why don't they pay their own bills? Did you ever think of that? Heaven knows the sonofabitches have high enough taxes. They are not spending their money very wisely, are they?

Is it because the shitheads are spending it on welfare, illegals and bloated union salaries?

Piss on New York. Piss on Democrats. Piss on Moon Bats that elect the stupid Democrats.

Washington has no need to fund New York’s wasteful ways

With the coronavirus lockdown continuing to erode tax revenues, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has turned up the volume on his demands for a federal bailout of the New York state budget. In a weekend briefing, the governor repeated his estimate that the Empire State will need help closing a deficit of $10 billion to $15 billion. “I don’t have any funding to do what I normally do,” he said.

It’s reasonable to ask for federal help right now. But Congress shouldn’t feel compelled to subsidize what any state or local government “normally” does. New York’s budgetary “normal” would include funding $360 million a year in scheduled increases for unionized state-government employees, plus school aid to help underwrite more than $400 million in raises for teachers and other school-district employees outside the Big Apple.

Then there is Gotham, where Mayor Bill de Blasio is asking for his own federal bailout. His “normal” budget would include $1.5 billion in retroactive payments still owed to teachers and other city employees under Hizzoner’s backloaded first-term sweetheart deal with municipal unions.
The Democrats in New York didn't even bother to shut down their subways when they became the most infected city in the US.

Why give money to people that stupid?

They owe the rest of the country because their assholes fled and infected other parts of the country. We know that big time in Florida.

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